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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et
# Author: Hari Sekhon
# Date: 2020-09-24 18:02:04 +0100 (Thu, 24 Sep 2020)
2 years ago
# License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file
# If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish
# ============================================================================ #
# T e r r a f o r m
# ============================================================================ #
if ! [ -e ~/.tfenv/bin ] && is_mac; then
mkdir -p -v ~/.tfenv
tfenv_bin="$(find /usr/local/Cellar/tfenv -type d -name bin 2>/dev/null | head -n1)"
if [ -d "$tfenv_bin" ]; then
ln -sfv -- "$tfenv_bin" ~/.tfenv/bin
add_PATH ~/.tfenv/bin
# don't get this wrong or you'll get this error:
# ERRO[0000] fork/exec /Users/hari/.tfenv/bin: no such file or directory
# ERRO[0000] Unable to determine underlying exit code, so Terragrunt will exit with error code 1
if [ -x ~/.tfenv/bin/terraform ]; then
#export TERRAGRUNT_TFPATH=~/.tfenv/bin/ # it's full path to binary executable not a search $PATH!
# neweer versions of Mac seems to not create ~/.tfenv/bin/ terraform link and instead use /opt/homebrew/bin/terraform link to the tfenv Cellar path
export TERRAGRUNT_TFPATH=~/.tfenv/bin/terraform
elif ! [ -x "$TERRAGRUNT_TFPATH" ]; then
alias tf=terraform
alias tfp='tf plan'
alias tfa='tf apply'
alias tfip='tf init && tfp'
alias tfia='tf init && tfa'
alias tfaa='tfa -auto-approve'
alias tfiaa='tfia -auto-approve'
#complete -C /Users/hari/bin/terraform terraform
alias tffu='tf force-unlock -force'
# self-determine the lock
local lock_id
lock_id="$(terraform plan -input=false -no-color 2>&1 | grep -A 1 'Lock Info:' | awk '/ID:/{print $2}')"
terraform force-unlock -force "$lock_id"
alias tg=terragrunt
alias tgp='tg plan'
alias tga='tg apply'
alias tgip='tg init && tgp'
alias tgia='tg init && tga'
if [ -n "${github:-}" ]; then
for x in terraform-templates terraform tf; do
if [ -d "$github/$x" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2139
alias tft="cd '$github/$x'"
# local terraform_bin
# local terraform_version_number
# for terraform_bin in ~/bin/terraform[[:digit:]]*; do
# [ -x "$terraform_bin" ] || continue
# terraform_version_number="${terraform_bin##*/terraform}"
# # expand now
# # shellcheck disable=SC2139,SC2140
# alias "tf${terraform_version_number}"="$terraform_bin"
# complete -C "$terraform_bin" terraform
# complete -C "$terraform_bin" tf
# done
# terraform_bin="$(type -P terraform)"
# complete -C "$terraform_bin" terraform
# complete -C "$terraform_bin" tf