Merge branch 'narutards/patch-4'

close #24
Alex Hirsch 9 years ago
commit 6f2e205105

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ send me a pull request.
- [10se1ucgo](
- [maci0](
- [narutards](
- [tumpio](
## License

@ -3,25 +3,26 @@
# certain services comment out the corresponding lines below.
$services = @(
"diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service" # Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
"DiagTrack" # Diagnostics Tracking Service
"dmwappushservice" # WAP Push Message Routing Service
"HomeGroupListener" # HomeGroup Listener
"HomeGroupProvider" # HomeGroup Provider
"lfsvc" # Geolocation Service
"MapsBroker" # Downloaded Maps Manager
"NetTcpPortSharing" # Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
"RemoteAccess" # Routing and Remote Access
"RemoteRegistry" # Remote Registry
"SharedAccess" # Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
"TrkWks" # Distributed Link Tracking Client
"WbioSrvc" # Windows Biometric Service
#"WlanSvc" # WLAN AutoConfig
"WMPNetworkSvc" # Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
"wscsvc" # Windows Security Center Service
"WSearch" # Windows Search
"XblAuthManager" # Xbox Live Auth Manager
"XblGameSave" # Xbox Live Game Save Service
"XboxNetApiSvc" # Xbox Live Networking Service
# Services which cannot be disabled
