You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

196 lines
8.2 KiB

4 years ago
site_name: Garage Num Doc
4 years ago
site_dir: public
4 years ago
name: material
2 years ago
logo: assets/logo-web-garage_numerique.png
custom_dir: overrides
4 years ago
- navigation.instant
- navigation.expand
- navigation.tabs
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- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
- divers/cmd/screen
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- git-revision-date
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4 years ago
- assets/js/config.js
- Accueil:
- "Présentation du Garage":
2 years ago
- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
4 years ago
- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
- presentation-garage/
- Ressources:
4 years ago
- presentation-garage/ressources/
2 years ago
- "Formations":
- presentation-garage/formation/
4 years ago
- "Passe Numérique Pro": presentation-garage/formation/
- "Bac+1 DevOps": presentation-garage/formation/
- Cours:
- Introduction: cours/
- Scripting Bash:
- cours/scripting/
- Python:
2 years ago
- cours/python/
- cours/python/
- cours/python/
- cours/python/
- cours/python/
- Outils du Garage:
- cours/outils-garage/
- cours/outils-garage/
- "Environnement de développement": cours/outils-garage/devenv/
- Divers:
2 years ago
- divers/
- "Les mémos Linux":
2 years ago
- divers/cmd/
- divers/cmd/
2 years ago
- divers/process-nwipe/
- divers/cmd/
- divers/cmd/
4 years ago
- divers/cmd/
- divers/cmd/
- divers/cmd/
- "Bash: Listes": divers/cmd/
9 months ago
- "Raid": divers/cmd/
- "Les tutos Admin Sys":
2 years ago
- divers/admin/
- "Installer Adobe pdf reader": divers/admin/
- "Configurer Gnome AppFolders": divers/admin/
- "Réinitialiser un mot de passe Windows": divers/admin/
- "Installer Lug9000 dans Minetest": divers/admin/
- "Installer Arch Linux avec Gnome": divers/admin/
- "Installer Kodi": divers/admin/
4 years ago
- "Fusion Inventory": divers/admin/fusion/
- "Les tutos d'administration Serveur":
2 years ago
- divers/server/
4 years ago
- divers/server/
- "Nextcloud": divers/server/
- "Wordpress": divers/server/
- "SSH - SAMBA": divers/server/
4 years ago
- "Mémo Postgresql": divers/server/
- "Mémo Mysql": divers/server/
- "Mémo SSH": divers/server/
2 years ago
- "Wireshark": divers/server/
4 years ago
- "Calcul Réseau": divers/server/
- "Les guides DevOps":
2 years ago
- divers/devops/
- "Hugo":
- "Introduction": divers/devops/hugo/
- "Installer Hugo": divers/devops/hugo/
- "Créer un site": divers/devops/hugo/
- "Déployer le site": divers/devops/hugo/
- "Utiliser les templates": divers/devops/hugo/
- "*Build from scratch*": divers/devops/hugo/
- "Production Workflow": divers/devops/hugo/
- "Keycloak SSO":
2 years ago
- divers/devops/sso/
- divers/devops/sso/
- divers/devops/sso/
- divers/devops/sso/
- divers/devops/sso/
- divers/devops/sso/
- "Gitpod": divers/devops/
- "Dokku": divers/devops/
4 years ago
- "Gitlab / Github API": divers/devops/
11 months ago
- "Odoo":
- divers/devops/odoo/
- divers/devops/odoo/
- divers/devops/odoo/
- "CICD du garage": divers/devops/
- "Les guides Internes":
- "Imprimantes": divers/internal/
2 years ago
- "Workadventure map": divers/internal/
- "MkDocs": divers/internal/
- "Lecteur d'empreinte Debian": divers/internal/
- "Les astuces du Dev":
- "Index": divers/dev/
- "Créer un mod dans Minetest": divers/dev/
- "Installer codium et Unity": divers/dev/
- "Le guide Git":
- divers/git/
- "Les guides sur l'IA":
- divers/ia/
- Admin:
2 years ago
- "Page d'accueil": admin/
- "Cadrage de l'ASP": admin/cadrage-asp/
- "Procédures Odoo":
- "Index": admin/process-odoo/
- "Installation Odoo": admin/process-odoo/
- "Paramétrage": admin/process-odoo/
- "Paie": admin/process-odoo/
- "Saisir une facture": admin/process-odoo/
- "Rapprochement bancaire": admin/process-odoo/
- "Note de frais": admin/process-odoo/
2 years ago
- "Subventions": admin/process-odoo/
- "Clôture d'exercice": admin/process-odoo/
11 months ago
- "Immobilisations": admin/process-odoo/
- "Recrutement": admin/process-odoo/
- "Procédures comptables":
- "Index": admin/compta/
- "Factures récurrentes": admin/compta/
- "Procédures RH":
- "Index": admin/rh/
- "Arrêt de travail": admin/rh/
- "Méthodes calcul arrêt maladie": admin/rh/
- "Création d'un employé": admin/rh/
- "Remplir le bordereau Uniformation": admin/rh/
- Windows:
- "Installation": windows/
# - "Test":
9 months ago