updated .vimrc

Hari Sekhon 5 years ago
parent d475c209a4
commit 45c600baae

@ -171,6 +171,15 @@ if has("autocmd")
au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.hta setfiletype html
augroup end
" autocmd FileType c,cpp,java,scala let b:comment_char = '//'
" autocmd FileType sh,perl,python let b:comment_char = '#'
" autocmd FileType ruby let b:comment_char = '#'
" autocmd FileType conf,dockerfile,fstab let b:comment_char = '#'
" autocmd FileType sql let b:comment_char = '--'
" autocmd FileType tex let b:comment_char = '%'
" autocmd FileType mail let b:comment_char = '>'
" autocmd FileType vim let b:comment_char = '"'
" headtail.py is useful to see the top things to fix and the score on each run and can be found in the
" https://github.com/HariSekhon/Python-DevOps-Tools repo which should be downloaded, run 'make' and add to $PATH
au BufNew,BufRead *.py nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; pylint "%" \| headtail.py<CR>
@ -269,6 +278,9 @@ nmap ;w :w<CR>
"nmap ;x :x<CR>
nmap ;§ :call ToggleScrollLock()<CR>
"noremap <silent> ,cc :<C-B>silent <C-E>s/^/<C-R>=escape(b:comment_char,'\/')<CR>/<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>
"noremap <silent> ,cu :<C-B>silent <C-E>s/^\V<C-R>=escape(b:comment_char,'\/')<CR>//e<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>
" reloading with these didn't fix above pipe disabling arrow keys but
" adding a terminal reset after the pipe command did fix it
"noremap <Up> <Up>
@ -289,6 +301,16 @@ function! ToggleSyntax()
"function! ToggleComment()
" let comment_prefix = '^' . b:comment_char
" echo comment_prefix
" if getline('.') =~ comment_prefix
" :s/^\=get(b:comment_char)//
" else
" :s/^/\=get(b:comment_char)/
" endif
" setting this high keeps cursor in middle of screen
":set so=999
function! ToggleScrollLock()
