#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2022-02-17 11:32:45 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2022) # # https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/HariSekhon # set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/lib/github.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154 usage_description=" Creates a GitHub Pull Request idempotently by first checking for an existing PR between the branches, and also checking if there are the necessary commits between the branches, to avoid common errors from blindly raising PRs Useful to automate audited code promotion across environments (eg. Staging branch -> Production branch) Also works across repo forks if the head branch contains an ':' prefix Useful Git terminology reminder: The HEAD branch is the branch you want to merge FROM, eg. 'my-feature-branch' The BASE branch is the branch you want to merge INTO, eg. 'master' or 'main' If \$GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE or \$GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_BODY environment variables are set, those values will be used to generate the pull request If \$GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_BODY is not set, but .github/pull_request_template.md is present at the top of the current checkout repo, will use that for the body. If the template body contains Jira ticket number token templates such as AA-XXXXX or AA-NNNNN and the current branch is prefixed with a matching alpha-number token, then those tokens will be replaced with the real Jira number from the branch Requires GitHub CLI to be installed and configured Used by adjacent scripts: github_merge_branch.sh github_repo_fork_update.sh " # used by usage() in lib/utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 usage_args="[/ ]" help_usage "$@" #min_args 2 "$@" max_args 3 "$@" owner_repo="" if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then owner_repo="$1" shift || : fi head="${1:-}" base="${2:-}" if is_blank "$owner_repo"; then if ! is_in_git_repo; then die "Repo not specified and not in a git repository checkout to infer it" fi owner_repo='{owner}/{repo}' fi repo_data="$(gh api "/repos/$owner_repo")" owner="$(jq -r '.owner.login' <<< "$repo_data")" repo="$(jq -r '.name' <<< "$repo_data")" if is_blank "$base"; then timestamp "Base branch not specified, inferring to be default branch from repo" base="$(jq -r '.default_branch' <<< "$repo_data")" timestamp "Using default branch '$base' as base branch" fi if is_blank "$head"; then if ! is_in_git_repo; then die "Head branch not specified and not in a git repository checkout to infer it" fi checkout_owner_repo="$(gh api '/repos/{owner}/{repo}' | jq -r '.full_name')" if [ "$owner/$repo" != "$checkout_owner_repo" ]; then die "ERROR: Head branch not specified and current git repository checkout we are within ($checkout_owner_repo) does not match the target repo ($owner/$repo), so cannot use local branch name to infer it" fi timestamp "Head branch not specified, inferring to be current branch from repo checkout" head="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" timestamp "Head branch was inferred from local git checkout branch to be '$head'" if [ "$head" = "$base" ]; then die "Cannot create pull request from head branch '$head' to base branch '$base' because they are the same branch! " fi fi if [[ "$head" =~ : ]]; then head_owner="${head%%:*}" head_name="${head##*:}" else head_owner="$owner" head_name="$head" fi body_template="" if [ "$owner_repo" = '{owner}/{repo}' ]; then # we are raising for the local repo git_root="$(git_root)" pr_template="$git_root/.github/pull_request_template.md" if [ -f "$pr_template" ]; then body_template="$(cat "$pr_template")" # if branch prefix matches an AA-XXXXX or AA-NNNNN token placeholder in the body, replace it branch_prefix="$(grep -Eom1 '^[[:alpha:]]{2,}-[[:digit:]]{3,}-' <<< "$head" | sed 's/-$//' || :)" if [[ "$branch_prefix" =~ ^[[:alpha:]]{2,}-[[:digit:]]{3,}$ ]]; then match1="${branch_prefix//[[:digit:]]/X}" match2="${branch_prefix//[[:digit:]]/N}" # doesn't work for replacements below #shopt -s nocasematch #body_template="${body_template//$match1/$branch_prefix}" #body_template="${body_template//$match2/$branch_prefix}" #shopt -u nocasematch body_template="$(sed "s/\\($match1\\|$match2\\)/$branch_prefix/gi" <<< "$body_template")" fi fi fi title="${GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE:-Merge $head branch into $base branch}" body="${GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_BODY:-${body_template:-Created automatically by script \`${0##*/}\` in the [DevOps Bash tools](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools) repo}}" total_commits="$(gh api "/repos/$owner/$repo/compare/$base...$head" -q '.total_commits')" get_pr_url(){ local existing_pr existing_pr="$(gh pr list -R "$owner/$repo" \ --json baseRefName,changedFiles,commits,headRefName,headRepository,headRepositoryOwner,isCrossRepository,number,state,title,url \ -q ".[] | select(.baseRefName == \"$base\") | select(.headRefName == \"$head_name\") | select(.headRepositoryOwner.login == \"$head_owner\") ")" if [ -n "$existing_pr" ]; then jq -r '.url' <<< "$existing_pr" else echo "" fi } if [ "$total_commits" -gt 0 ]; then # check for existing PR between these branches before creating another existing_pr_url="$(get_pr_url)" if [ -n "$existing_pr_url" ]; then timestamp "Branch '$base' already has an existing pull request from '$head', skipping creating PR: $existing_pr_url" echo >&2 exit 0 fi timestamp "Creating Pull Request from head '$head' into base branch '$base'" # --no-maintainer-edit is important, otherwise member ci account gets error (and yes there is a double 'Fork collab' error in GitHub CLI's error message): # pull request create failed: GraphQL: Fork collab Fork collab can't be granted by someone without permission (createPullRequest) gh pr create -R "$owner/$repo" \ --base "$base" \ --head "$head" \ --title "$title" \ --body "$body" \ --no-maintainer-edit echo >&2 else timestamp "Branch '$base' is already up to date with upstream, skipping creating PR" echo >&2 fi