# # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2013-02-03 10:25:36 +0000 (Sun, 03 Feb 2013) # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback # to help improve or steer this or other code I publish # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # ifneq ("$(wildcard bash-tools)", "") BASH_TOOLS := bash-tools else BASH_TOOLS := . endif # would fail bootstrapping on Alpine #SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash export PATH := $(PATH):/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin DOCKER_IMAGE := harisekhon/github ifneq ("$(wildcard /.dockerenv)", "") INSIDE_DOCKER := 1 else INSIDE_DOCKER := endif CODE_FILES := $(shell if type git >/dev/null 2>&1; then git ls-files | while read line; do test -f "$$line" || continue; echo "$$line"; done; fi) CPANM = cpanm FATPACKS_DIR := fatpacks SUDO := sudo SUDO_PIP := sudo -H SUDO_PERL := sudo PYTHON_VIRTUALENV := ifdef PERLBREW_PERL # can't put this here, nor @commented, otherwise gets error - "commands commence before first target. Stop." #echo "Perlbrew environment detected, not calling sudo" SUDO_PERL = else PERLBREW_PERL := endif # Travis has custom python install earlier in $PATH even in Perl builds so need to install PyPI modules locally to non-system python otherwise they're not found by programs. # Perms not set correctly on custom python install in Travis perl build so workaround is done to chown to travis user in .travis.yml # Better than modifying $PATH to put /usr/bin first which is likely to affect many other things including potentially not finding the perlbrew installation first # Looks like Perl travis builds are now using system Python - do not use TRAVIS env ifdef VIRTUAL_ENV #echo "Virtual Env / Conda detected, not calling sudo" SUDO_PIP := PYTHON_VIRTUALENV := 1 endif ifdef CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV SUDO_PIP := PYTHON_VIRTUALENV := 1 endif # must come after to reset SUDO_PERL/SUDO_PIP to blank if root # EUID / UID not exported in Make # USER not populated in Docker ifeq '$(shell id -u)' '0' #echo "root UID detected, not calling sudo" SUDO := SUDO_PERL := SUDO_PIP := endif # placeholders to silence check_makefile.sh warnings - should be set in client Makefiles after sourcing ifndef REPO REPO := NOTSET endif ifndef ARGS ARGS := NOTSET endif ifndef CONF_FILES CONF_FILES := NOTSET endif define MAKEFILE_USAGE_COMMON Usage: Common Options: make help show this message make build installs all dependencies - OS packages and any language libraries via native tools eg. pip, cpanm, gem, go etc that are not available via OS packages make build-retry retries 'make build' x 3 until success to try to mitigate temporary upstream repo failures triggering false alerts in CI systems make ci prints env, then runs 'build-retry' for more resilient CI builds with debugging make printenv prints environment variables, CPU cores, OS release, $$PWD, Git branch, hashref etc. Useful for CI debugging make system-packages installs OS packages only (detects OS via whichever package manager is available) make test run tests make clean removes compiled / generated files, downloaded tarballs, temporary files etc. make submodules initialize and update submodules to the right release (done automatically by build / system-packages) make init same as above, often useful to do in CI systems to get access to additional submodule provided targets such as 'make ci' make cpan install any modules listed in any cpan-requirements.txt files if not already installed make pip install any modules listed in any requirements.txt files if not already installed make python-compile compile any python files found in the current directory and 1 level of subdirectory make pycompile make github open browser at github project make readme open browser at github's README make github-url print github url and copy to clipboard make status open browser at Github CI Builds overview Status page for all projects make ls-files print list of files in project make ls-code print list of code files, excluding READMEs and other peripheral files make wc show line counts of the files and grand total make wc-code show line counts of only code files and total endef #make ${VENV} make a virtualenv in the base directory (see VENV) #make pip-install install python packages in requirements.txt #make git-config set local git configuration export MAKEFILE_USAGE_COMMON export MAKEFILE_USAGE # doesn't seem to work #.DEFAULT: build # @echo running default # $(MAKE) build # won't be run the first time - will default to first target which will