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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2230
# vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et
# Author: Hari Sekhon
# Date: circa 2010 - 2012 (forked from .bashrc)
# License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file
# If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish
# ============================================================================ #
# R a n c i d
# ============================================================================ #
export RANCID_HOME=~/rancid
# title "$1"
# command flogin "${@:1}"
# title " "
# l33ter way of generating functions for all of the rancid programs
#for x in $(ls "$RANCID_HOME/bin/"*login | sed 's/.*\///;s/*$//'); do
# eval "$x"'(){ title "$1"
# command '"$x"' ${@:1}
# title " "
# }'
# More prim and proper abstracted function with minimal function code
local prog="$1"
local host="$2"
title "$host"
command "$prog" "$@"
title "$LAST_TITLE"
#for x in "$RANCID_HOME/bin/"*login; do y=${x##*/}; alias "$y"="rancidlogin_func $y"; done
for x in "$RANCID_HOME/bin/"*login; do
# needs to be evaluated here to build dynamic aliases
# shellcheck disable=SC2139,SC2140
alias "$y"="rancidlogin_func $y"
# for x in "$RANCID_HOME/bin/"*login; do y="${x##*/}"; which "${y%ogin}" &>/dev/null || alias "${y%ogin}"="$y"; done
# This is slow to do every time so just past the echo output from:
# for x in "$RANCID_HOME/bin/"*login; do y="${x##*/}"; which "${y%ogin}" &>/dev/null || echo alias "${y%ogin}"="$y"; done
#alias al=alogin
#alias avol=avologin
#alias bl=blogin
#alias cl=clogin
#alias el=elogin
#alias fl=flogin
#alias hl=hlogin
#alias htl=htlogin
#alias jl=jlogin
#alias mrvl=mrvlogin
# nl is a real program so skipped nlogin
#alias nsl=nslogin
#alias rivl=rivlogin
#alias tl=tlogin
#alias tntl=tntlogin