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247 lines
8.0 KiB

" Author: Hari Sekhon
" Date: 2006-07-01 22:52:16 +0100 (Sat, 01 Jul 2006)
syn on
" ============================================================================ "
" show all settable option values and their values
"set all
set ai " autoindent
set bg=dark " background
set et " expandtab
set ic " ignorecase
set is " incsearch
"set list " visually displays eol, tabs etc so you can always see them
set ls=1 " laststatus. Status line 0=off, 1=multi-windows, 2=on
set listchars=tab:>-,eol:$,trail:.,extends:# " changes the list characters, makes tabs appear as >---
set ml " modeline. respect the vim: stuff at the stop of files. This doesn't seem to work for me
set mls=15 " modelines. Controls how many lines to check for modeline, systems often set this to 0,
set nocp " nocompatible
set nofen "nofoldenable
set nohls " nohlsearch
"set nu " number (column on left)
set ru " ruler
set sm " showmatch. show matching brackets {}
set scs " smartcase. switch to case sensitive match if uppercase letter is detected
set si " smartindent
set smd " showmode
set sta " smarttab - make "tab" insert indents instead of tabs at beginning of line
set sts=4 " softtabstop. changes tab key to 4 spaces wide. This is the one you need
set sw=4 " shiftwidth. number of spaces for indentation, should be the same as tabstop really to make tabs and Shift-> the same width
set ts=4 " tabstop
set tw=0 " textwidth (stops auto wrapping)
set viminfo='100,<1000,s10,h " save <1000 lines in the registers instead of <50 lines between files since otherwise I lose lots of lines when deleting and pasting between files
set wrap " line wrapping
" reload the buffer when file has changed but buffer has not (useful for go fmt from within vim)
set autoread
set encoding=utf-8 " The encoding displayed.
set fileencoding=utf-8 " The encoding written to file.
" add comment to next line when using 'o' in command mode
" add comment to next line when using Insert mode
set formatoptions+=or
" ============================================================================ "
"behave mswin
be xterm
:if has("gui_running")
"colorscheme slate
colo slate
" ============================================================================ "
filetype plugin indent on
filetype plugin on
"filetype off
" shows what last set ts, ie .vimrc
":verbose set ts
" set scrollbind - in each window then windows will scroll together
" ============================================================================ "
if has("autocmd")
" re-open at last cursor line
"au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line ("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line ("$") |
\ exe "normal! g`\"" |
\ endif
" auto-strip trailing whitespace on write
autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e
" highlight trailing whitespace
" XXX: doesn't work
"autocmd ColorScheme * highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
" this works - not using now we auto-strip trailing whitespace above on write anyway and it feels like this constant on/off highlighting slows things down and wastes energy
"autocmd Filetype * match Error /\s\+$/
au BufNewFile,BufRead Makefile set noet
au BufNewFile,BufRead *Jenkinsfile* set filetype=groovy
au BufNewFile,BufRead LICENSE set tw=80
"au BufRead,BufNewFile perl set ts=4 st=4
"au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl set ts=4 st=4
"au BufNew,BufRead *.pp set syntax=conf
" filetype is better than syntax since it figures out indentation and tab completion etc and the ruby is better than conf since it gives more syntax highlighting
au BufNew,BufRead *.pp set filetype=ruby sts=2 sw=2 ts=2
au BufNew,BufRead *.yml set sts=2 sw=2 ts=2
au BufNew,BufRead *.yaml set sts=2 sw=2 ts=2
"au BufNew,BufRead *.rb set filetype=ruby sts=2 sw=2 ts=2
" this will disable
"au BufNew,BufRead *.txt set ft=
au BufNew,BufRead *.txt hi def link confString NONE
augroup filetypedetect
au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.hta setfiletype html
augroup end
au BufNew,BufRead *.py nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; pylint % \|<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.pl nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; perl -I . -tc %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.go nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; go fmt %<CR><CR>
au BufNew,BufRead .bash*,*.sh,*.ksh nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; shellcheck -Calways % \| more -R<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.csv nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.json nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.ini nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %; %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.properties nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.ldif nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.xml nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.yml,*.yaml nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; %<CR>
" ============================================================================ "
"nmap <silent> ;c :call Cformat()<CR>
nmap <silent> ;c :,!<CR>
nmap <silent> ;e :,! -s<CR>
nmap <silent> ;d :r !date '+\%F \%T \%z (\%a, \%d \%b \%Y)'<CR>kJ
nmap <silent> ;D :Done<CR>
nmap ;f :,!fold -w 120 -s \| sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//'<CR>
"nmap <silent> ;h :call Hr()<CR>
nmap <silent> ;h :Hr<CR>
" this inserts Hr literally
"imap <silent> <C-H> :Hr<CR>
nmap <silent> ;j :JHr<CR>
"nmap <silent> ;' :call Sq()<CR>
nmap <silent> ;' :call StripTrailingWhiteSpace()<CR>
nmap ;n :n<CR>
nmap ;p :prev<CR>
nmap ;q :q<CR>
nmap ;r :call WriteRun()<CR>
"nmap <silent> ;s :call ToggleSyntax()<CR>
nmap <silent> ;s :,!<CR>
nmap ;u :call HgGitU()<CR>
nmap ;; :call HgGitU()<CR>
nmap ;w :w<CR>
"nmap ;x :x<CR>
" ============================================================================ "
function! ToggleSyntax()
if exists("g:syntax_on")
syntax off
syntax enable
":command Hr :normal i # ============================================================================ #<ESC>lx
:command Hr :normal a# <ESC>76a=<ESC>a #<ESC>
":function Hr()
":s/^/# ============================================================================ #/
"if b:current_syntax eq "sql"
" ::normal a-- <ESC>74a=<ESC>a --<ESC>
":normal a# <ESC>76a=<ESC>a #<ESC>
":function Br()
":call Hr()
:command Br :Hr
"function JHr()
" s,^,// ========================================================================== //,
":command JHr :normal a// ========================================================================== //<ESC>lx
:command JHr :normal a// <ESC>74a=<ESC>a //<ESC>
:command Done :normal 37a=<ESC>a DONE <ESC>37a=<ESC>
":function RemoveIPs()
" : %s/\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\+/<IP_REMOVED>/gc
":function RemoveMacs()
" : %s/\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w/<MAC_REMOVED>/gc
":function RemoveDomains()
" : %s/company1/<DOMAIN_REMOVED>/gci
" : %s/company2/<DOMAIN_REMOVED>/gci
function Scrub()
": call RemoveIPs()
": call RemoveMacs()
": call RemoveDomains()
:%! --all
" StripQuotes()
function Sq()
function StripTrailingWhiteSpace()
function WriteRun()
" TODO: if .go then 'go run %'
" ============================================================================ "
" either works, requires expand()
"let MYLOCALVIMRC = "~/.vimrc.local"
"let MYLOCALVIMRC = "$HOME/.vimrc.local"
" Function to source only if file exists {
function! SourceIfExists(file)
if filereadable(expand(a:file))
exe 'source' a:file
" }
call SourceIfExists("~/.vimrc.local")
call SourceIfExists("~/.vim/colors.vim")
if has('gui_running')
call SourceIfExists("~/.gvimrc.local")