only then initialize submodules .PHONY: default default: git @$(MAKE) main .PHONY: printenv printenv: git @ printf "CPU Cores: "; nproc 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null; : @ # $$USER not always set in sh @ # printf "Git hashref: "; git rev-parse HEAD @ # printf "Git hashref: "; git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1 @ # printf "Git branch: "; git branch --show-current # doesn't work on Alpine @ # printf "Git branch: "; git show-branch --current # prints too many branches @ . $(BASH_TOOLS)/lib/ci.sh || : ; \ if is_CI || test -f /.dockerenv; then \ echo; \ echo "USER = `whoami`"; \ echo "PWD = $$PWD"; \ echo; \ printf "Git branch: "; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD; \ printf "Git commit: "; git log --pretty=format:"%ai %cn %H %s" -n 1; echo; \ echo; \ if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then echo "Running inside Docker:"; ls -l /.dockerenv 2>/dev/null; fi; \ echo; \ echo "OS RELEASE:"; echo; uname -a || : ; echo; cat /etc/*release || : ; echo; \ echo; \ unset MAKEFILE_USAGE; unset MAKEFILE_USAGE_COMMON; unset TERMCAP; \ echo "CI ENVIRONMENT:"; echo; env | sort --ignore-case ; echo; \ echo; \ echo "PATH:"; echo "$$PATH" | tr ':' '\n'; \ echo; \ else \ env | grep -E 'BUILD|PIPELINE|JOB|STAGE|\' tests because the exit 3 doesn't actually get called and leads make to think there is a matching target, which then fail to execute # catchall - any unrecognized target will print usage #%:: # @# don't use less, it will make target tests hang # @echo Unrecognized option $@; \ # echo; \ # $(MAKE) usage; .PHONY: quick quick: QUICK=1 $(MAKE) build .PHONY: git git: type git 2>/dev/null || $(BASH_TOOLS)/install_packages.sh git .PHONY: submodules submodules: git @echo "checking out any git submodules:" git submodule update --init --recursive @echo .PHONY: git-clean git-clean: git @git clean -n -d @printf "\n\n%s" "If you're happy with this list, run:" @printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "git clean -f -d" .PHONY: gitignore gitignore: $(BASH_TOOLS)/update_gitignore.io.sh .PHONY: btest btest: bash-test @: .PHONY: bash-test bash-test: $(BASH_TOOLS)/check_all.sh .PHONY: push push: git push .PHONY: system-packages system-packages: submodules if [ -x /sbin/apk ]; then $(MAKE) apk-packages; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then $(MAKE) apt-packages; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then $(MAKE) yum-packages; fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/brew -a `uname` = Darwin ]; then $(MAKE) homebrew-packages; fi .PHONY: system-packages-perl system-packages-perl: system-packages if [ -x /sbin/apk ]; then $(MAKE) apk-packages-perl; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then $(MAKE) apt-packages-perl; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then $(MAKE) yum-packages-perl; fi .PHONY: system-packages-python system-packages-python: system-packages if [ -x /sbin/apk ]; then $(MAKE) apk-packages-python; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then $(MAKE) apt-packages-python; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then $(MAKE) yum-packages-python; fi .PHONY: apk-packages apk-packages: # not portable in Alpine sh #for x in apk-packages{,-perl,-python}{,-dev}.txt; do \ for x in apk-packages.txt apk-packages-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_install_packages.sh" #for x in apk-packages-{optional,cpan,pip}.txt; do \ for x in apk-packages-optional.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: apk-packages-perl apk-packages-perl: for x in apk-packages-perl.txt apk-packages-perl-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_install_packages.sh" #for x in apk-packages-{optional,cpan,pip}.txt; do \ # don't put comments inside the for loop, breaks syntax expecting 'done' # no point installing system cpan packages if using perlbrew as they won't be found inside perlbrew for x in apk-packages-cpan.txt; do \ if [ -z "$(PERLBREW_PERL)" ]; then \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ fi; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: apk-packages-python apk-packages-python: for x in apk-packages-python.txt apk-packages-python-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_install_packages.sh" # no point installing system pip packages when they won't be found in virtualenv and will need to be pip installed anyway for x in apk-packages-pip.txt; do \ if [ -z "$(PYTHON_VIRTUALENV)" ]; then \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ fi; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: apt-packages apt-packages: #for x in deb-packages{,-perl,-python}{,-dev}.txt; do \ for x in deb-packages.txt deb-packages-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_install_packages.sh" #for x in deb-packages-{optional,cpan,pip}.txt; do \ for x in deb-packages-optional.