#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # args: ../playlists/spotify/Rocky # args: ../playlists/spotify/Starred # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-06-25 22:28:51 +0100 (Thu, 25 Jun 2020) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # # https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/tracks/get-several-tracks/ # # https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/albums/get-several-albums/ # # https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/artists/get-several-artists/ set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/lib/spotify.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154 usage_description=" Takes Spotify URIs and converts them to Track, Album or Artist names using the Spotify API Spotify URIs are read from file arguments or standard input and can accept any of the following forms for convenience: spotify:: http://open.spotify.com// where is track / album / artist These IDs are 22 chars, but this is length is not enforced in case the Spotify API changes Output format (depending on whether it's a track, an album or an artist URI): Artist - Track Artist - Album Artist or if \$SPOTIFY_CSV environment variable is set then: \"Artist\",\"Track\" \"Artist\",\"Album\" \"Artist\" Useful for saving Spotify playlists in a format that is easier to understand, revision control changes or export to other music systems The first argument that doesn't correspond to a file and all subsequent arguements are fed as-is to curl as options $usage_auth_help " # used by usage() in lib/utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_args="[] []" help_usage "$@" #sleep_secs="0.1" sleep_secs="0" declare -a curl_options curl_options=() spotify_token uri_type="${SPOTIFY_URI_TYPE:-track}" if ! [[ "$uri_type" =~ ^(track|album|artist)$ ]]; then usage "invalid \$SPOTIFY_URI_TYPE '$uri_type' - must be track, album or artist" fi url_base="/v1/${uri_type}s" uri_inferred=0 infer_uri_type(){ local uri="$1" if [ $uri_inferred = 0 ] && is_blank "${SPOTIFY_URI_TYPE:-}"; then if [[ "$uri" =~ ^spotify:(track|album|artist):|^https?://open.spotify.com/(track|album|artist)/ ]]; then for x in "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"; do if not_blank "$x"; then uri_type="$x" url_base="/v1/${uri_type}s" break fi done fi fi } convert(){ while true; do declare -a ids ids=() while [ "${#ids[@]}" -lt 50 ]; do read -r -s uri || break if is_blank "$uri"; then break fi if is_local_uri "$uri"; then if not_blank "${ids[*]:-}"; then query_bulk "${ids[@]}" ids=() fi output_local_uri "$uri" continue fi infer_uri_type "$uri" id="$(validate_spotify_uri "$uri")" ids+=("$id") done if is_blank "${ids[*]:-}"; then return fi query_bulk "${ids[@]}" done } query_bulk(){ local ids # join array arg on commas { local IFS=','; ids="$*"; } if is_blank "$ids"; then return fi url_path="$url_base?ids=$ids" # cannot quote curl_options as when empty as this results in a blank literal which breaks curl # shellcheck disable=SC2068 output="$("$srcdir/spotify_api.sh" "$url_path" ${curl_options[@]:-})" #die_if_error_field "$output" output sleep "$sleep_secs" } output_local_uri(){ local uri="$1" if [[ "$uri" =~ ^spotify:local: ]]; then uri="${uri#spotify:local:}" artist="${uri%%:*}" uri="${uri#*:}" uri="${uri#*:}" uri="${uri%:*}" elif [[ "$uri" =~ open.spotify.com/local/ ]]; then uri="${uri#http://open.spotify.com/local/}" artist="${uri%%/*}" uri="${uri#*/}" uri="${uri#*/}" uri="${uri%/*}" else echo "Unrecognized track URI format: $uri" exit 1 fi track="${uri//+/ }" if not_blank "$artist"; then artist="${artist//+/ }" track="$artist - $track" fi "$srcdir/urldecode.sh" <<< "$track" } output(){ if [[ "$output" =~ \"(tracks|albums|artists)\"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]+\[[[:space:]]*null[[:space:]]*\] ]]; then echo "no matching $uri_type URI found - did you specify an incorrect URI or wrong \$SPOTIFY_URI_TYPE for that URI?" >&2 return fi local conversion="@tsv" if not_blank "${SPOTIFY_CSV:-}"; then conversion="@csv" fi if [ "$uri_type" = track ]; then output_artist_item elif [ "$uri_type" = artist ]; then jq -r ".${uri_type}s[] | [([.name] | join(\", \"))] | $conversion" elif [ "$uri_type" = album ]; then output_artist_item else echo "URI type '$uri' parsing not implemented" >&2 exit 1 fi <<< "$output" | clean_output } output_artist_item(){ if not_blank "${SPOTIFY_CSV:-}"; then # some tracks come out with blank artists and track name, skip these using select(name != "") filter to avoid blank lines # unfortunately some tracks actually do come out with blank artist and track name, this must be a bug inside Spotify, but # filtering it like this throws off the line counts verification and also the track might be blank but the artist might not be #jq -r ".${uri_type}s[] | select(.name != \"\") | [([.artists[].name] | join(\", \")), .name] | $conversion" jq -r ".${uri_type}s[] | [([.artists[].name] | join(\", \")), .name] | $conversion" else #jq -r ".${uri_type}s[] | select(.name != \"\") | [([.artists[].name] | join(\", \")), \"-\", .name] | $conversion" jq -r ".${uri_type}s[] | [([.artists[].name] | join(\", \")), \"-\", .name] | $conversion" fi } clean_output(){ tr '\t' ' ' | sed ' s/^[[:space:]]*-//; s/^[[:space:]]*//; s/[[:space:]]*$// ' } files=() for filename in "$@"; do if [ -f "$filename" ]; then files+=("$filename") shift || : else break fi done if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then curl_options=("$@") fi if [ -n "${files[*]:-}" ]; then for filename in "${files[@]}"; do convert < "$filename" done else convert # read from stdin fi