Document the build process better

Add comments in gulpfile.js indicating how to add new files to
the build.
Add documentation for getting a development environment up and
running in the README.
Document each task defined in gulpfile.js in the README.
Alberto García Hierro 7 years ago
parent e009890984
commit 151b8f2e14

@ -14,7 +14,20 @@ For local development, **node.js** build system is used.
1. Install node.js
1. From project folder run `npm install`
1. To build JS and CSS use ` ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js`
1. To build the JS and CSS files and start the configurator:
- With NW.js: Run `npm start`.
- With Chrome: Run `./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js`. Then open `chrome://extensions`, enable
the `Developer mode`, click on the `Load unpacked extension...` button and select the `inav-configurator` directory.
Other tasks are also defined in `gulpfile.js`. To run a task, use `./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js task-name`. Available ones are:
- **build**: Generate JS and CSS output files used by the configurator from their sources. It must be run whenever changes are made to any `.js` or `.css` files in order to have those changes appear
in the configurator. If new files are added, they must be included in `gulpfile.js`. See the comments at the top of `gulpfile.js` to learn how to do so. See also the `watch` task.
- **watch**: Watch JS and CSS sources for changes and run the `build` task whenever they're edited.
- **dist**: Create a distribution of the app (valid for packaging both as a Chrome app or a NW.js app)
in the `./dist/` directory.
- **release**: Create NW.js apps for each supported platform (win32, osx64 and linux64) in the `./apps`
## Authors

@ -7,6 +7,31 @@ var del = require('del');
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
var NwBuilder = require('nw-builder');
// Each key in the *sources* variable must be an array of
// the source files that will be combined into a single
// file and stored in *outputDir*. Each key in *sources*
// must be also present in *output*, whose value indicates
// the filename for the output file which combines the
// contents of the source files.
// Keys must be camel cased and end with either 'Css' or
// 'Js' (e.g. someSourcesCss or someSourcesJs). For each
// key, a build task will be generated named by prepending
// 'build-' and converting the key to dash-separated words
// (e.g. someSourcesCss will generate build-some-sources-css).
// Tasks with names ending with '-js' will be executed by the
// build-all-js task, while the ones ending with '-css' will
// be done by build-all-css. There's also a build task which
// runs both build-all-css and build-all-js.
// The watch task will monitor any files mentioned in the *sources*
// variable and regenerate the corresponding output file when
// they change.
// See for details on the other tasks.
var sources = {};
sources.css = [
