# # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-09-28 09:58:44 +0100 (Mon, 28 Sep 2020) # # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/HariSekhon # # ============================================================================ # # . g c l o u d i g n o r e # ============================================================================ # # https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/topic/gcloudignore # ============================================ # Ignore uploading these to Google Cloud Build, Cloud Functions, App Engine etc. # # there is a much bigger list in the adjacent .gitignore, some of which may be worth porting in to here too # # XXX: tested, cannot use blacklists like in .dockerignore because this breaks uploading anything, regardless of the blacklist coming before or after the !whitelist items # use of either * or .* breaks Google Cloud Functions upload which end up with empty zips even with !main.py and !requirements.txt whitelist exclusions before or after # so this definitely doesn't support the features of .gitignore and .dockerignore # * # .* # since .* doesn't work, unlike .dockerignore we must specify the common dot files to exclude below # .git seems to be ignored by default judging by cloud build uploaded tarball size .git/ .hg/ .svn/ .gcloudignore .gitignore .dockerignore # descends directories matching basenames like .gitignore, doesn't need **/ prefix like .dockerignore # CI stuff you'd usuall commit but don't want to upload - there are more dot files with auth that wouldn't commit borrowed from massive adjacent .gitignore further down in the dotfiles section Jenkinsfile azure-pipelines.y*ml bitbucket-pipelines.y*ml buddy.y*ml codefresh.y*ml shippable.y*ml wercker.y*ml gocd_config_repo.json jenkins-job.xml hadolint.y*ml scalastyle_config.xml yamllint/ # contains webhook URL which should not be committed publicly buildkite-pipeline*.json # ======================================== # Based on the massive adjacent .gitignore git/ github/ gitolite*/ gitroot/ mercurial/ hg/ hgroot/ svn/ svnroot/ subversion/ dist/ node_modules/ vendor/ logs/ git/ github/ vagrant/ venv/ debs/ rpms/ *#*# *.a *.avi *.bak *.bak.* *.bin *.bkp *.class *.dump *.flv *.kdb *.lock *.local *.log *.macports-saved_* *.mp3 *.mp4 *.mpeg *.mpg *.o *.orig *.out *.part *.pyc *.pyo *.stderr *.stdout *.swo *.swp *.tmp *.wmv *~ tmp.* ~* # since .* doesn't work we must specify the common dot files to exclude below .*.local .*.env .a .activator/ .adobe .agent.env .aliaslists .android/ .anyconnect .ApacheDirectoryStudio/ .atftp_history .atom/ .audacious/ .awless/ .aws/ .bash* .cache .cassandra/ .cbq_history .ccm/ .CFUserTextEncoding # Codefresh config contains API Key .cfconfig # Circle CI API Token stored in .circleci/cli.yml .circleci/ .Codefresh/ .compiz .conda/ .config # contains repo_token / COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN .coveralls.yml .cpan/ .cpanm/ .cups/ .data .dbshell .dbus .dcos/ .DCOPserver_* .devcenter/ .docker* .dropbox/ .DS_Store .dvdcss/ # contains things like auth tokens .envrc* .env* .erlang.cookie .evolution .fluxbox/ .flyrc .fontconfig .fseventsd .gaim/ .gem .gimp-* .github_actions_runner/ .gitk .gmvault/ .gnome .gnome2 .gnome2_private .gnupg* .gpg* .gradle .groovy .gstreamer-* .gvfs .htoprc .ICEauthority .IdeaIC* .idea .inkscape-etc/ .ion3 .ipython/ .irb-save-history .irb_history # contains creds .iredisrc .ivy2/ .jline-jython.history .kde .kodos .kube/ .ldapvi_history .lesshst .links2 .local .m2/ .macports/ .macports/ .macromedia .matplotlib/ .mcop .mcoprc .minikube/ .minishift/ .minishift.env .mozilla .mtools/ .mysql_history .nbprofiler/ .neo4j_shell_history .npm/ .octave_hist .openoffice.org .openoffice.org2 .oracle_jre_usage/ .ovftool.ssldb .Qsync/ .parallel/ # PostgreSQL password file .pgpass # stores credentials .pig_history .pki .pentaho/ .psql_history .pulse .puppet/ .pwm3 .PyCharm*/ .pylint* .python* .python-eggs/ .python_history .qt .qicon .qnicon # contains usernames and passwords .rabbitmqadmin.conf .RData .recently-used .recently-used.xbel .rediscli_history .Rhistory .rnd .rstudio-desktop/ .rbenv/ # 'rbenv local' $PWD version file .ruby-version .sbt/ .scala_history .sdkman/ # Semaphore CI - contains auth token .sem.yaml .serverauth.* .sh_history .Skype .snowsql/ # Snowflake password stored in plaintext in here .snowsql/config .spark* .spark_history .Spotlight-* .spumux/ .sqlite_history .sqlline/history .ssh/ .ssh* .subversion/ # stores creds .subversion/auth .svn .swatch_script.* .TemporaryItems .terraform.d/ .terragrunt .themes .thumbnails .tilda/ .tmux/ .tomboy .tomboy.log .Trash .Trashes .travis/ .vagrant .vagrant.d/ .vboxclient* .vim/ .viminfo .vnc/ .wapi .wget-hsts .wine .wireshark-etc/ .wireshark/ .wmii* .Xauthority .xine .xmms .xsession-errors .zenmap-etc/pango/pangorc Box Documents/ Desktop/ Documents/ Downloads/ drive/ Dropbox/ eclipse/ Google*Drive mbox Movies Music Qsync/ Pictures vagrant/ venv/ VirtualBox VMs/ VirtualBoxShared visualvm* wordlists/ *.doc *.docx *.msg *.pages *.ppt *.pptx *.rtf *.wpd *.wps *.xls *.xlsx