updated .psqlrc

Hari Sekhon 4 years ago
parent af0e2f9694
commit b5793f4195

@ -37,9 +37,10 @@
-- then later set
--\set QUIET OFF
-- fancy prompt
-- ========================================================================== --
-- P r o m p t
-- ========================================================================== --
-- %M fqdn
-- %m hostname / local for socket
-- %> port
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
\set PROMPT2 '[continue] %R > '
-- ========================================================================== --
-- jump to your SQL scripts directory (this is done in postgres.sh)
--\cd ~/github/sql
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
-- ascii art tables
\pset border 2
-- ========================================================================== --
-- set to 'off' if inside a terminal multiplexer (screen, tmux)
--\pset pager on
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
\! printf "Encoding: "
-- ========================================================================== --
-- interactively disables transaction rollbacks to fix things interactively, change of default behaviour might confuse though
--\set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK interactive
@ -181,15 +182,57 @@
--\! echo
-- set useful variables
-- call like this - :reload OR :r
-- or interpolate them into queries eg. SELECT * FROM :tablename;
-- for local settings
-- XXX: see if there is a way to check for existence and source only then
--\i ~/.psqlrc.local
-- =========
-- Variables
-- \set myvar literal
-- call like
-- :myvar
-- or interpolate them into queries eg.
-- SELECT * FROM :tablename;
-- single quote the value to treat as an SQL literal :'select'
-- double quote the value to treat as a SQL identifier :"tablename"
-- ========================================================================== --
-- Q u e r y A l i a s e s
-- ========================================================================== --
\set reload '\\i ~/.psqlrc'
\set r '\\i ~/.psqlrc'
\echo 'Query Aliases & Shortcuts:'
-- for local settings
-- XXX: see if there is a way to check for existence and source only then
--\i ~/.psqlrc.local
\echo '\t' ':backends' '\t' 'List number of connected backends per database'
\set backends 'SELECT datname,numbackends FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_database ORDER BY numbackends DESC, datname ASC;'
\echo '\t' ':uptime' '\t' 'Print postmaster uptime in seconds'
\set uptime 'select date_trunc(\'second\', current_timestamp - pg_postmaster_start_time() ) as uptime;'
\echo '\t' ':ls' '\t\t' 'Lists files in $PWD'
\echo '\t' ':ll' '\t\t' 'Lists files in $PWD with timestamps'
\echo '\t' ':lt' '\t\t' 'Lists files in $PWD by timestamps ascending'
\set ls '\\! ls;'
\set ll '\\! ls -l;'
\set lt '\\! ls -ltr;'
\echo '\t' ':reload' '\t' 'Reload ~/.psqlrc'
\echo '\t' ':r' '\t\t' 'Reload ~/.psqlrc'
\echo 'Many more excellent queries are available at:'
\echo '\t' 'https://github.com/HariSekhon/SQL-scripts'
