#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-04-01 18:33:42 +0100 (Wed, 01 Apr 2020) # # https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/HariSekhon # # https://buildkite.com/docs/apis/rest-api/agents set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/lib/utils.sh" # used by usage() in lib/utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_description=" Lists BuildKite Agents via the BuildKite API Output format: eg. myhost.local-1 myhost.local 2020-09-07T17:07:10.578Z buildkite-agent/ (darwin; amd64) os=mac fb3e859b5cb8-1 fb3e859b5cb8 2020-09-07T17:05:18.562Z buildkite-agent/3.23.0.x (linux; amd64) os=linux,distro=alpine arbitrary_name b03797c47520 2020-09-07T17:05:38.062Z buildkite-agent/3.23.0.x (linux; amd64) os=linux,distro=centos The 2nd and 3rd agents are running in Docker hence the hostname field is nonsensical, but if you use the adjacent buildkite_agent.sh it'll set the agent name to the same as the hostname for intuitive results and auto-add some tags for os and linux distro " # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_args="[]" help_usage "$@" "$srcdir/buildkite_api.sh" "organizations/{organization}/agents" "$@" | jq -r '.[] | [.name, .hostname, .ip_address, .created_at, .user_agent, (.meta_data | join(",")) ] | @tsv'