#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-03-28 11:49:22 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2020) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help improve or steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # # Start a quick local Concourse CI set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/lib/git.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_description=" Boots Jenkins CI in Docker, and builds the current repo - boots Jenkins container in Docker - installs plugins - prints admin credentials - creates job from \$PWD/setup/jenkins-job.xml - using pipeline from \$PWD/Jenkinsfile - enables job - builds job - prints Jenkins UI URL and on Mac opens it in browser ${0##*/} [up] ${0##*/} down ${0##*/} ui - prints the Teamcity Server URL and on Mac automatically opens in browser Idempotent, you can re-run this and continue from any stage See Also: jenkins_cli.sh - this script makes heavy use of it to handle API calls with authentication as part of the setup " # used by usage() in lib/utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_args="[ up | down | ui ]" help_usage "$@" export JENKINS_HOST="${DOCKER_HOST:-localhost}" export JENKINS_PORT=8080 export JENKINS_URL="http://$JENKINS_HOST:$JENKINS_PORT" cli="$srcdir/jenkins_cli.sh" #repo="${PWD##*/}" #git_repo="$(git remote -v | grep github.com | sed 's/.*github.com/https:\/\/github.com/; s/ .*//')" git_repo="$(git_repo)" repo="${git_repo##*/}" job="$repo" job_xml="setup/jenkins-job.xml" Jenkinsfile=Jenkinsfile export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="bash-tools" export COMPOSE_FILE="$srcdir/setup/jenkins-docker-compose.yml" plugins_txt="$srcdir/setup/jenkins-plugins.txt" if ! type docker-compose &>/dev/null; then "$srcdir/install_docker_compose.sh" fi action="${1:-up}" shift || : print_creds(){ password="$("$srcdir/jenkins_password.sh" || :)" if [ -n "$password" ]; then cat <&2 elif [ "$action" = restart ]; then docker-compose down echo >&2 exec "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" up elif [ "$action" = ui ]; then echo "Jenkins URL: $JENKINS_URL" print_creds if is_mac; then open "$JENKINS_URL" fi exit 0 else docker-compose "$action" "$@" echo >&2 exit 0 fi when_jenkins_up(){ when_url_content 90 "$JENKINS_URL/login" '(?i:jenkins|hudson)' echo } when_jenkins_up timestamp "Installing plugins" # would be slow to do this via jenkins-cli # sed 's/#.*//; s/:.*//; /^[[:space:]]*$/d' setup/jenkins-plugins.txt | while read plugin; do jenkins_cli.sh install-plugin "$plugin"; done docker-compose exec -T jenkins-server /usr/local/bin/install-plugins.sh < "$plugins_txt" echo # if this fails then the the CLI commands will also fail because they use a similar mechanism to find the admin password from the container to authenticate with the Jenkins API print_creds if ! "$cli" list-plugins | grep -q .; then timestamp "Restarting Jenkins to pick up plugins:" #"$cli" restart #when_ports_down 300 "$JENKINS_HOST" "$JENKINS_PORT" docker-compose restart jenkins-server "$@" when_jenkins_up fi SECONDS=0 while [ "$SECONDS" -lt 300 ]; do if "$cli" list-plugins | grep -q .; then echo break fi timestamp "waiting for Jenkins to finish initializing and list plugins" sleep 1 done for filename in "$Jenkinsfile" "$job_xml"; do if ! [ -f "$filename" ]; then timestamp "Jenkins configuration file '$filename' not found" echo >&2 timestamp "Skipping loading missing pipeline" echo >&2 timestamp "Re-run this from the root directory of a repo containing '$Jenkinsfile' and '$job_xml' to auto-load a pipeline" exit 0 fi done # XXX: this fails if the plugins haven't been loaded properly # XXX: you'll also get this error trying to run the job's pipeline: # java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'pipeline' found among steps timestamp "Validating Jenkinsfile" "$cli" declarative-linter < "$Jenkinsfile" echo timestamp "Creating / Updating job - $job:" if "$cli" list-jobs | grep -q "^$job$"; then timestamp "job already exists, updating..." "$cli" update-job "$job" < "$job_xml" else timestamp "job does not exist, creating..." "$cli" create-job "$job" < "$job_xml" fi echo timestamp "Enabling job - $job:" "$cli" enable-job "$job" echo # -f waits for build # -v prints build contents timestamp "Building job - $job and tailing output:" "$cli" build -f -v "$job" #echo "Tailing last build:" #"$cli" console "$job" -f