#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-11-24 17:09:11 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2020) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help improve or steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/lib/utils.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/.bash.d/network.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_description=" Boots TeamCity CI cluster with server and agent(s) in Docker, and builds the current repo - boots TeamCity server and agent in Docker - authorizes the agent(s) to begin building - waits for you to accept the EULA - prints the TeamCity URL - opens the TeamCity web UI (on Mac only) - creates an administator-level user (\$TEAMCITY_USER, / \$TEAMCITY_PASSWORD - defaults to admin / admin) - sets the full name and email to Git's user.name and user.email if configured for TeamCity to Git VCS tracking integration - opens the TeamCity web UI login page in browser (on Mac only) ${0##*/} [up] ${0##*/} down ${0##*/} ui - prints the TeamCity Server URL and on Mac automatically opens in browser Idempotent, you can re-run this and continue from any stage The official docker images from JetBrains are huge so the first pull may take a while See Also: teamcity_api.sh - this script makes heavy use of it to handle API calls with authentication as part of the setup Advanced: You can configure TeamCity OAuth integration to store settings in a VCS such as GitHub under a Project's Settings -> Versioned Settings The GitHub OAuth integration is here: https://github.com/settings/developers " # used by usage() in lib/utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_args="[up|down|ui]" help_usage "$@" export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="bash-tools" export COMPOSE_FILE="$srcdir/setup/teamcity-docker-compose.yml" #teamcity_port="$(docker-compose config | sed -n '/teamcity-server:[[:space:]]*$/,$p' | awk '/- published: [[:digit:]]+/{print $3; exit}')" # don't take any change this script could run against a real teamcity server for safety #export TEAMCITY_URL="http://${TEAMCITY_HOST:-localhost}:${TEAMCITY_PORT:-8111}" export TEAMCITY_URL="http://${DOCKER_HOST:-localhost}:8111" if ! type docker-compose &>/dev/null; then "$srcdir/install_docker_compose.sh" fi action="${1:-up}" shift || : if [ "$action" = up ]; then timestamp "Booting TeamCity cluster:" # starting agents later they won't be connected in time to become authorized # only start the server, don't wait for the agent to download before triggering the URL to prompt user for initialization so it can progress while agent is downloading #docker-compose up -d teamcity-server "$@" docker-compose up -d "$@" echo >&2 elif [ "$action" = restart ]; then docker-compose down echo >&2 exec "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" up elif [ "$action" = ui ]; then echo "TeamCity Server URL: $TEAMCITY_URL" if is_mac; then open "$TEAMCITY_URL" fi exit 0 else docker-compose "$action" "$@" echo >&2 exit 0 fi # fails due to 302 redirect to http://localhost:8111/setupAdmin.html # / and /setupAdmin.html and /login.html #when_url_content "$TEAMCITY_URL/login.html" '(?i:teamcity)' #when_ports_available 60 "${TEAMCITY_HOST:-localhost}" "${TEAMCITY_PORT:-8111}" when_url_content 60 "$TEAMCITY_URL" '.*' echo >&2 # XXX: database.properties is mounted to skip the database step now is_setup_in_progress(){ # don't let cut off output affect the return code { curl -sSL "$TEAMCITY_URL" || : ; } | \ grep -qi -e 'first.*start' \ -e 'database.*setup' \ -e 'TeamCity Maintenance' \ -e 'Setting up' } timestamp "TeamCity Server URL: $TEAMCITY_URL" echo >&2 if is_setup_in_progress; then timestamp "Open TeamCity Server URL in web browser to continue, click proceed, accept EULA etc.." echo >&2 if is_mac; then timestamp "detected running on Mac, opening TeamCity Server URL for you automatically" echo >&2 open "$TEAMCITY_URL" fi fi # too late, agent won't arrive in the unauthorized list in time to be found and authorized before this script exits, agents must boot in parallel with server not later # now download and start the agent(s) while the server is booting #docker-compose up -d # now continue configuring server max_secs=300 SECONDS=0 timestamp "waiting for up to $max_secs seconds for user to click proceed through First Start and database setup pages" while is_setup_in_progress; do timestamp "waiting for you to click proceed through First Start & setup pages and then preliminary initialization to finish" if [ $SECONDS -gt $max_secs ]; then die "Did not progress past First Start and setup pages within $max_secs seconds" fi sleep 3 done echo >&2 # second run would break here as this wouldn't come again, must use .