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322 lines
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9 years ago
# Author: Hari Sekhon
# Date: 2016-01-17 12:56:53 +0000 (Sun, 17 Jan 2016)
# vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:noet
2 years ago
9 years ago
# If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback
2 years ago
9 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
REPO := HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools
5 years ago
#CODE_FILES := $(shell find . -type f -name '*.sh' -o -type f -name '.bash*' | sort)
4 years ago
CODE_FILES := $(shell git ls-files | grep -E -e '\.sh$$' -e '\.bash[^/]*$$' -e '\.groovy$$' | sort)
5 years ago
5 years ago
CONF_FILES := $(shell sed "s/\#.*//; /^[[:space:]]*$$/d" setup/files.txt)
5 years ago
5 years ago
BASH_PROFILE_FILES := $(shell echo .bashrc .bash_profile .bash.d/*.sh)
5 years ago
#.PHONY: *
Repo specific options:
3 years ago
make install builds all script dependencies, installs AWS CLI, GitHub CLI, symlinks all config files to $$HOME and adds sourcing of bash profile
5 years ago
make link symlinks all config files to $$HOME and adds sourcing of bash profile
5 years ago
make unlink removes all symlinks pointing to this repo's config files and removes the sourcing lines from .bashrc and .bash_profile
5 years ago
make python-desktop installs all Python Pip packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/pip-packages-desktop.txt
make perl-desktop installs all Perl CPAN packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/cpan-packages-desktop.txt
make ruby-desktop installs all Ruby Gem packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/gem-packages-desktop.txt
make golang-desktop installs all Golang packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/go-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
make nodejs-desktop installs all NodeJS packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/npm-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
5 years ago
make desktop installs all of the above + many desktop OS packages listed in setup/
5 years ago
5 years ago
make mac-desktop all of the above + installs a bunch of major common workstation software packages like Ansible, Terraform, MiniKube, MiniShift, SDKman, Travis CI, CCMenu, Parquet tools etc.
4 years ago
make linux-desktop
5 years ago
make ls-scripts print list of scripts in this project, ignoring code libraries in lib/ and .bash.d/
3 years ago
make github-cli installs GitHub CLI
make kubernetes installs Kubernetes kubectl and kustomize to ~/bin/
make terraform installs Terraform to ~/bin/
5 years ago
make vim installs Vundle and plugins
4 years ago
make tmux installs TMUX TPM and plugin for kubernetes context
5 years ago
make ccmenu installs and (re)configures CCMenu to watch this and all other major HariSekhon GitHub repos
5 years ago
make status open the Github Status page of all my repos build statuses across all CI platforms
5 years ago
5 years ago
make aws installs AWS CLI tools
5 years ago
make azure installs Azure CLI
4 years ago
make gcp installs Google Cloud SDK
4 years ago
make aws-shell sets up AWS Cloud Shell: installs core packages and links configs
(maintains itself across future Cloud Shells via .aws_customize_environment hook)
5 years ago
make gcp-shell sets up GCP Cloud Shell: installs core packages and links configs
4 years ago
(maintains itself across future Cloud Shells via .customize_environment hook)
4 years ago
make azure-shell sets up Azure Cloud Shell (limited compared to gcp-shell, doesn't install OS packages since there is no sudo)
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
# not including azure here because it requires interactive prompt and hangs automatic testing of make docker-*
9 years ago
.PHONY: build
5 years ago
5 years ago
@echo ================
@echo Bash Tools Build
@echo ================
5 years ago
@$(MAKE) git-summary
@$(MAKE) init
3 years ago
@$(MAKE) system-packages aws github-cli
5 years ago
.PHONY: init
init: git
5 years ago
@echo "running init:"
5 years ago
git submodule update --init --recursive
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: install
3 years ago
install: build link aws gcp github-cli
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: unlink
5 years ago
@echo "Not removing any system packages for safety"
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: bash
bash: link
.PHONY: link
.PHONY: unlink
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: mac-desktop
mac-desktop: desktop
5 years ago
.PHONY: linux-desktop
linux-desktop: desktop
5 years ago
5 years ago
4 years ago
.PHONY: desktop
desktop: install
@if [ -x /sbin/apk ]; then $(MAKE) apk-packages-desktop; fi
@if [ -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then $(MAKE) apt-packages-desktop; fi
@if [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then $(MAKE) yum-packages-desktop; fi
@if [ -x /usr/local/bin/brew -a `uname` = Darwin ]; then $(MAKE) homebrew-packages-desktop; fi
