diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index 39f46880..d516025e 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -340,7 +340,9 @@ nmap ;G :w :! bash -ic 'cd "%:p:h" && git log -p "%:t"' nmap ;L :w :! bash -ic 'cd "%:p:h" && git log -p' nmap ;. :w :! bash -ic 'cd "%:p:h" && pull' nmap ;[ :w :! bash -ic 'cd "%:p:h" && push' -nmap ;u :w :! grep -vi harisekhon "%" \| urlview : +" write then grep all URLs that are not mine, followed by all URLs that are mine in reverse order to urlview +" this is so that 3rd party URLs followed by my URLs from within the body of files get higher priority than my header links +nmap ;u :w :! bash -c 'grep -vi harisekhon "%" ; grep -i harisekhon "%" \| tail -r' \| urlview : " pass current line as stdin to urlview to quickly go to this url " messes up interactive vim (disables vim's arrow keys) - calling a terminal reset fixes it "nmap ;U :.w !urlview :!reset