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: apt-packages-perl apt-packages-perl: for x in deb-packages-perl.txt deb-packages-perl-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_install_packages.sh" for x in deb-packages-cpan.txt; do \ if [ -z "$(PERLBREW_PERL)" ] && \ [ -z "$(GOOGLE_CLOUD_SHELL)" ]; then \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ fi; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: apt-packages-python apt-packages-python: for x in deb-packages-python.txt deb-packages-python-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_install_packages.sh" for x in deb-packages-pip.txt; do \ if [ -z "$(PYTHON_VIRTUALENV)" ] && \ [ -z "$(GOOGLE_CLOUD_SHELL)" ]; then \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ fi; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 NO_UPDATE=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: yum-packages yum-packages: # needed for Fedora docker image for find and xargs yum install -y findutils $(BASH_TOOLS)/setup/install_epel_repo.sh # installing packages individually to catch package install failure, otherwise yum succeeds even if it misses a package for x in rpm-packages.txt rpm-packages-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_install_packages.sh" for x in rpm-packages-optional.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: yum-packages-perl yum-packages-perl: # installing packages individually to catch package install failure, otherwise yum succeeds even if it misses a package for x in rpm-packages-perl.txt rpm-packages-perl-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_install_packages.sh" for x in rpm-packages-cpan.txt; do \ if [ -z "$(PERLBREW_PERL)" ]; then \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ fi; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_install_packages.sh" .PHONY: yum-packages-python yum-packages-python: # installing packages individually to catch package install failure, otherwise yum succeeds even if it misses a package for x in rpm-packages-python.txt rpm-packages-python-dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_install_packages.sh" . "$(BASH_TOOLS)/lib/python.sh"; \ set +o pipefail || : ; \ if ! inside_virtualenv; then \ for x in rpm-packages-pip.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_install_packages.sh"; \ fi .PHONY: homebrew-packages homebrew-packages: # Fails if any of the packages are already installed, ignore and continue - if it's a problem the latest build steps will fail with missing headers for x in brew-packages.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/brew_install_packages.sh" @# fix for OpenSSL 1.0 -> 1.1 library linkage breaking python -c 'import hashlib', which break pips, eg: @# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20399331/error-importing-hashlib-with-python-2-7-but-not-with-2-6 $(BASH_TOOLS)/setup/brew_fix_openssl_dependencies.sh .PHONY: system-packages-remove system-packages-remove: if [ -x /sbin/apk ]; then $(MAKE) apk-packages-remove; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then $(MAKE) apt-packages-remove; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then $(MAKE) yum-packages-remove; fi .PHONY: apk-packages-remove apk-packages-remove: for x in apk-packages-{,perl-,python-}dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apk_remove_packages.sh" $(SUDO) rm -fr /var/cache/apk/* .PHONY: apt-packages-remove apt-packages-remove: for x in deb-packages-{,perl-,python-}dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/apt_remove_packages.sh" .PHONY: yum-packages-remove yum-packages-remove: for x in rpm-packages-{,perl-,python-}dev.txt; do \ find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/setup/$$x"; \ done | NO_FAIL=1 xargs "$(BASH_TOOLS)/yum_remove_packages.sh" .PHONY: cpan cpan:: find . -maxdepth 3 -path '*/setup/cpan-requirements*.txt' | grep -v cpan-requirements-optional.txt | xargs $(BASH_TOOLS)/perl_cpanm_install_if_absent.sh @$(MAKE) cpan-optional .PHONY: cpan-optional cpan-optional:: find . -maxdepth 3 -path '*/setup/cpan-requirements-optional.txt' | NO_FAIL=1 xargs $(BASH_TOOLS)/perl_cpanm_install_if_absent.sh .PHONY: pip pip:: find . -maxdepth 3 -path '*/requirements.txt' | xargs $(BASH_TOOLS)/python_pip_install_if_absent.sh @$(MAKE) pip-optional .PHONY: pip-optional pip-optional:: find . -maxdepth 3 -path '*/requirements-optional.txt' | NO_FAIL=1 xargs $(BASH_TOOLS)/python_pip_install_if_absent.sh .PHONY: pip-user pip-user:: PYTHON_USER_INSTALL=1 $(MAKE) pip .PHONY: fatpacks fatpacks: $(BASH_TOOLS)/perl_generate_fatpacks.sh *.pl @echo @if [ -d lib/resources ]; then \ cp -av lib/resources fatpacks/; \ fi @if $(MAKE) -n fatpacks-local >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo; \ echo "fatpacks-local target detected, running:"; \ $(MAKE) fatpacks-local; \ fi @echo @if [ -n "`ls "$(FATPACKS_DIR)"`" ]; then \ tar czvf fatpacks.tar.gz "$(FATPACKS_DIR)"; \ echo; \ echo "Generated fatpacks.tar.gz containing $(FATPACKS_DIR)/ directory of perl scripts with all dependencies bundled"; \ fi .PHONY: fatpack fatpack: fatpacks @: .PHONY: python-compile python-compile: $(BASH_TOOLS)/python_compile.sh .PHONY: pycompile pycompile: python-compile @: .PHONY: python-version python-version: $(BASH_TOOLS)/setup/which_python_installed.sh .PHONY: golang-version golang-version: @which go && \ ls -l `which go` && \ echo && \ go version || : ; \ echo .PHONY: go-version go-version: golang-version @: # ======================= # Nice tricks for pure Python projects # - borrowed from https://gist.github.com/bsmith89/c6811893c1cbd2a72cc1d144a197bef2#file-makefile #VENV = .venv #export VIRTUAL_ENV := $(abspath ${VENV}) # putting the venv/bin at the start of the path means that the venv python will be called # and the venv libraries used automatically, so no need to 'source .venv/bin/activate' first # although it misses the hash flush 'hash -r' that the venv activate script does #export PATH := ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin:${PATH} #${VENV}: # python3 -m venv "$@" #pip-install: requirements.txt | ${VENV} # pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt # ======================= .PHONY: sonar sonar: sonar-scanner .PHONY: update update: update2 @# putting this here instead of inline dep because otherwise check_makefile.sh will fail the target as build target doesn't exist in this Makefile.in @$(MAKE) build .PHONY: update2 update2: update-no-recompile @: .PHONY: update-no-recompile update-no-recompile: git pull --no-edit $(MAKE) submodules .PHONY: update-submodules update-submodules: git submodule update --init --remote .PHONY: updatem updatem: update-submodules @: .PHONY: docker-run docker-run: docker run -ti --rm ${DOCKER_IMAGE} ${ARGS} .PHONY: run run: docker-run @: .PHONY: concourse concourse: $(BASH_TOOLS)/concourse.sh .PHONY: fly fly: concourse @: .PHONY: docker-mount docker-mount: # --privileged=true is needed to be able to: # mount -t tmpfs -o size=1m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk docker run -ti --rm --privileged=true -v $$PWD:/code ${DOCKER_IMAGE} bash -c "cd /code; exec bash" .PHONY: docker-mount-alpine docker-mount-alpine: # --privileged=true is needed to be able to: # mount -t tmpfs -o size=1m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk docker run -ti --rm --privileged=true -v $$PWD:/code ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:alpine bash -c "cd /code; exec bash" .PHONY: docker-mount-debian docker-mount-debian: # --privileged=true is needed to be able to: # mount -t tmpfs -o size=1m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk docker run -ti --rm --privileged=true -v $$PWD:/code ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:debian bash -c "cd /code; exec bash" .PHONY: docker-mount-centos docker-mount-centos: # --privileged=true is needed to be able to: # mount -t tmpfs -o size=1m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk docker run -ti --rm --privileged=true -v $$PWD:/code ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:centos bash -c "cd /code; exec bash" .PHONY: docker-mount-ubuntu docker-mount-ubuntu: # --privileged=true is needed to be able to: # mount -t tmpfs -o size=1m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk docker run -ti --rm --privileged=true -v $$PWD:/code ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:ubuntu bash -c "cd /code; exec bash" .PHONY: mount mount: docker-mount @: .PHONY: mount-alpine mount-alpine: docker-mount-alpine @: .PHONY: mount-debian mount-debian: docker-mount-debian @: .PHONY: mount-centos mount-centos: docker-mount-centos @: .PHONY: mount-ubuntu mount-ubuntu: docker-mount-ubuntu @: # checks dockerhub build status for this repo - needs check_dockerhub_repo_build_status.py from Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection to be in $PATH .PHONY: dockerhub-status dockerhub-status: check_dockerhub_repo_build_status.py -r "$(DOCKER_IMAGE)" # For quick testing only - for actual Dockerfile builds see https://hub.docker.com/u/harisekhon and Dockerfiles source repo https://github.com/harisekhon/Dockerfiles .PHONY: docker-alpine docker-alpine: $(BASH_TOOLS)/docker_mount_build_exec.sh alpine .PHONY: docker-debian docker-debian: $(BASH_TOOLS)/docker_mount_build_exec.sh debian .PHONY: docker-centos docker-centos: $(BASH_TOOLS)/docker_mount_build_exec.sh centos .PHONY: docker-fedora docker-fedora: $(BASH_TOOLS)/docker_mount_build_exec.sh fedora .PHONY: docker-ubuntu docker-ubuntu: $(BASH_TOOLS)/docker_mount_build_exec.sh ubuntu .PHONY: travis travis: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; browser "https://travis-ci.org/$(REPO)" .PHONY: travis-log travis-log: travis_last_log.py --failed $(REPO) .PHONY: travis-debug travis-debug: travis_debug_session.py $(REPO) .PHONY: browse browse: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; browser "https://github.com/$(REPO)" .PHONY: commitcount commitcount: @# interestingly, even on 10,000 commit repos, there are no duplicate short hashes shown from: @# git log --all --pretty=format:"%h" | sort | uniq -d @git log --all --pretty=format:"%h" | wc -l .PHONY: github github: browse @: .PHONY: github-url github-url: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/functions.sh; echo "https://github.com/$(REPO)" | tee /dev/stderr | tr -d '\n' | paste_clipboard .PHONY: status status: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; browser "https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools/blob/master/STATUS.md" .PHONY: readme readme: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; browser "https://github.com/$(REPO)/blob/master/README.md" .PHONY: issues issues: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; browser "https://github.com/$(REPO)/issues" .PHONY: github dockerhub: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; browser "https://hub.docker.com/u/harisekhon" .PHONY: dockerhub-url dockerhub-url: @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/functions.sh; echo "https://hub.docker.com/u/harisekhon" | tee /dev/stderr | tr -d '\n' | paste_clipboard .PHONY: startrack startrack: @echo "Don't run this too much, you will hit an API limit against your IP" @. $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; \ browser "https://seladb.github.io/StarTrack-js/?\ u=$$(sed 's/\/.*//' <<< "$(REPO)")\ &r=$$(sed 's/.*\///' <<< "$(REPO)")" .PHONY: star star: startrack @: .PHONY: allstars allstars: @echo "Takes a while, don't run this all the time or you will an API limit against your IP" @REPOS="Nagios-Plugins Dockerfiles DevOps-Python-tools DevOps-Perl-tools DevOps-Bash-Tools Nagios-Plugin-Kafka HAProxy-configs"; \ . $(BASH_TOOLS)/.bash.d/network.sh; \ browser "https://seladb.github.io/StarTrack-js/?\ $$(\ for repo in $$REPOS; do \ printf "%s" "&u=HariSekhon&r=$$repo"; \ done | \ sed 's/\&//'\ )" .PHONY: ls-files ls-files: @echo $(CODE_FILES) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort .PHONY: files files: ls-files @: .PHONY: ls-code ls-code: @# TODO: port out my code and non-code lists and make this more generic @$(MAKE) ls-files | grep -v -e '^\./\.' -e LICENSE -e '.*\.md' -e '.*\.txt' `for x in $(CONF_FILES) $(shell git submodule | awk '{print $$2}'); do echo "-e $$x"; done` @$(MAKE) ls-files | grep '\.bash' || : .PHONY: lscode lscode: ls-code @: .PHONY: wc wc: @# CODE_FILES := definitions in Makefiles must not be quoted or will get wc error 'open: File name too long' @wc -l $(CODE_FILES) @printf "Total Files: " @tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$(CODE_FILES)" | wc -l .PHONY: wc2 wc2: @printf "Total Files: " @tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$(CODE_FILES)" | wc -l @printf "Total line count without # comments:" @sed 's/#.*//;/^[[:space:]]*$$/d' $(CODE_FILES) | wc -l .PHONY: wc-code wc-code: @$(MAKE) ls-code | xargs wc -l @printf "Total code files: " @$(MAKE) ls-code | wc -l .PHONY: wccode wccode: wc-code @: .PHONY: wc-code2 wc-code2: @printf "Total code files: " @$(MAKE) ls-code | wc -l @printf "Total line count without # comments: " @$(MAKE) ls-code | xargs sed 's/#.*//;/^[[:space:]]*$$/d' | wc -l .PHONY: wccode wccode2: wc-code2 @: # finds .swp, would need to port out code lists #.PHONY: wcall #wcall: # find . -type f --not -path '*.git*' -exec cat {} \; | wc -l # #.PHONY: wcall #wcall: # find . -type f -not -path '*.git*' -exec sed 's/#.*//;/^[[:space:]]*$$/d' {} \; | wc -l