@# do these late so that we have the above system packages installed first to take priority and not install from source where we don't need to
5 years ago
@$(MAKE) perl-desktop
@$(MAKE) golang-desktop
5 years ago
@$(MAKE) nodejs-desktop
4 years ago
@$(MAKE) ruby-desktop
@# no packages any more since jgrep is no longer found
5 years ago
@#$(MAKE) ruby-desktop
.PHONY: apk-packages-desktop
apk-packages-desktop: system-packages
@echo "Alpine desktop not supported at this time"
@exit 1
.PHONY: apt-packages-desktop
apt-packages-desktop: system-packages
5 years ago
NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/deb-packages-desktop.txt
.PHONY: yum-packages-desktop
yum-packages-desktop: system-packages
5 years ago
NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/rpm-packages-desktop.txt
.PHONY: homebrew-packages-desktop
5 years ago
homebrew-packages-desktop: system-packages homebrew
.PHONY: homebrew
homebrew: system-packages brew
.PHONY: brew
5 years ago
NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/brew-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 CASK=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/brew-packages-desktop-casks.txt
5 years ago
NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 TAP=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/brew-packages-desktop-taps.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: perl-desktop
4 years ago
perl-desktop: system-packages cpan-desktop
5 years ago
4 years ago
.PHONY: cpan-desktop
cpan-desktop: cpan
NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/cpan-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: golang-desktop
5 years ago
golang-desktop: system-packages go-desktop
.PHONY: go-desktop
go-desktop: system-packages go
.PHONY: go
NO_FAIL=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/go-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: ruby-desktop
4 years ago
ruby-desktop: system-packages gem-desktop
5 years ago
4 years ago
.PHONY: gem-desktop
gem-desktop: gem
5 years ago
NO_FAIL=1 $(BASH_TOOLS)/ setup/gem-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: python-desktop
4 years ago
python-desktop: system-packages pip-desktop
5 years ago
.PHONY: pip
4 years ago
pip-desktop: pip
5 years ago
./ setup/pip-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: nodejs-desktop
4 years ago
nodejs-desktop: system-packages npm-desktop
5 years ago
4 years ago
.PHONY: npm-desktop
npm-desktop: npm
5 years ago
$(BASH_TOOLS)/ $(BASH_TOOLS)/setup/npm-packages-desktop.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: aws
5 years ago
aws: system-packages python-version
5 years ago
3 years ago
@# needed for and dependent GitHub Actions workflows
3 years ago
@grep '^git-remote-codecommit' requirements.txt | ./ || :
5 years ago
4 years ago
.PHONY: aws-shell
@if [ "${AWS_EXECUTION_ENV:-}" != "CloudShell" ]; then echo "Not running inside AWS Cloud Shell"; exit 1; fi
@$(MAKE) system-packages aws link
5 years ago
.PHONY: azure
azure: system-packages
5 years ago
.PHONY: azure-shell
azure-shell: link
5 years ago
.PHONY: gcp
gcp: system-packages
4 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: gcp-shell
5 years ago
@if [ -z "${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID:-}" ]; then echo "Not running inside Google Cloud Shell"; exit 1; fi
@$(MAKE) system-packages link
5 years ago
3 years ago
.PHONY: github-cli
github-cli: ~/bin/gh
4 years ago
.PHONY: kubernetes
kubernetes: kubectl kustomize
.PHONY: k8s
k8s: kubernetes
.PHONY: kubectl
kubectl: ~/bin/kubectl
.PHONY: kustomize
kustomize: ~/bin/kustomize
5 years ago
.PHONY: vim
4 years ago
vim: ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
4 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: tmux
4 years ago
tmux: ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/kube.tmux
5 years ago
4 years ago
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
5 years ago
wget -O ~/.tmux/plugins/kube.tmux
9 years ago
.PHONY: test
5 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
.PHONY: clean
9 years ago
5 years ago
@rm -fv setup/
5 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: ls-scripts
4 years ago
@$(MAKE) ls | grep -v -e 'lib/' -e '\.bash'
5 years ago
4 years ago
.PHONY: ls-scripts2
4 years ago
@$(MAKE) ls | grep -v -e 'lib/' -e '\.bash' -e 'setup/'
4 years ago
5 years ago
.PHONY: wcbashrc
@printf "Total Bash Profile files: "
@ls $(BASH_PROFILE_FILES) | wc -l
.PHONY: wcbash
wcbash: wcbashrc
.PHONY: wcbashrc2
@printf "Total Bash Profile files: "
@ls $(BASH_PROFILE_FILES) | wc -l
@printf "Total line count without # comments: "
@ls $(BASH_PROFILE_FILES) | xargs sed 's/#.*//;/^[[:space:]]*$$/d' | wc -l
.PHONY: wcbash2
wcbash2: wcbashrc2
5 years ago
.PHONY: pipreqs-mapping
4 years ago
#wget -O resources/pipreqs_mapping.txt
wget -O resources/pipreqs_mapping.txt
5 years ago
.PHONY: pip-mapping
pip-mapping: pipreqs-mapping
4 years ago
.PHONY: status-page
./; . .bash.d/; gitu