updated gcp_info.sh

Hari Sekhon 4 years ago
parent e0470e2073
commit 7421f66c9a

@ -54,13 +54,21 @@ Lists in this order:
- DNS managed zones & verified domains
- Cloud Storage Buckets
- GKE Clusters
- Kubernetes deployments, services, jobs, cronjobs and pods deployed in all namespaces on each GKE cluster
- Kubernetes, for every GKE cluster:
- cluster-info
- master component statuses
- nodes
- namespaces
- deployments, replicasets, replication controllers, statefulsets, daemonsets, horizontal pod autoscalers
- storage classes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims
- service accounts, resource quotas, network policies, pod security policies
- pods # might be too volumous if you have high replica counts, so done last, comment if you're sure nobody has deployed pods outside deployments
- Dataflow jobs
- PubSub topics
- BigTable clusters and instances
- Datastore Indexes
Will temporarily switch the core.project setting (sets back to previous on exit or any error)
Can optionally specify a project id to switch to and list info for (will switch back to original project on any exit except kill -9)
# used by usage() in lib/utils.sh
@ -88,9 +96,10 @@ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
# GCloud SDK tools versions
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# G C l o u d
# G C l o u d S D K
# ============================================================================ #
@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ echo
#bq version
# Organizations
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
@ -117,6 +127,7 @@ EOF
gcloud organizations list
# Auth & Config
cat <<EOF
@ -135,15 +146,20 @@ echo
gcloud config list
# Project
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# P r o j e c t
# P r o j e c t s
# ============================================================================ #
echo "Projects:"
gcloud projects list
echo "Checking project is configured..."
# unreliable only errors when not initially set, but gives (unset) if you were to 'gcloud config unset project'
#if ! gcloud config get-value project &>/dev/null; then
@ -153,19 +169,17 @@ echo "Checking project is configured..."
if ! gcloud info --format="get(config.project)" | grep -q .; then
cat <<EOF
ERROR: You need to set the Google Cloud project first
Select from one of the following projects IDs:
ERROR: You need to configure your Google Cloud project first
gcloud projects list
cat <<EOF
Select one from the project IDs above:
gcloud config set project <id>
exit 1
# Services & APIs Enabled
cat <<EOF
LISTING INFO FOR PROJECT: $(gcloud info --format="get(config.project)")
@ -177,23 +191,37 @@ LISTING INFO FOR PROJECT: $(gcloud info --format="get(config.project)")
echo "getting list of all services & APIs (will use this to determine which services to list based on what is enabled)"
# Don't change order of headings here as is_services_enabled() below depends on this
services_list="$(gcloud services list --available --format "table[no-heading](state, config.name, config.title)")"
# must be the api path, eg. file.googleapis.com
local service="$1"
service="${service//./\.}" # escape dots for grep
grep -Ei "^ENABLED[[:space:]]+$service" <<< "$services_list"
echo "Services Enabled:"
gcloud services list --enabled
#cat <<EOF
# Secrets
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# S e c r e t s
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud secrets list
gcloud secrets list
# Service Accounts
cat <<EOF
@ -206,6 +234,7 @@ EOF
gcloud iam service-accounts list
# GCE Virtual Machines
cat <<EOF
@ -220,6 +249,7 @@ EOF
gcloud compute instances list --sort-by=ZONE
# Cloud SQL instances
cat <<EOF
@ -232,6 +262,7 @@ EOF
gcloud sql instances list
# App instances
cat <<EOF
@ -244,6 +275,7 @@ EOF
gcloud app instances list
# Cloud Functions
cat <<EOF
@ -256,6 +288,7 @@ EOF
gcloud functions list
# Networking
cat <<EOF
@ -305,6 +338,7 @@ echo "Routes:"
gcloud compute routes list
# Firewalls
cat <<EOF
@ -322,7 +356,7 @@ echo
echo "Forwarding Rules:"
gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
cat <<EOF
@ -336,6 +370,8 @@ gcloud dns managed-zones list
gcloud domains list-user-verified
# Cloud Storage Buckets
cat <<EOF
@ -348,7 +384,25 @@ EOF
gsutil ls
# Cloud Filestore
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# C l o u d F i l e s t o r e
# ============================================================================ #
if is_service_enabled file.googleapis.com; then
gcloud filestore instances list
echo "Cloud Filestore API not enabled, skipping..."
