updated README.md

Hari Sekhon 4 months ago
parent ba91f4532a
commit e8217d0546

@ -292,14 +292,14 @@ etc.
`yes | delete_duplicate_files.sh`. This is a fast way of cleaning up your `~/Downloads` directory and can be put your
user crontab
- `curl_auth.sh` - shortens `curl` command by auto-loading your OAuth2 / JWT API token or username & password from environment variables or interactive starred password prompt through a ram file descriptor to avoid placing them on the command line (which would expose your credentials in the process list or OS audit log files). Used by many other adjacent API querying scripts
- `ldapsearch.sh` - shortens `ldapsearch` command by inferring switches from environment variables
- `ldap_user_recurse.sh` / `ldap_group_recurse.sh` - recurse Active Directory LDAP users upwards to find all parent groups, or groups downwards to find all nested users (useful for debugging LDAP integration and group-based permissions)
- `find_duplicate_files*.sh` - finds duplicate files by size and/or checksum in given directory trees. Checksums are only done on files that already have matching byte counts for efficiency
- `find_broken_links.sh` - find broken links with delays to avoid tripping defenses
- `find_broken_symlinks.sh` - find broken symlinks pointing to non-existent files/directories
- `http_duplicate_urls.sh` - find duplicate URLs in a given web page
- `jvm_heaps*.sh` - show all your Java heap sizes for all running Java processes, and their total MB (for performance tuning and sizing)
- `log_timestamp_large_intervals.sh` - finds log lines whose timestamp intervals exceed the given number of seconds and outputs those log lines with the difference between the last and current timestamps
- `ldapsearch.sh` - shortens `ldapsearch` command by inferring switches from environment variables
- `ldap_user_recurse.sh` / `ldap_group_recurse.sh` - recurse Active Directory LDAP users upwards to find all parent groups, or groups downwards to find all nested users (useful for debugging LDAP integration and group-based permissions)
- `log_timestamp_large_intervals.sh` - finds log lines whose timestamp intervals exceed the given number of seconds and outputs those log lines with the difference between the last and current timestamps. Useful to find actions that are taking a long time from log files such as CI/CD logs
- `mac_diff_settings.sh` - takes before and after snapshots of UI setting changes and diffs them to make it easy to find `defaults` keys to add to `setup/mac_settings.sh` to save settings
- `mac_iso_to_usb.sh` - converts a given ISO file to a USB bootable image and burns it onto a given or detected inserted USB drive
- `copy_to_clipboard.sh - copies stdin or string arg to system clipboard on Linux or Mac
