#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2015 # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: Fri Nov 1 19:04:26 2019 +0000 # # https://github.com/harisekhon/bash-tools # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback # # https://www.linkedin.com/in/harisekhon # # Various Git log author commit checks against Name / Email / Domain inconsistencies to catch committing with the wrong or default user.name / user.email set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # shellcheck source=lib/utils.sh . "$srcdir/lib/utils.sh" # shellcheck source=.bash.d/functions.sh . "$srcdir/.bash.d/functions.sh" # shellcheck source=.bash.d/git.sh . "$srcdir/.bash.d/git.sh" section "Git Author Name + Email Checks" start_time="$(start_timer)" #author_name="${GIT_AUTHOR_NAME:-${USER:-`whoami`}}" #author_email="${GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL:-${EMAIL:-$(whoami)@$(hostname -f | sed 's/.*@//')}}" #user_name="$(git config -l | awk -F= '/user.name/{print $2}')" #user_email="$(git config -l | awk -F= '/user.email/{print $2}')" # used to check the last N commits (default: last 100 commits, override with $GIT_COMMIT_HISTORY_DEPTH) # but figured this is fast enough even on my biggest repo with 10,000 commmits it still returns in a second #commit_count="${GIT_COMMIT_HISTORY_DEPTH:-100}" exitcode=0 git_log(){ #local opts="" #if [[ "$commit_count" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && # [ "$commit_count" -gt 1 ]; then # opts="-n $commit_count" #fi # need to split opts # shellcheck disable=SC2086 #git log --all $opts "$@" git log --all "$@" } git_log_names(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2119 git_log --pretty=format:"%an" | toLower | trim | perl -p -e 's/[\h-]+/ /g' | sort -u } git_log_emails(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2119 git_log --pretty=format:"%ae" | toLower | trim | sort -u } git_log_names_emails(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2119 git_log --pretty=format:"%an %ae" | toLower | trim | perl -p -e 's/\h+/ /g' | sort -u } #names="$(git_log_names)" emails="$(git_log_emails)" names_emails="$(git_log_names_emails)" check_multiple_names_per_email(){ local err=0 emails="${emails:-$(git_log_emails)}" names_emails="${names_emails:-(git_log_names_emails)}" for email in $emails; do #names_for_same_email="$(grep "[[:space:]]$email$" <<< "$names_emails" | perl -p -e 's/\s\S*?$//')" names_for_same_email="$(grep -Ei "[[:space:]]$email$" <<< "$names_emails" | normalize_spaces | remove_last_column | sort -u || :)" # don't quote otherwise have to trim wc output for comparison # shellcheck disable=SC2046 if [ $(wc -l <<< "$names_for_same_email") -eq 1 ]; then names_for_same_email="" fi check_error "$names_for_same_email" "different names found for same email address '$email'! (misconfigured git config user.name?)" || err=1 done if [ $err -eq 0 ]; then echo "OK: no differing names for each committed email address" fi } check_multiple_emails_per_name(){ local err=0 names="$(git_log_names | perl -p -e 's/[\s.-]+/[[:space:].-]*/' | sort -u)" names_emails="${names_emails:-(git_log_names_emails)}" while read -r name_regex; do # $email_regex defined in lib # shellcheck disable=SC2154 emails_for_same_name="$(grep -Ei "^${name_regex}[[:space:]]+$email_regex" <<< "$names_emails" | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -u || :)" # don't quote otherwise have to trim wc output for comparison # shellcheck disable=SC2046 if [ $(wc -l <<< "$emails_for_same_name") -eq 1 ]; then emails_for_same_name="" fi check_error "$emails_for_same_name" "different email addresses committed for the same user name '$name_regex'! (misconfigured git config user.email?)" || err=1 done <<< "$names" if [ $err -eq 0 ]; then echo "OK: no differing email addresses committed for each committed user name" fi } check_duplicate_email_prefixes(){ emails="${emails:-$(git_log_emails)}" # need to use sed not built-in variable replacement in order to handle multi-line emails # shellcheck disable=SC2001 duplicate_email_prefixes="$(sed 's/@.*$//;s/\.//g' <<< "$emails" | sort | uniq -d || :)" # email prefixes normalize hari.sekhon => harisekhon since email accounts like gmail treat them the same, so remember duplicates for harisekhon may include hari.sekhon check_error "$duplicate_email_prefixes" "duplicate email prefixes detected (misconfigured domain name in git user.email?)" && echo "OK: no duplicate email prefixes detected" || : } check_root_committed(){ names_emails="${names_emails:-$(git_log_names_emails)}" root_detected="$(grep -i '\' <<< "$names_emails" || :)" check_error "$root_detected" "root commits detected" && echo "OK: no root commits detected" || : } check_emails_without_domains(){ emails="${emails:-$(git_log_emails)}" # need to use sed not built-in variable replacement in order to handle multi-line emails # shellcheck disable=SC2001 domains="$(sed 's/.*@//' <<< "$emails" | sort -u)" # $domain_regex defined in lib # shellcheck disable=SC2154 non_domain_suffixes="$(grep -Ev "^$domain_regex$" <<< "$domains" || :)" check_error "$non_domain_suffixes" "non-domain email suffixes detected (misconfigured git user.email defaulting to hostname?)" && echo "OK: no non-domain email suffixes detected" || : } check_single_word_author_names(){ names="$(git_log_names)" single_word_author_names="$(awk '{if(NF == 1) print $0}' <<< "$names" | sort -u)" check_error "$single_word_author_names" "single word author names detected (misconfigured git user.name?)" && echo "OK: no single word author names detected" || : } check_error(){ if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "WARNING: $2" echo echo "$1" echo exitcode=1 return 1 fi } if isGit; then check_multiple_names_per_email check_multiple_emails_per_name check_duplicate_email_prefixes check_root_committed check_emails_without_domains # lots of my contrib authors have single word author names # and so do 3rd party services like pyup-bot and ReadmeCritic #check_single_word_author_names else echo "Not a git repo, skipping..." fi time_taken "$start_time" if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ]; then section2 "All Git author name / email checks passed" else section2 "ERROR: some Git author name / email checks failed" fi echo exit $exitcode