tweaked colors, set up sections for colors and diff-so-fancy

Hari Sekhon 5 years ago
parent eb05343692
commit 6e2bef4886

@ -14,9 +14,13 @@
# detects filemode changes
filemode = true
# defaults to $VISUAL or $EDITOR which is set in .bash.d/
#editor = vim
# global .gitignore
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
#whitespace = trailing-space,space-before-tab
# default = current
default = simple
@ -49,6 +53,23 @@
# Show files ignored by git:
ign = ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard
# avoid diff-so-fancy so we can create patches
patch = !git --no-pager diff --no-color
# autocorrects git commands and executes the inferred command
# dangerous this just autocorrected my git rename to git rebase, lucky it errored out...
autocorrect = 0
# ============================================================================ #
# G i t C o l o r
# ============================================================================ #
# colors: normal, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
# effects: bold, dim, ul, blink and reverse
# if 2 colours given - 1st is foreground, 2nd is background
ui = auto
diff = auto
@ -58,19 +79,25 @@
# for specific overrides, otherwise may break gitci and related functions
status = auto
branch = auto
[color "branch"]
current = green ul
local = yellow
remote = red # default
plain = white
[color "diff"]
new = green
old = red # default
plain = white
whitespace = yellow reverse
func = yellow
frag = cyan # default
meta = green bold # default
#frag = cyan # default
#meta = green bold # default
# from diff-so-fancy
meta = 11
frag = magenta bold
[color "grep"]
context = white
filename = cyan
@ -79,6 +106,7 @@
match = red
selected = yellow
separator = white
[color "status"]
added = magenta
changed = red
@ -86,16 +114,7 @@
branch = magenta blink
nobranch = red blink
# stick this in ~/.gitconfig.local if diff-so-fancy is installed
# pager = diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX
[color "diff-highlight"]
oldNormal = red bold
oldHighlight = red bold 52
newNormal = green bold
newHighlight = green bold 22
# diff-so-fancy but I prefer most of my old preferences
#[color "diff"]
# meta = 11
# frag = magenta bold
@ -104,12 +123,34 @@
# new = green bold
# whitespace = red reverse
# ============================================================================ #
# D i f f - s o - f a n c y
# ============================================================================ #
# detected if installed and set via $GIT_PAGER in .bash.d/
# pager = diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX
# don't set --pattern, overrides -F and doesn't quit less automatically for short diffs
#diff = diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX --pattern '^(Date|added|deleted|modified): '
#diff = diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX
# truncate lines in less, only for 'git blame'
#blame = less -S
[color "diff-highlight"]
#oldNormal = red bold
#oldHighlight = red bold 52
oldHighlight = normal red
#newNormal = green bold
#newNormal = green bold
newHighlight = normal green
stripLeadingSymbols = false
# dangerous this just autocorrected my git rename to git rebase, lucky it errored out...
autocorrect = 0
# ============================================================================ #
#[difftool "sourcetree"]
# cmd = opendiff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
