#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # args: haritest-terraform-state-lock-table # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2022-06-15 17:57:17 +0100 (Wed, 15 Jun 2022) # # https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/HariSekhon # set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091 . "$srcdir/lib/aws.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154 usage_description=" Creates IAM policies for S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables containing 'terraform-state' or 'tf-state' in their name Attaches these policies to the specified user, which must already exist (run aws_terraform_create_credential.sh first) Necessary for limited privilege CI/CD accounts such as GitHub Actions pull request Terraform Plan only workflows using a Read Only account Idempotent, skips creation of the policies if they already exist $usage_aws_cli_required " # used by usage() in lib/utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_args=" []" help_usage "$@" min_args 1 "$@" user="$1" shift || : export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT=json aws_account_id="$(aws_account_id)" dynamodb_policy="Terraform-DynamoDB-Lock-Tables" s3_policy="Terraform-S3-Buckets" timestamp "Generating S3 policy document '$s3_policy'" s3_policy_document="$(cat <