#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-02-07 15:01:31 +0000 (Fri, 07 Feb 2020) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # # Script to generate GIT_STATUS.md containing the headers and status badges of the Top N rated by stars GitHub repos across all CI platforms on a single page # # Usage: # # without arguments queries for all non-fork repos for your $GITHUB_USER and iterate them up to $top_N to generate the page # # GITHUB_USER=HariSekhon ./github_generate_status_page.sh # # with arguments will query those repo's README.md at the top level - if omitting the prefix will prepend $GITHUB_USER/ # # GITHUB_USER=HariSekhon ./github_generate_status_page.sh HariSekhon/DevOps-Python-tools HariSekhon/DevOps-Perl-tools # # GITHUB_USER=HariSekhon ./github_generate_status_page.sh DevOps-Python-tools DevOps-Perl-tools # set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(dirname "$0")" trap 'echo ERROR >&2' exit file="GIT_STATUS.md" top_N=100 repolist="$*" # this leads to confusion as it generates some randomly unexpected output by querying a github user who happens to have the same name as your local user eg. hari, so force explicit now #USER="${GITHUB_USER:-${USERNAME:-${USER}}}" if [ -z "${GITHUB_USER:-}" ] ; then echo "\$GITHUB_USER not set!" exit 1 fi get_repos(){ page=1 while true; do echo "fetching repos page $page" >&2 if ! output="$("$srcdir/github_api.sh" "/users/$GITHUB_USER/repos?page=$page&per_page=100")"; then echo "ERROR" >&2 exit 1 fi # use authenticated requests if you are hitting the API rate limit - this is automatically done above now if USER/PASSWORD GITHUB_USER/GITHUB_PASSWORD/GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables are detected # eg. CURL_OPTS="-u harisekhon:$GITHUB_TOKEN" ... # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [ -z "$(jq '.[]' <<< "$output")" ]; then break elif jq -r '.message' <<< "$output" >&2 2>/dev/null; then exit 1 fi jq -r '.[] | select(.fork | not) | [.full_name, .stargazers_count] | @tsv' <<< "$output" ((page+=1)) done } original_sources=0 if [ -z "$repolist" ]; then repolist="$(get_repos | grep -v spark-apps | sort -k2nr | awk '{print $1}' | head -n "$top_N")" original_sources=1 fi num_repos="$(wc -w <<< "$repolist")" num_repos="${num_repos// /}" #echo "$repolist" >&2 # make portable between linux and mac head(){ if [ "$(uname -s)" = Darwin ]; then # from brew's coreutils package (installed by 'make') ghead "$@" else command head "$@" fi } tempfile="$(mktemp)" trap 'echo ERROR >&2; rm -f $tempfile' exit { actual_repos=0 for repo in $repolist; do if ! [[ "$repo" =~ / ]]; then repo="$GITHUB_USER/$repo" fi echo "getting github repo $repo" >&2 echo "---" #perl -e '$/ = undef; my $content=; $content =~ s///gs; print $content' | curl -sS "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$repo/master/README.md" | perl -pe '$/ = undef; s///gs' | sed -n '1,/^[^\[[:space:]<=-]/ p' | head -n -1 | #perl -ne 'print unless /=============/;' | grep -v "===========" | sed '1 s/^[^#]/# &/' | # \\ escapes the newlines to allow them inside the sed for literal replacement since \n doesn't work sed "2 s|^|\\ Link: [$repo](https://github.com/$repo)\\ \\ |" echo ((actual_repos+=1)) done } > "$tempfile" if [ "$num_repos" != "$actual_repos" ]; then echo "ERROR: differing number of target github repos ($num_repos) vs actual repos ($actual_repos)" exit 1 fi build_regex='travis-ci.+\.svg' build_regex+='|github\.com/.+/workflows/.+/badge\.svg' build_regex+='|dev\.azure\.com/.+/_apis/build/status' build_regex+='|appveyor\.com/api/projects/status' build_regex+='|img\.shields\.io/.+/pipeline' build_regex+='|img.shields.io/.+/build/' build_regex+='|img.shields.io/cirrus/' build_regex+='|img.shields.io/travis/' build_regex+='|img.shields.io/shippable/' build_regex+='|circleci\.com/.+\.svg' build_regex+='|g\.codefresh\.io/api/badges/pipeline/' build_regex+='|api\.shippable\.com/projects/.+/badge' build_regex+='|app\.wercker\.com/status/' build_regex+='|img\.shields\.io/docker/build/' build_regex+='|img\.shields\.io/docker/cloud/build/' build_regex+='|cloud\.drone\.io/api/badges/.+/status.svg' build_regex+='|app\.codeship\.com/projects/.+/status' if [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ]; then grep -E "$build_regex" "$tempfile" >&2 || : fi num_builds="$(grep -Ec "$build_regex" "$tempfile" || :)" { cat <