#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2230 # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: circa 2006 - 2012 (forked from .bashrc) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # # ============================================================================ # # S S H # ============================================================================ # #ssh() { set -o xtrace ; command ssh "$@" <<< "$(cat .bashrc_remote)" ; } alias sshconfig='$EDITOR ~/.ssh/config' alias sshcfg=sshconfig # ssh-add ssha(){ ssh_agent #num_keys="$(ssh-add -l | grep -Ec "(rsa|dsa)")" #if [ "$num_keys" -lt 1 ]; then # ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_[rd]sa #else # return 0 #fi for key in ~/.ssh/id_[rd]sa; do key_fingerprint="$(ssh-keygen -lf "$key" | awk '{print $2}')" if ! ssh-add -l | grep -Fq "$key_fingerprint"; then ssh-add "$key" fi done } ssh_func(){ ssha if [ "$1" = "ssh" ] || [ "$1" = "vagrant" ]; then local n=2 [ "$1" = "vagrant" ] && ((n+=1)) until [ "$n" -gt "$#" ]; do case ${!n} in -*) : ;; *) grep -q "^[0-9]\+$" <<< "${!n}" || break ;; esac ((n+=1)) done fi local t="${!n}" # indirect reference to variable number by evaluating t="${t##*@}" t="${t%%.*}" title "$t" command "$1" "${@:2}" [ "$1" != "scp" ] && title "$LAST_TITLE" } alias ssh="ssh_func ssh" alias sshl="ssh-add -l" alias sshni="ssh_func ssh -oPreferredAuthentications=publickey -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no" alias scp="ssh_func scp" alias sftp="ssh_func sftp" #alias sshc="ssh_custom" safe_ssh(){ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "usage: safe_ssh [user@]hostname" return 1 fi host="${1##*@}" if grep -q '@' <<< "$1"; then user="${1%%@*}" else user=root fi #keys=`ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no $@ 'for x in rsa dsa; do ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_${x}_key ; done' 2>&1` #keys=`ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no $@ 'for x in rsa dsa; do cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_${x}_key ; done' 2>&1` keys="$(ssh "$user@$host" 'for x in rsa dsa; do cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_${x}_key.pub ; done')" rsa_key="$(echo "$keys" | awk '/ssh-rsa/ {print $1" "$2}')" dsa_key="$(echo "$keys" | awk '/ssh-dsa/ {print $1" "$2}')" known_key="$(grep "${@##*@}" ~/.ssh/known_hosts | awk '{print $2" "$3}' | sort -u)" echo if [ "$rsa_key" = "$known_key" ]; then echo "OK: Host rsa key matches known key" elif [ "$dsa_key" = "$known_key" ]; then echo "OK: Host dsa key matches known key" else echo 'WARNING: known ssh key for '"$1"' does not match either rsa or dsa keys obtained from server!!!' echo "Known Key: $known_key" echo "RSA Key: $rsa_key" echo "DSA Key: $dsa_key" fi } alias sssh=safe_ssh check_sshkey(){ for x in "$@"; do grep "$x" ~/.ssh/known_hosts | sort | while read -r host id known_key; do scanned_key="$(ssh-keyscan "$host" | awk "/^$host $id / {print \$3}")" if [ "$scanned_key" != "$known_key" ]; then echo -e "\nMISMATCH: $host\nknown key: $known_key\nscanned_key:$scanned_key\n\n" fi done done } #update_sshkey(){ # host="$1" # id="$2" # key="$3" # perl -pi -e "s/^$host .*/$host $id $key/" ~/.ssh/known_hosts #} ressh(){ # FIXME: a cheat, it should be set properly but ssh in retry doesn't look like it's triggers ssh_func properly title "$1" retry ssh "$@" title "$LAST_TITLE" } rissh(){ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "rissh " return 1 fi cleankey "$@" ressh "$@" -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no } issh(){ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "issh " return 1 fi cleankey "$@" ssh "root@$*" -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no } bouncessh(){ checkhost "$1" || return 1 title "$1" whendown "$1" ressh "$@" } alias bssh=bouncessh bouncerissh(){ checkhost "$1" || return 1 title "$1" whendown "$1" rissh "$@" } alias brissh=bouncerissh alias bissh=bouncerissh rekey(){ [ -n "$1" ] || { echo "usage: rekey host"; return 1; } cleankey "$1" ssh-keyscan -t rsa "$1" | grep "^$1 ssh-rsa" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-keyscan -t dsa "$1" | grep "^$1 ssh-dss" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts } sshkey(){ local key=~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # now available on Mac, but my tried and tested function of years gone by dedupes the keys # if type -P ssh-copy-id; then # ssh-copy-id -i "$key" "$@" # else ssh "$@" ' umask 077; [ -d ~/.ssh ] || mkdir -p ~/.ssh; key=`cat`; # my version is better than what ssh-copy-id did it would add duplicate keys if ! grep "$key" ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo $key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; fi; chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # this line was the only advantage ssh-copy-id script had test -x /sbin/restorecon && /sbin/restorecon ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >/dev/null 2>&1 || true ' < "$key" # fi } cleankey(){ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "usage: cleankey regex" return 1 fi for x in "$@"; do ssh-keygen -R "$x" local aliasname aliasname="$(host "$x" | awk '/is an alias for/ {print $6}')" if [ -n "$aliasname" ]; then ssh-keygen -R "$aliasname" ssh-keygen -R "${aliasname%%.*}" fi continue # local ip # ip="$(host -W 1 "$x" | grep address)" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # ip="$(cut -d" " -f 4 <<< "$ip")" # perl -pi -e 's/^\[?[^,]+\]?(:\d+)?,\[?'"$ip"'\]?(:\d)? .*$//;s/^'"$ip"' .*$//' ~/.ssh/known_hosts # fi # # need to leave second deletion just in case as you may want to specify just the ip address # #perl -pi -e 's/^\[?'"$x"'\]?(:\d+)?\[,\s.*$//;s/^.*[^,]+,'"$x"' .*$//' ~/.ssh/known_hosts # perl -pi -e 's/^'"$x"'\s.*$//;s/^.*[^,]+,'"$x"' .*$//' ~/.ssh/known_hosts done } keyremove(){ for x in "$@"; do ssh -o "PasswordAuthentication no" "$x" ' for y in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys*; do if [ -f "$y" ]; then perl -pi -e '"'s/ssh-rsa .*= hari@.*\n//'"' "$y" fi done ' done } #keyremoveall(){ # for x in "$@"; do # for y in root hari oracle; do # keyremove "$y@$x" # done # done #}