#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2015-11-05 20:53:32 +0000 # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # # ============================================================================ # # D o c k e r # ============================================================================ # bash_tools="${bash_tools:-$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..}" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$bash_tools/.bash.d/os_detection.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 [ -f ~/.docker_vars ] && . ~/.docker_vars #if isLinux && type podman &>/dev/null; then # alias docker="podman" #fi export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 alias dc=docker-compose alias dps='docker ps' alias dpsa='docker ps -a' alias dst="dockerhub_show_tags.py" # -l shows latest container, -q shows only ID alias dl='docker ps -lq' alias dockerimg='$EDITOR "$bash_tools/setup/docker-images.txt"' # wipe out exited containers alias dockerrm='docker rm $(docker ps -qf status=exited)' alias dockerr=dockerrunrm alias dock=dockerr alias dockere=dockerexec alias de=dockere alias dockerrma=dockerrmall # wipe out dangling image layers #alias dockerrmi='docker rmi $(docker images -q --filter dangling=true)' dockerrmi(){ # want word splitting here # shellcheck disable=SC2046 docker rmi $(docker images -q --filter dangling=true) } # docker-compose -f ... dcf(){ local docker_compose_yaml="$1" if ! [ -f "$docker_compose_yaml" ] && [ -f "docker-compose.yaml" ]; then docker_compose_yaml=docker-compose.yaml fi shift docker-compose -f "$docker_compose_yaml" up "$@" docker-compose -f "$docker_compose_yaml" logs -f } # starts the docker VM, shows ASCII whale, but slow #alias dockershell="/Applications/Docker/Docker\ Quickstart\ Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/start.sh" # better #alias dockervm="VBoxManage controlvm startvm default" #alias dockervm="docker-machine start default" #alias dm="docker-machine" #alias dockerrr="docker-machine restart default" #alias dockerreload="docker-machine env default > '$bash_tools/.docker_vars'; . '$bash_tools/.docker_vars'" #dockerstart(){ # if ! docker-machine status default | grep -q Running; then # docker-machine start default # sleep 20 # fi # docker start $(cat "$bash_tools/docker-start.txt") #} # avoid external commands per shell, slows down new shells and wastes battery # switched to using ~/.docker_vars file which is cheaper due to less forks and picked up in each new shell #if type -P docker-machine &>/dev/null; then # if docker-machine status default | grep -q -e Started -e Running; then # eval $(docker-machine env default) # fi #fi #alias dockerr="docker run --rm -ti" function dockerrunrm(){ local args=() local passed_first_non_switch_arg=0 # when this latch gets to level 3 we stop doing prefix processing to not adulterate ls -l / type args for x in "$@"; do if [ $passed_first_non_switch_arg -lt 3 ]; then if [ "${x:0:1}" = "-" ]; then passed_first_non_switch_arg=1 elif [ $passed_first_non_switch_arg -eq 1 ]; then passed_first_non_switch_arg=2 elif [ $passed_first_non_switch_arg -lt 3 ]; then if [ "${x:0:1}" = "/" ]; then if [[ "$x" != */Users/* && "$x" != */home/* ]] && [ "$(strLastIndexOf "$x" / )" -eq 1 ]; then x="harisekhon$x" fi fi passed_first_non_switch_arg=3 else ((passed_first_non_switch_arg+=1)) fi fi args+=("$x") done # Alpine 2 is dead in the water since the package list repos don't even load any more: # # # apk update # fetch http://dl-4.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v2.7/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz # wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found # ERROR: http://dl-4.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v2.7/main: Bad address # WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.0f59c441.tar.gz: No such file or directory # #if [[ "$args" =~ alpine:2 ]] && ! [[ "$args" =~ [[:space:]] ]]; then # echo "warning: using alpine:2.* with args but alpine:2.