# # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2011-06-01 16:58:33 +0000 (Wed, 01 Jun 2011) # # Things to install by hand # # Xcode - running 'git' is enough to trigger the install # # Many of these are now available in brew casks - TODO: test and move to brew-packages-desktop-casks.txt # # Chrome # Docker Desktop # Google Drive # RStudio # Sophos Anti-Virus # ClamXav # Colloquay # JConsole # Reggy # Remote Desktop Connection # Skype # Spotify # Sublime Text 2 # SynergyOSX # TunnelBlick # VLC # WindowWrangler? # Wireshark # iPhone Explorer # Cask installed projects are in adjacent file brew-packages-desktop-casks.txt # Install from formula on GitHub https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jingweno/spotctl/master/Formula/spotctl.rb # Install HomeBrew Desktop packages - one per line #ack ansible ansible-lint autojump autossh bash # version 5, not old version 3 from Apple due to licensing bash-completion brew-cask-completion checkstyle circleci cmatrix colordiff cowsay #coreutils # in brew-packages.txt csshx diff-so-fancy diffpdf direnv dnsmasq dnstop docker-completion docker-compose-completion dos2unix drone-cli e2fsprogs expect etcd ffmpeg fish fortune fzf gem-completion git #gnu-sed # in brew-packages.txt gnupg2 gnuplot gradle gradle-completion hadolint haproxy htop hub id3v2 # mp3 tag cli editor imagemagick ipcalc iperf ipython #jq # in brew-packages.txt jsonlint jython kompose kubectl kubernetes-cli kubernetes-helm launchctl-completion lolcat lynx maven-completion #md5sha1sum # clashes with coreutils media-info # read mp3 tags mercurial midnight-commander mosh # nagios-plugins clashes monitoring-plugins mplayer mtr mycli mysql octave p7zip packer-completion #parallel # in brew-packages.txt parquet-tools perltidy pgcli pinentry pinentry-mac pip-completion pipx postgresql prestosql pstree pwgen #pygments # in pip-packages-desktop.txt #python # in brew-packages.txt r rbenv rdesktop #readline # in brew-packages.txt ruby # Mac ruby is too old to install Travis CI ruby-completion screen # get newer version for -Q switch, will use different sockets directory s3cmd scalastyle snappy sonar-completion sonar-scanner sqlite ssllabs-scan sslscan ssh-copy-id thrift tree tmux urlview # used by tmux plugin tmux-urlview unix2dos vagrant-completion watch #wget # in brew-packages.txt #whois # in brew-packages.txt xz yamllint zsh # runtime only #groovy # GDK - use SDKMan instead (setup/install_sdkman.sh) #groovysdk # done by SDKMan now #maven #sbt #scala # no longer available #jwhois # clashes with docker and needs unlinking - don't use this any more anyway since Docker Desktop arrived #docker-machine-completion # automake # autoconf # Mac already supplies a libtool, so this gets prefixed with a 'g' # libtool