* search # just to check we are not getting a temporary 404 or something that happens before the EULA comes up #when_url_content 60 "$TEAMCITY_URL" "license.*agreement" when_url_content 60 "$TEAMCITY_URL" ".*" echo >&2 SECONDS=0 timestamp "waiting for up to $max_secs seconds for user to accept EULA" # curl gives an error when grep cuts its long EULA agreement short: # (23) Failed writing body while { curl -sSL "$TEAMCITY_URL" 2>/dev/null || : ; } | grep -qi 'license.*agreement'; do timestamp "waiting for you to accept the license agreement" if [ $SECONDS -gt $max_secs ]; then die "Did not accept EULA within $max_secs seconds" fi sleep 3 done echo >&2 SECONDS=0 timestamp "waiting for up to $max_secs seconds for TeamCity to finish initializing" # too transitory to be idempotent #while ! curl -sS "$TEAMCITY_URL" | grep -q 'TeamCity is starting'; do # although hard to miss this log as not a fast scroll, might break idempotence for re-running later if logs are cycled out of buffer #while ! docker-compose logs --tail 50 teamcity-server | grep -q 'TeamCity initialized'; do while ! { docker-compose logs teamcity-server || : ; } | grep -q -e 'Super user authentication token'; do #-e 'TeamCity initialized' # happens just before but checking for the super user token achieves both and protects against race condition timestamp 'waiting for TeamCity server to finish initializing and reveal superuser token in logs' if [ $SECONDS -gt $max_secs ]; then die "TeamCity server failed to initialize within $max_secs seconds (perhaps you didn't trigger the UI to continue initialization?)" fi sleep 3 done echo TEAMCITY_SUPERUSER_TOKEN="$(docker-compose logs teamcity-server | grep -E -o 'Super user authentication token: [[:alnum:]]+' | tail -n1 | awk '{print $5}' || :)" if [ -z "$TEAMCITY_SUPERUSER_TOKEN" ]; then timestamp "ERROR: Super user token not found in docker logs (maybe premature or late ie. logs were already cycled out of buffer?)" exit 1 fi export TEAMCITY_SUPERUSER_TOKEN timestamp "TeamCity superuser token: $TEAMCITY_SUPERUSER_TOKEN" timestamp "(this must be used with a blank username via basic auth if using the API)" echo >&2 teamcity_user="${TEAMCITY_USER:-admin}" teamcity_password="${TEAMCITY_PASSWORD:-admin}" user_already_exists=0 api_token="" #timestamp "Checking if teamcity user '$teamcity_user' exists" timestamp "Checking if any user already exists" users="$("$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" /users -sSL --fail | jq -r '.user[].username')" #if grep -Fxq "$teamcity_user" <<< "$users"; then # timestamp "teamcity user '$teamcity_user' user already detected, skipping creation" if [ -n "${users//[[:space:]]/}" ]; then timestamp "users already exist, not creating teamcity administrative user '$teamcity_user'" user_already_exists=1 else #timestamp "Creating teamcity user '$teamcity_user':" timestamp "no users exist yet, creating teamcity user '$teamcity_user'" "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" /users -sSL --fail \ -d "{ \"username\": \"$teamcity_user\", \"password\": \"$teamcity_password\"}" # Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. #-X POST \ # no newline returned if error eg. # Details: jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.errors.BadRequestException: Cannot create user as user with the same username already exists, caused by: jetbrains.buildServer.users.DuplicateUserAccountException: The specified username 'admin' is already in use by some other user. # Invalid request. Please check the request URL and data are correct. echo >&2 echo >&2 git_user="$(git config user.name)" git_email="$(git config user.email)" if [ -n "$git_user" ]; then timestamp "Setting teamcity user $teamcity_user's git username to '$git_user'" "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/users/$teamcity_user/name" -X PUT -d "$git_user" -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -H 'Accept: text/plain' fi if [ -n "$git_email" ]; then timestamp "Setting teamcity user $teamcity_user's git email to '$git_email'" "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/users/$teamcity_user/email" -X PUT -d "$git_email" -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -H 'Accept: text/plain' fi timestamp "Setting teamcity user '$teamcity_user' as system administrator:" "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/users/username:$teamcity_user/roles/SYSTEM_ADMIN/g/" -sSL --fail -X PUT > /dev/null # no newline returned echo >&2 api_token="$("$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/users/$teamcity_user/tokens" -sSL | \ jq -r '.token[]' || :)" if [ -n "$api_token" ]; then timestamp "TeamCity user '$teamcity_user' already has an API token, skipping token creation" timestamp "since we cannot get existing token value out of the API, will load TEAMCITY_SUPERUSER_TOKEN to environment to use instead" else timestamp "Creating API token for user '$teamcity_user'" api_token="$("$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/users/$teamcity_user/tokens/mytoken" -sSL --fail -X POST | jq -r '.value')" timestamp "here is your user API token, export this and then you can easily use teamcity_api.sh:" echo >&2 # this takes precedence so disable it and use the user's api token instead unset TEAMCITY_SUPERUSER_TOKEN echo "export TEAMCITY_URL=$TEAMCITY_URL" export TEAMCITY_URL="$TEAMCITY_URL" echo "export TEAMCITY_TOKEN=$api_token" export TEAMCITY_TOKEN="$api_token" fi fi echo >&2 if [ "$user_already_exists" = 0 ]; then timestamp "Login here with username '$teamcity_user' and password: \$TEAMCITY_PASSWORD (default: admin):" echo >&2 login_url="$TEAMCITY_URL/login.html" echo "$login_url" echo if is_mac; then timestamp "detected running on Mac, opening TeamCity Server URL for you automatically" open "$login_url" echo >&2 fi echo >&2 fi if [ -n "$TEAMCITY_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID" ] && [ -n "$TEAMCITY_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" ]; then # detects and skips creation if an OAuth provider named 'GitHub.com' already exists "$srcdir/teamcity_create_github_oauth_provider.sh" echo fi timestamp "getting list of expected agents" expected_agents="$(docker-compose config | awk '/^[[:space:]]+AGENT_NAME:/ {print $2}' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d')" num_expected_agents="$(grep -c . <<< "$expected_agents" || :)" get_connected_agents(){ "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/agents?locator=connected:true,authorized:any" -sSL --fail | jq -r '.agent[].name' } SECONDS=0 timestamp "waiting for $num_expected_agents expected agent(s) to connect before authorizing them" while true; do num_connected_agents="$(get_connected_agents | grep -c . || :)" timestamp "connected agents: $num_connected_agents" if [ "$num_connected_agents" -ge "$num_expected_agents" ]; then timestamp "$num_connected_agents connected agents >= $num_expected_agents expected agents, continuing" break fi if [ $SECONDS -gt $max_secs ]; then timestamp "giving up waiting for connect agents after $max_secs" break fi sleep 3 done echo >&2 timestamp "getting list of unauthorized agents" # using our new teamcity API token, let's agents waiting to be authorized unauthorized_agents="$("$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/agents?locator=authorized:false" -sSL --fail | jq -r '.agent[].name')" timestamp "authorizing any expected agents that are not currently authorized" if [ -z "$unauthorized_agents" ]; then timestamp "no unauthorized agents found" fi for agent in $unauthorized_agents; do # XXX: recreated agents end up with a digit appended to the name to avoid clash with old stale agent reference # if the agent disk state isn't lost this shouldn't be needed, but this environment is disposable so allow this # this is only a local environment so we don't have to worry about rogue agents for expected_agent in $expected_agents; do # grep -f would be easier but don't want to depend on have the GNU version installed and then remapped via func if [[ "$agent" =~ ^$expected_agent(-[[:digit:]]+)?$ ]]; then timestamp "authorizing expected agent '$agent'" # needs -H 'Accept: text/plain' to override the default -H 'Accept: application/json' from teamcity_api.sh # otherwise gets 403 error and then even switching to -H 'Accept: text/plain' still breaks due to cookie jar behaviour, # so teamcity_api.sh now uses a unique cookie jar per script run and clears the cookie jar first "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/agents/$agent/authorized" -X PUT -d true -H 'Accept: text/plain' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' # no newline returned echo continue 2 fi done timestamp "WARNING: unauthorized agent '$agent' was not expected, not automatically authorizing" done # this stops us accumulating huge numbers of agent-[[:digit:]] increments each time timestamp "deleting old disconnected agent references" # slight race condition here but it's not critical disconnected_agents="$("$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/agents?locator=connected:false" -sSL --fail | jq -r '.agent[].name')" for disconnected_agent in $disconnected_agents; do timestamp "deleting disconnected agent '$disconnected_agent'" "$srcdir/teamcity_api.sh" "/agents/$disconnected_agent" -X DELETE done echo >&2 timestamp "TeamCity is up and ready"