#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2015-05-25 01:38:24 +0100 (Mon, 25 May 2015) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/pytools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help improve or steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # set -eu [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir_bash_tools_utils="${srcdir:-}" srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" [ "${bash_tools_utils_imported:-0}" = 1 ] && return bash_tools_utils_imported=1 . "$srcdir/docker.sh" . "$srcdir/perl.sh" # consider adding ERR as set -e handler, not inherited by shell funcs / cmd substitutions / subshells without set -E export TRAP_SIGNALS="INT QUIT TRAP ABRT TERM EXIT" if [ -z "${run_count:-}" ]; then run_count=0 fi if [ -z "${total_run_count:-}" ]; then total_run_count=0 fi die(){ echo "$@" exit 1 } hr(){ echo "================================================================================" } hr2(){ echo "==================================================" } hr3(){ echo "========================================" } section(){ hr "`dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}`/center.sh" "$@" hr if [ -n "${PROJECT:-}" ]; then echo "PROJECT: $PROJECT" fi if is_inside_docker; then echo "(running inside docker)" fi echo } section2(){ hr2 hr2echo "$@" hr2 echo } section3(){ hr3 hr3echo "$@" hr3 echo } hr2echo(){ "`dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}`/center.sh" "$@" 50 } hr3echo(){ "`dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}`/center.sh" "$@" 40 } #set +o pipefail #spark_home="$(ls -d tests/spark-*-bin-hadoop* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)" #set -o pipefail #if [ -n "$spark_home" ]; then # export SPARK_HOME="$spark_home" #fi type isExcluded &>/dev/null || . "$srcdir/excluded.sh" check_output(){ local expected="$1" local cmd="${@:2}" # do not 2>&1 it will cause indeterministic output even with python -u so even tail -n1 won't work echo "check_output: $cmd" echo "expecting: $expected" local output="$($cmd)" # intentionally not quoting so that we can use things like google* glob matches for google.com and google.co.uk if [[ "$output" = $expected ]]; then echo "SUCCESS: $output" else die "FAILED: $output" fi echo } check_exit_code(){ local exit_code=$? local expected_exit_codes="$@" local failed=1 for e in $expected_exit_codes; do if [ $exit_code = $e ]; then failed=0 fi done if [ $failed != 0 ]; then echo "WRONG EXIT CODE RETURNED! Expected: '$expected_exit_codes', got: '$exit_code'" exit 1 fi } is_linux(){ if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Linux" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_mac(){ if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_jenkins(){ if [ -n "${JENKINS_URL:-}" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_travis(){ if [ -n "${TRAVIS:-}" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_CI(){ if [ -n "${CI:-}" -o -n "${CI_NAME:-}" ] || is_jenkins || is_travis; then return 0 else return 1 fi } if is_travis; then #export DOCKER_HOST="${DOCKER_HOST:-localhost}" export HOST="${HOST:-localhost}" fi if is_travis; then sudo=sudo else sudo="" fi # useful for cutting down on number of noisy docker tests which take a long time but more importantly # cause the CI builds to fail with job logs > 4MB ci_sample(){ local versions="$@" if [ -n "${SAMPLE:-}" ] || is_CI; then if [ -n "$versions" ]; then local a IFS=' ' read -r -a a <<< "$versions" local highest_index="${#a[@]}" local random_index="$(($RANDOM % $highest_index))" echo "${a[$random_index]}" return 0 else return 1 fi else if [ -n "$versions" ]; then echo "$versions" fi fi return 0 } untrap(){ trap - $TRAP_SIGNALS } plural(){ plural="s" local num="${1:-}" if [ "$num" = 1 ]; then plural="" fi } plural_str(){ local parts=($@) plural ${#parts[@]} } # ================================= # # these functions are too clever and dynamic but save a lot of duplication in nagios-plugins test_*.sh scripts # print_debug_env(){ echo echo "Environment for Debugging:" echo if [ -n "${VERSION:-}" ]; then echo "VERSION: $VERSION" echo fi if [ -n "${version:-}" ]; then echo "version: $version" echo fi # multiple name support for MySQL + MariaDB variables for name in $@; do name="$(tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< "$name")" #eval echo "export ${name}_PORT=$`echo ${name}_PORT`" # instead of just name_PORT, find all PORTS in environment and print them # while read line to preserve CASSANDRA_PORTS=7199 9042 env | egrep "^$name.