updated .vimrc

Hari Sekhon 3 years ago
parent b6dc20fdb1
commit f1351b30c6

@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ function! WriteRunLine()
" TODO: consider switching this to go build and then run the binary as
" this gets stdout only at the end so things like welcome.go don't get
" the transition effects when run like this
:.w ! sed 's/^[[:space:]]*\#// ; s|\$0|./%| ; s|\${0\#\#\*\/}|./%|' | xargs go run 2>&1 | less
:.w ! sed 's/^[[:space:]]*\#// ; s|\$0|%:p| ; s|\${0\#\#\*\/}|%:p|' | xargs go run 2>&1 | less
elseif expand('%:t') == 'Makefile' " || expand('%:t') == 'Makefile.in'
let target = split(getline('.'), ':')[0]
call Make(target)
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ function! WriteRunLine()
" super crafy hack to get jq options injected via jq() function from interactive profile without doing
" bash -i which causes prompt issues and 'no job control' message, and tee'ing to /dev/stderr instead of
" using set -x which would exposing the inner workings and obscure the executed command
.w ! sed 's/^[[:space:]]*\#// ; s|\$0|./%| ; s|\${0\#\#\*\/}|./%|' | bash -c '. $bash_tools/.bash.d/aliases.sh; . $bash_tools/.bash.d/functions.sh; eval "$(cat | tee /dev/stderr)"' 2>&1 | less
.w ! sed 's/^[[:space:]]*\#// ; s|\$0|%:p| ; s|\${0\#\#\*\/}|%:p|' | bash -c '. $bash_tools/.bash.d/aliases.sh; . $bash_tools/.bash.d/functions.sh; eval "$(cat | tee /dev/stderr)"' 2>&1 | less
:silent exec "!echo; read -p 'Press enter to return to vim'"
