updated github_repos_mirror_to_gitlab.sh

Hari Sekhon 3 years ago
parent 755feb3790
commit c5369b7756

@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ Cron this script as per your preferred backup schedule
If no repos are given, iterates all non-fork repos for the current user or GitHub organization
Each repo will have the same name in GitLab as it does on GitHub
Each repo will have the same name in GitLab as it does on GitHub, but characters other than alphanumeric/dash/underscores will be replaced by underscore,
and any leading special characters will be removed to meet GitLab's repo naming requirements eg. a repo called '.test' on GitHub will mirrored to just 'test' on GitLab
Requires \$GITHUB_TOKEN AND \$GITLAB_TOKEN to be set as well as a locally available SSH key for cloning/pull/push
@ -99,13 +100,15 @@ failed=0
local repo="$1"
gitlab_repo="$("$srcdir/urlencode.sh" <<< "$gitlab_owner/$repo")"
timestamp "Checking GitLab repo '$gitlab_owner/$repo' exists"
if ! "$srcdir/gitlab_api.sh" "/projects/$gitlab_repo" >/dev/null; then
timestamp "Creating GitLab repo '$gitlab_owner/$repo'"
# GitLab doesn't allow repo name like .github, only alnum, dashes and underscores, and not starting funny chars either
gitlab_repo="$(sed 's/[^[:alnum:]_-]/_/g; s/^[^[:alnum:]]//' <<< "$repo")"
gitlab_owner_repo="$("$srcdir/urlencode.sh" <<< "$gitlab_owner/$gitlab_repo")"
timestamp "Checking GitLab repo '$gitlab_owner/$gitlab_repo' exists"
if ! "$srcdir/gitlab_api.sh" "/projects/$gitlab_owner_repo" >/dev/null; then
timestamp "Creating GitLab repo '$gitlab_owner/$gitlab_repo'"
# only available for admins
#"$srcdir/gitlab_api.sh" "/projects/user/$gitlab_id" -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"$repo\", \"visibility\": \"private\" }" >/dev/null
"$srcdir/gitlab_api.sh" "/projects" -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"$repo\", \"visibility\": \"private\" }" >/dev/null
#"$srcdir/gitlab_api.sh" "/projects/user/$gitlab_id" -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"$gitlab_repo\", \"visibility\": \"private\" }" >/dev/null
"$srcdir/gitlab_api.sh" "/projects" -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"$gitlab_repo\", \"visibility\": \"private\" }" >/dev/null
echo >&2
if [ -d "$repo.git" ]; then
@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ mirror_repo(){
if ! git remotes -v | awk '{print $1}' | grep -Fxq gitlab; then
timestamp "Adding GitLab remote origin"
git remotes add gitlab git@gitlab.com:"$gitlab_owner/$repo"
git remotes add gitlab git@gitlab.com:"$gitlab_owner/$gitlab_repo"
echo >&2
timestamp "Pushing all branches to GitLab"