*_" | grep -v DEFAULT | sort | while read env_var; do # sed here to quote export CASSANDRA_PORTS=7199 9042 => export CASSANDRA_PORTS="7199 9042" eval echo "export $env_var" | sed 's/=/="/;s/$/"/' done echo done } trap_debug_env(){ local name="$1" trap 'result=$?; print_debug_env '"$*"'; untrap; exit $result' $TRAP_SIGNALS } run++(){ #if [[ "$run_count" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then let run_count+=1 #fi } run(){ run++ echo "$@" "$@" } run_fail(){ local expected_exit_code="$1" shift run++ echo "$@" set +e "$@" # intentionally don't quote $expected_exit_code so that we can pass multiple exit codes through first arg and have them expanded here check_exit_code $expected_exit_code set -e } run_grep(){ local egrep_pattern="$1" shift run++ echo "$@ | tee /dev/stderr | egrep '$egrep_pattern'" set +eo pipefail "$@" | tee /dev/stderr | egrep -q "$egrep_pattern" set -eo pipefail } run_test_versions(){ local name="$1" local test_func="$(tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' <<< "test_${name/ /_}")" local VERSIONS="$(tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< "${name/ /_}_VERSIONS")" test_versions="$(eval ci_sample $`echo $VERSIONS`)" for version in $test_versions; do run_count=0 eval "$test_func" "$version" let total_run_count+=$run_count done if [ -n "${NOTESTS:-}" ]; then print_debug_env "$name" else untrap echo "All $name tests succeeded for versions: $test_versions" echo echo "Total Tests run: $total_run_count" fi echo } # ================================= timestamp(){ printf "%s" "`date '+%F %T'` $*" >&2 [ $# -gt 0 ] && printf "\n" >&2 } tstamp(){ timestamp "$@"; } start_timer(){ tstamp "Starting... " date '+%s' } time_taken(){ echo local start_time="$1" shift local time_taken local msg="${@:-Completed in}" tstamp "Finished" echo local end_time="$(date +%s)" # if start and end time are the same let returns exit code 1 let time_taken=$end_time-$start_time || : echo "$msg $time_taken secs" echo } startupwait(){ startupwait="${1:-30}" if is_CI; then let startupwait*=2 fi } when_ports_available(){ local max_secs="$1" local host="$2" local ports="${@:3}" local retry_interval=1 if ! which nc &>/dev/null; then # Don't run in docker containers echo "WARNING: nc command not found in \$PATH, cannot check port availability, skipping port checks, tests may fail due to race conditions on service availability" return 0 fi if [ -z "$max_secs" ]; then echo 'when_ports_available: max_secs $1 not set' exit 1 #elif ! egrep '^[[:digit:]]+$' <<< "$max_secs"; then elif ! [[ "$max_secs" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then echo 'when_ports_available: invalid non-numeric first argument passed for max_secs' exit 1 elif [ -z "$host" ]; then echo 'when_ports_available: host $2 not set' exit 1 elif [ -z "$ports" ]; then echo 'when_ports_available: ports $3 not set' exit 1 else for port in $ports; do if ! [[ "$port" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then echo "when_ports_available: invalid non-numeric port argument '$port'" exit 1 fi done fi #local max_tries=$(($max_secs / $retry_interval)) # Linux nc doens't have -z switch like Mac OSX version local nc_cmd="nc -vw $retry_interval $host <<< ''" cmd="" for x in $ports; do cmd="$cmd $nc_cmd $x &>/dev/null && " done local cmd="${cmd% && }" plural_str $ports echo "waiting for up to $max_secs secs for port$plural '$ports' to become available, retrying at $retry_interval sec intervals" echo "cmd: ${cmd// \&\>\/dev\/null}" local found=0 if which nc &>/dev/null; then #for((i=1; i <= $max_tries; i++)); do try_number=0 # special built-in that increments for script runtime, reset to zero exploit it here SECONDS=0 # bash will interpolate from string for correct numeric comparison and safer to quote vars while [ "$SECONDS" -lt "$max_secs" ]; do let try_number+=1 timestamp "$try_number trying host '$host' port(s) '$ports'" if eval $cmd; then found=1 break fi sleep "$retry_interval" done if [ $found -eq 1 ]; then timestamp "host '$host' port$plural '$ports' available after $SECONDS secs" else timestamp "host '$host' port$plural '$ports' still not available after '$max_secs' secs, giving up waiting" fi else echo "'nc' command not found, sleeping for '$max_secs' secs instead" sleep "$max_secs" fi } when_url_content(){ local max_secs="${1:-}" local url="${2:-}" local expected_regex="${3:-}" local args="${@:4}" local retry_interval=1 if [ -z "$max_secs" ]; then echo 'when_url_content: max_secs $1 not set' exit 1 elif ! [[ "$max_secs" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then echo 'when_url_content: invalid non-numeric first argument passed for max_secs' exit 1 elif [ -z "$url" ]; then echo 'when_url_content: url $2 not set' exit 1 elif [ -z "$expected_regex" ]; then echo 'when_url_content: expected content $3 not set' exit 1 fi #local max_tries=$(($max_secs / $retry_interval)) echo "waiting up to $max_secs secs for HTTP interface to come up with expected regex content: '$expected_regex'" found=0 #for((i=1; i <= $max_tries; i++)); do try_number=0 # special built-in that increments for script runtime, reset to zero exploit it here SECONDS=0 # bash will interpolate from string for correct numeric comparison and safer to quote vars while [ "$SECONDS" -lt "$max_secs" ]; do let try_number+=1 timestamp "$try_number trying $url" if curl -skL --connect-timeout 1 --max-time 5 ${args:-} "$url" | grep -q -- "$expected_regex"; then echo "URL content detected '$expected_regex'" found=1 break fi sleep "$retry_interval" done if [ $found -eq 1 ]; then timestamp "URL content found after $SECONDS secs" else timestamp "URL content still not available after '$max_secs' secs, giving up waiting" fi } # restore original srcdir srcdir="$srcdir_bash_tools_utils"