function configuration_backup() { // request configuration data send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS, MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_PID, MSP_codes.MSP_PID); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RC_TUNING, MSP_codes.MSP_RC_TUNING); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BOXNAMES, MSP_codes.MSP_BOXNAMES); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BOX, MSP_codes.MSP_BOX); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_TRIM, MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_TRIM); // applying 200ms delay (should be enough to pull all the data down) // we might increase this in case someone would be using very slow baudrate (ergo 9600 and lower) setTimeout(function() { var chosenFileEntry = null; var accepts = [{ extensions: ['txt'] }]; // generate timestamp for the backup file var d = new Date(); var now = d.getUTCFullYear() + '.' + d.getDate() + '.' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '.' + d.getHours() + '.' + d.getMinutes(); // create or load the file chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'saveFile', suggestedName: 'bf_mw_backup_' + now, accepts: accepts}, function(fileEntry) { if (!fileEntry) { console.log('No file selected, backup aborted.'); return; } chosenFileEntry = fileEntry; // echo/console log path specified chrome.fileSystem.getDisplayPath(chosenFileEntry, function(path) { console.log('Backup file path: ' + path); }); // change file entry from read only to read/write chrome.fileSystem.getWritableEntry(chosenFileEntry, function(fileEntryWritable) { // check if file is writable chrome.fileSystem.isWritableEntry(fileEntryWritable, function(isWritable) { if (isWritable) { chosenFileEntry = fileEntryWritable; // create config object that will be used to store all downloaded data var configuration = { VERSION: CONFIG.version, // not really useful yet PID: PIDs, AUX_val: AUX_CONFIG_values, RC: RC_tuning, AccelTrim: CONFIG.accelerometerTrims } // crunch the config object var serialized_config_object = JSON.stringify(configuration); var blob = new Blob([serialized_config_object], {type: 'text/plain'}); // first parameter for Blob needs to be an array chosenFileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) { writer.onerror = function (e) { console.error(e); }; writer.onwriteend = function() { console.log('Write SUCCESSFUL'); }; writer.write(blob); }, function (e) { console.error(e); }); } else { // Something went wrong or file is set to read only and cannot be changed console.log('File appears to be read only, sorry.'); } }); }); }); }, 200); } function configuration_restore() { var chosenFileEntry = null; var accepts = [{ extensions: ['txt'] }]; // load up the file chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', accepts: accepts}, function(fileEntry) { if (!fileEntry) { console.log('No file selected, restore aborted.'); return; } chosenFileEntry = fileEntry; // echo/console log path specified chrome.fileSystem.getDisplayPath(chosenFileEntry, function(path) { console.log('Restore file path: ' + path); }); // read contents into variable chosenFileEntry.file(function(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = function (e) { console.error(e); }; reader.onloadend = function(e) { console.log('Read SUCCESSFUL'); try { // check if string provided is a valid JSON var deserialized_configuration_object = JSON.parse(; } catch (e) { // data provided != valid json object console.log('Data provided != valid JSON string, restore aborted.'); return; } // replacing "old configuration" with configuration from backup file var configuration = deserialized_configuration_object; // some configuration.VERSION code goes here? will see PIDs = configuration.PID; AUX_CONFIG_values = configuration.AUX_val; RC_tuning = configuration.RC; CONFIG.accelerometerTrims = configuration.AccelTrim; // all of the arrays/objects are set, upload changes configuration_upload(); }; reader.readAsText(file); }); }); } function configuration_upload() { // this "cloned" function contains all the upload sequences for the respective array/objects // that are currently scattered in separate tabs (ergo - pid_tuning.js/initial_setup.js/etc) // for current purposes, this approach works, but its not really "valid" and this approach // should be reworked in the future, so the same code won't be cloned over !!! // PID section var PID_buffer_out = new Array(); var PID_buffer_needle = 0; for (var i = 0; i < PIDs.length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 7: case 8: case 9: PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle] = parseInt(PIDs[i][0] * 10); PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle + 1] = parseInt(PIDs[i][1] * 1000); PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle + 2] = parseInt(PIDs[i][2]); break; case 4: PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle] = parseInt(PIDs[i][0] * 100); PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle + 1] = parseInt(PIDs[i][1] * 100); PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle + 2] = parseInt(PIDs[i][2]); break; case 5: case 6: PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle] = parseInt(PIDs[i][0] * 10); PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle + 1] = parseInt(PIDs[i][1] * 100); PID_buffer_out[PID_buffer_needle + 2] = parseInt(PIDs[i][2] * 1000); break; } PID_buffer_needle += 3; } // Send over the PID changes send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_PID, PID_buffer_out); // RC Tuning section var RC_tuning_buffer_out = new Array(); RC_tuning_buffer_out[0] = parseInt(RC_tuning.RC_RATE * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[1] = parseInt(RC_tuning.RC_EXPO * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[2] = parseInt(RC_tuning.roll_pitch_rate * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[3] = parseInt(RC_tuning.yaw_rate * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[4] = parseInt(RC_tuning.dynamic_THR_PID * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[5] = parseInt(RC_tuning.throttle_MID * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[6] = parseInt(RC_tuning.throttle_EXPO * 100); // Send over the RC_tuning changes send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_RC_TUNING, RC_tuning_buffer_out); // AUX section var AUX_val_buffer_out = new Array(); var needle = 0; for (var i = 0; i < AUX_CONFIG_values.length; i++) { AUX_val_buffer_out[needle++] = lowByte(AUX_CONFIG_values[i]); AUX_val_buffer_out[needle++] = highByte(AUX_CONFIG_values[i]); } // Send over the AUX changes send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_BOX, AUX_val_buffer_out); // Trim section (baseflight specific) var buffer_out = new Array(); buffer_out[0] = lowByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[0]); buffer_out[1] = highByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[0]); buffer_out[2] = lowByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[1]); buffer_out[3] = highByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[1]); // Send over the new trims send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_ACC_TRIM, buffer_out); // Save changes to EEPROM send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE); }