* doesn't have a default CMD so adding 'sh' arg" >&2 # args="$args sh" #fi # want arg splitting docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/pwd -w /pwd "${args[@]}" } alias drun='docker run --rm -ti -v "${PWD}":/app' docker_get_container_ids(){ local exclude_file=~/docker-perm.txt local args=() # if exclude file doesn't exist, grep fails entirely and we get no IDs returned, even pre-emptively replacing with /dev/null doesn't work, so omit the option entirely if [ -f "$exclude_file" ]; then args=(-f "$exclude_file") fi docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}} {{.Names}}" | if [ ${#args} -gt 0 ]; then grep -vi "${args[@]}" 2>/dev/null else cat fi | awk '{print $1}' } dockerrmall(){ # would use xargs -r / --no-run-if-empty but that is GNU only, doesn't work on Mac local ids=() read -r -a ids <<< "$(docker_get_container_ids)" if [ ${#ids} -gt 0 ]; then docker rm -f "${ids[@]}" fi } dockerrmigrep(){ for x in "$@"; do docker images | grep "$x" | grep -v "" | awk '{print $1":"$2}' | xargs -r docker rmi done } dockerrmgrep(){ for x in "$@"; do docker ps -a | grep "$x" | awk '{print $NF}' | xargs -r docker rm -f done } dockerip(){ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' "$@" } # this goes to the last created and sometimes exited container #alias dockere='docker exec -ti $(docker ps -lq) /bin/bash' dockerexec(){ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then container="$(docker ps | grep -i "$1" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)" else container="$(docker ps -q | head -n1)" fi docker exec -ti "$container" /bin/sh } docker_get_images(){ # uniq_order_preserved.pl is in the DevOps-Perl-tools repo on github and should be in the $PATH # too many images on dockerhub to pull, fills up filesystem #echo "$(dockerhub_search.py harisekhon -n 1000 | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}' | sort) $(sed 's/#.*//;/^[[:space:]]*$/d' "$bash_tools/setup/docker-images.txt" | uniq_order_preserved.pl)" sed 's/#.*//;/^[[:space:]]*$/d' "$bash_tools/setup/docker-images.txt" | uniq_order_preserved.pl } dockerpull1(){ # pull only latest tag, mine first, then official local images="${*:-}" [ -z "$images" ] && images="$(docker_get_images)" images="$(grep -v ":" <<< "$images")" whendone "docker pull" # must be first arg so quoted, [l] trick not needed as grep -v grep's for image in $images; do #whendone "docker pull" # must be first arg so quoted, [l] trick not needed as grep -v grep's timestamp "docker pull $image" #docker pull "$image" | cat & docker pull "$image" # wipe out dangling image layers dockerrmi echo done } dockerpullgithub(){ dockerpull1 harisekhon/{nagios-plugins,pytools,tools,centos-github,debian-github,ubuntu-github,alpine-github} } dockerpull(){ local images="${*:-}" [ -z "$images" ] && images="$(docker_get_images)" dockerpull1 "$images" images="$(grep -i -e harisekhon -e ":" <<< "$images")" #local images="$(grep -i -e ":" <<< "$images")" # now pull all tags, mine first, then official whendone "docker pull" # must be first arg so quoted, [l] trick not needed as grep -v grep's for image in $images; do #whendone "docker pull" # must be first arg so quoted, [l] trick not needed as grep -v grep's if [[ "$image" = harisekhon/* && ! "$image" =~ ":" ]]; then [[ "$image" =~ presto.*-dev ]] && continue for tag in $(dockerhub_show_tags.py -q "$image" | grep -v '^latest$'); do timestamp "docker pull $image:$tag" #docker pull "$image":"$tag" | cat & docker pull "$image":"$tag" echo done else timestamp docker pull "$image" #docker pull "$image" | cat & docker pull "$image" echo fi # wipe out dangling image layers dockerrmi done } dockerpull1r(){ while true; do dockerpull1 "$@" wait echo -e '\n\nsleeping for 1 hour\n\n' sleep 3600 done } dockerpullr(){ while true; do dockerpull "$@" wait echo -e '\n\nsleeping for 1 hour\n\n' sleep 3600 done } # quick, only pull things for which we don't already have local images dockerpullq(){ for x in $(docker_get_images); do docker images | grep -q "^${x}[[:space:]]" && continue whendone "docker pull" # must be first arg so quoted, [l] trick not needed as grep -v grep's timestamp docker pull "$x" docker pull "$x" done # wipe out dangling image layers dockerrmi }