diff --git a/setup/brew-packages-desktop.txt b/setup/brew-packages-desktop.txt index ad9c0027..7fccf4a1 100644 --- a/setup/brew-packages-desktop.txt +++ b/setup/brew-packages-desktop.txt @@ -248,6 +248,8 @@ sslscan ssh-copy-id stats # fancier Activity Monitor #subversion # pulls in brew version of Perl which breaks library installations due to this horror - https://github.com/toddr/IO-Tty/issues/25 +#terraform # use tfenv with direnv to match your company's version and avoid accidentally upgrading the tfstate +terragrunt #terraformer # large, install only if actively using tfenv # Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv tfsec # Terraform static analysis by AquaSec