# USE defaults from aws cli instead [aws_profile default] # If you are a user of aws cli, you might want to use some configurations of aws cli, # please refer to https://athenacli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/awsconfig.html for more infomation. #aws_access_key_id = '' #aws_secret_access_key = '' #region = '' # e.g us-west-2, us-east-1 # Amazon S3 staging directory where query results are stored # NOTE: S3 should in the same region as specified above. # The format is 's3://' s3_staging_dir = '' [main] # log_file location. log_file = ~/.athenacli/app.log # history_file location. history_file = '~/.athenacli/history' # Multi-line mode allows breaking up the sql statements into multiple lines. If # this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon. # If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple # lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement. multi_line = True # Destructive warning mode will alert you before executing a sql statement # that may cause harm to the database such as "drop table", "drop database" # or "shutdown". destructive_warning = True # Default log level. Possible values: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO" # and "DEBUG". "NONE" disables logging. log_level = INFO # Timing of sql statments and table rendering. timing = True # Table format. Possible values: ascii, double, github, # psql, plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, orgtbl, rst, mediawiki, html, # latex, latex_booktabs, textile, moinmoin, jira, vertical, tsv, csv. # Recommended: ascii table_format = ascii # Syntax coloring style. Possible values (many support the "-dark" suffix): # manni, igor, xcode, vim, autumn, vs, rrt, native, perldoc, borland, tango, emacs, # friendly, monokai, paraiso, colorful, murphy, bw, pastie, paraiso, trac, default, # fruity. # Screenshots at http://mycli.net/syntax syntax_style = default # Keybindings: Possible values: emacs, vi. # Emacs mode: Ctrl-A is home, Ctrl-E is end. All emacs keybindings are available in the REPL. # When Vi mode is enabled you can use modal editing features offered by Vi in the REPL. key_bindings = emacs # Athena prompt # \d - Database name # \r - Region # \D - The full current date # \m - Minutes of the current time # \n - Newline # \P - AM/PM # \R - The current time, in 24-hour military time (0–23) # \s - Seconds of the current time prompt = '\r:\d> ' prompt_continuation = '-> ' # enable pager on startup enable_pager = True # Custom colors for the completion menu, toolbar, etc. [colors] # Completion menus. Token.Menu.Completions.Completion.Current = 'bg:#00aaaa #000000' Token.Menu.Completions.Completion = 'bg:#008888 #ffffff' Token.Menu.Completions.MultiColumnMeta = 'bg:#aaffff #000000' Token.Menu.Completions.ProgressButton = 'bg:#003333' Token.Menu.Completions.ProgressBar = 'bg:#00aaaa' # Query results Token.Output.Header = 'bold' Token.Output.OddRow = '' Token.Output.EvenRow = '' # Selected text. Token.SelectedText = '#ffffff bg:#6666aa' # Search matches. (reverse-i-search) Token.SearchMatch = '#ffffff bg:#4444aa' Token.SearchMatch.Current = '#ffffff bg:#44aa44' # The bottom toolbar. Token.Toolbar = 'bg:#222222 #aaaaaa' Token.Toolbar.Off = 'bg:#222222 #888888' Token.Toolbar.On = 'bg:#222222 #ffffff' # Search/arg/system toolbars. Token.Toolbar.Search = 'noinherit bold' Token.Toolbar.Search.Text = 'nobold' Token.Toolbar.System = 'noinherit bold' Token.Toolbar.Arg = 'noinherit bold' Token.Toolbar.Arg.Text = 'nobold' # Favorite queries. [favorite_queries]