# TODO: prompts to set up - determine if set up before calling
# Cloud Run
#cat <<EOF
@ -361,6 +415,7 @@ gsutil ls
#gcloud run services list
# GKE clusters
cat <<EOF
@ -373,41 +428,47 @@ EOF
gcloud container clusters list
# Kubernetes
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# G K E P o d s
# G K E D e p l o y m e n t s
# ============================================================================ #
while read -r cluster zone; do
cat <<EOF
# ======================================================= #
# GKE Cluster: $cluster
# ======================================================= #
# ======================================================= #
# GKE Cluster: $cluster
# ======================================================= #
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$cluster" --zone "$zone"
kubectl get --all-namespaces deployments,services,jobs,cronjobs,pods
done < <(gcloud container clusters list --format='value(name,zone)')
# TODO: detect if the API is enabled and only then run this
#cat <<EOF
# Dataproc clusters
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# D a t a p r o c C l u s t e r s
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud dataproc clusters list --region all
if is_service_enabled dataproc.googleapis.com; then
gcloud dataproc clusters list --region all
echo "Dataproc service API not enabled, skipping..."
# Dataflow jobs
cat <<EOF
@ -417,21 +478,28 @@ cat <<EOF
# this works even when set to DISABLED
#if is_service_enabled dataflow.googleapis.com; then
gcloud dataflow jobs list --region=all
# TODO: figure out if enabled before calling
#cat <<EOF
# Cloud MemoryStore Redis
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# C l o u d M e m o r y S t o r e R e d i s
# C l o u d M e m o r y s t o r e R e d i s
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud redis instances list --region all
if is_service_enabled redis.googleapis.com; then
gcloud redis instances list --region all
echo "Cloud Memorystore Redis API is not enabled, skipping..."
# PubSub topics
cat <<EOF
@ -441,9 +509,14 @@ cat <<EOF
gcloud pubsub topics list
if is_service_enabled pubsub.googleapis.com; then
gcloud pubsub topics list
echo "Cloud PubSub API is not enabled, skipping..."
# BigTable clusters and instances
cat <<EOF
@ -453,6 +526,8 @@ cat <<EOF
# these work even though bigtable.googleapis.com is DISABLED
# if is_service_enabled bigtable.googleapis.com; then
echo "Clusters:"
gcloud bigtable clusters list
@ -460,6 +535,7 @@ echo "Instances:"
gcloud bigtable instances list
# Datastore Indexes
cat <<EOF
@ -469,63 +545,68 @@ cat <<EOF
gcloud datastore indexes list
# TODO: figure out if enabled before calling
#cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# C l o u d B u i l d s
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud builds list
if is_service_enabled datastore.googleapis.com; then
gcloud datastore indexes list
echo "Datastore API is not enabled, skipping..."
# TODO: figure out if enabled before calling
#cat <<EOF
# Source Repos
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# D e p l o y m e n t M a n a g e r
# S o u r c e R e p o s
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud deployment-manager deployments list
if is_service_enabled sourcerepo.googleapis.com; then
gcloud source repos list
echo "Source Repos API (sourcerepo.googleapis.com) is not enabled, skipping..."
# TODO: figure out if enabled before calling
#cat <<EOF
# Cloud Builds
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# S o u r c e R e p o s
# C l o u d B u i l d s
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud source repos list
if is_service_enabled cloudbuild.googleapis.com; then
gcloud builds list
echo "Cloud Builds API (cloudbuild.googleapis.com) is not enabled, skipping..."
# TODO: figure out if enabled before calling
#cat <<EOF
# Deployment Manager
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# C l o u d F i l e s t o r e
# D e p l o y m e n t M a n a g e r
# ============================================================================ #
#gcloud filestore instances list
if is_service_enabled deploymentmanager.googleapis.com; then
gcloud deployment-manager deployments list
echo "Deployment Manager API (deploymentmanager.googleapis.com) is not enabled, skipping..."
# Finished
cat <<EOF
# ============================================================================ #
# Finished listing resources for GCP Project $(gcloud config list --format="value(core.project)")
# ============================================================================ #
