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Plínio Larrubia 4 years ago committed by Plínio Larrubia
parent e56d71514f
commit a5de1d0aaf
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 057B0A87CB137C69

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ REM #
@popd & cls
@ECHO =========================================================================================
@ECHO Melhorar e Otimizar o Windows 10 (Feito por Plínio Larrubia A.K.A. LeDragoX)
@ECHO Improve and Optimize Windows 10 (Made by Plínio Larrubia A.K.A. LeDragoX)
@ECHO =========================================================================================
@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
@echo Fix Windows Search Bar
pushd "%systemroot%\System32" & Regsvr32.exe /s msimtf.dll & Regsvr32.exe /s msctf.dll & ctfmon.exe & popd
@echo Adicionando Tema Escuro
@echo Adding Dark Theme
@pushd utils
regedit /s dark-theme.reg
regedit /s enable-photo-viewer.reg
@REM If changing the programs folder move here!!!
@pushd "Windows Debloater Programs"
@echo [OPCIONAL] Pesquisas do Windows vão para o navegador principal
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ regedit /s enable-photo-viewer.reg
start WinaeroTweaker.exe
REM ShutUp10 agora é PORTÁTIL
REM ShutUp10 is portable now
@pushd "ShutUp10"
start OOSU10.exe ooshutup10.cfg REM /quiet

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ cmd.exe /c sc stop WSearch
Write-Output "*** Disabling services at Startup ***"
Get-Service -Name BITS | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic # - BITS: Transfere arquivos em segundo plano usando largura de banda de rede ociosa. Se o serviço estiver desabilitado, qualquer aplicativo que dependa do BITS, como o Windows Update ou o MSN Explorer, não poderá baixar programas e outras informações automaticamente.
Get-Service -Name BITS | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic # - BITS: Transfer files in the background using idle network bandwidth. If the service is disabled, any application that depends on BITS, such as Windows Update or MSN Explorer, will not be able to download programs and other information automatically.
Get-Service -Name DiagTrack | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled
Get-Service -Name DPS | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic # - DPS: Esse serviço detecta problemas e diagnostica o PC (Importante)
Get-Service -Name DPS | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic # - DPS: This service detects problems and diagnoses the PC (Important)
Get-Service -Name diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled
Get-Service -Name dmwappushservice | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled
# cmd.exe /c sc config RemoteRegistry start= disabled
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowTelem
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\SQMLogger" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
# Only remove if extremily necessary
# Only remove if extremily necessary (Memory Compression)
# disable-MMAgent -mc
Write-Output "*** Disabling Superfetch ***"

@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ $services = @(
"dmwappushservice" # WAP Push Message Routing Service (see known issues)
"lfsvc" # Geolocation Service
"MapsBroker" # Downloaded Maps Manager
#"NetTcpPortSharing" # Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
#"NetTcpPortSharing" # Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
"RemoteAccess" # Routing and Remote Access
"RemoteRegistry" # Remote Registry
#"SharedAccess" # Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
#"SharedAccess" # Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
"TrkWks" # Distributed Link Tracking Client
"WbioSrvc" # Windows Biometric Service (required for Fingerprint reader / facial detection)
#"WlanSvc" # WLAN AutoConfig
"WMPNetworkSvc" # Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
#"wscsvc" # Windows Security Center Service
#"wscsvc" # Windows Security Center Service
#"WSearch" # Windows Search
#"XblAuthManager" # Xbox Live Auth Manager
#"XblGameSave" # Xbox Live Game Save Service
#"XboxNetApiSvc" # Xbox Live Networking Service
#"XblAuthManager" # Xbox Live Auth Manager
#"XblGameSave" # Xbox Live Game Save Service
#"XboxNetApiSvc" # Xbox Live Networking Service
"ndu" # Windows Network Data Usage Monitor
# Services which cannot be disabled

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
Powershell Write-Output "Tirando a mensagem irritante"
Powershell Write-Output "Removing the annoying message"
Powershell "Get-Service -Name sppsvc | Powershell Set-Service -StartupType Disabled"
sc stop sppsvc

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
@echo This bat folder = %this%
@echo off & echo ---- Prepared ----
echo ----- Deletar pastas e arquivos Temporários -----
echo ----- Delete temporary folders and files from Windows -----
set sdrive=%SystemDrive%
set src1=%SystemRoot%\Temp

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
slmgr /ipk <SUA CHAVE>
slmgr /ipk <YOUR KEY>
e depois ativa seu servidor kms padrão é um deles
and activate your default KMS server
"" is one of them
slmgr /skms
slmgr /ato
--------- Chaves ---------
--------- Keys ---------
Home TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
Home Single Language 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH

@ -4,30 +4,30 @@ echo sLinkFile = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Desligar PC.lnk" >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo oLink.TargetPath = "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\shutdown.exe" >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo oLink.Arguments = "-s -t 0" >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo oLink.IconLocation = "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\SHELL32.dll, 27" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM 27 ou 215 é o número do ícone de desligar dentro de SHELL32.dll
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\imageres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones do Windows 10
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\pifmgr.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones do Windows 95/98
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\explorer.exe, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones do Windows Explorer
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\accessibilitycpl.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Acessibilidade
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ddores.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Hardware
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\moricons.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones do MS-DOS
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mmcndmgr.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Mais Ícones do Windows 95/98
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mmres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Áudio
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\netshell.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Rede
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\netcenter.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Mais Ícones de Rede
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\networkexplorer.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Mais Ícones de Rede e Impressora
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\pnidui.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Mais Ícones de Status de Rede
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\sensorscpl.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de diferentes Sensores
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\setupapi.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Setup Wizard
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wmploc.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Multimídia
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\system32\wpdshext.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Dispositivos portáteis e Bateria
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\compstui.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones Clássicos de Impressora, Telefone e Email
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\dmdskres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones do Gerenciamento de Disco
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\dsuiext.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Serviços de Rede
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mstscax.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Conexão Remota
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wiashext.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Hardware de Imagem
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\comres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Ícones de Ações
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\comres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Mais Ícones de Rede, Som e logo do Windows 8
echo oLink.IconLocation = "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\SHELL32.dll, 27" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM 27 or 215 is the number of icon to shutdown in SHELL32.dll
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\imageres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Windows 10
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\pifmgr.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Windows 95/98
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\explorer.exe, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Windows Explorer
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\accessibilitycpl.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Acessibilidade
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ddores.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Hardware
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\moricons.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of MS-DOS
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mmcndmgr.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM More Icons of Windows 95/98
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mmres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Audio
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\netshell.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Network
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\netcenter.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM More Icons of Network
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\networkexplorer.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM More Icons of Network and Printer
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\pnidui.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM More Icons of Status in Network
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\sensorscpl.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of diferentes Sensores
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\setupapi.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Setup Wizard
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wmploc.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Multimídia
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\system32\wpdshext.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Portable devices and Battery
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\compstui.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons Clássicos of Printer, Phone and Email
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\dmdskres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Gerenciamento in Disk
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\dsuiext.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Serviços in Network
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mstscax.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Remote Connection
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wiashext.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Hardware in Image
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\comres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM Icons of Actions
REM echo "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\comres.dll, 2" >> CreateShortcut.vbs REM More Icons of Network, Som and logo from Windows 8
echo oLink.Save >> CreateShortcut.vbs
cscript CreateShortcut.vbs

@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
@sfc /scannow
@dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
@PowerShell Write-Output 'Restart your Computer!' 'Reinicie seu Computador!' | Msg * /time:3
@PowerShell Write-Output 'Restart your Computer!' | Msg * /time:3