"use strict"; var CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE = 1000, CHANNEL_MID_VALUE = 1500, CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE = 2000, // What's the index of each channel in the MSP channel list? channelMSPIndexes = { roll: 0, pitch: 1, yaw: 3, throttle: 2, aux1: 4, aux2: 5, aux3: 6, aux4: 7 }, // Set reasonable initial stick positions (Mode 2) stickValues = { throttle: CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE, pitch: CHANNEL_MID_VALUE, roll: CHANNEL_MID_VALUE, yaw: CHANNEL_MID_VALUE, aux1: CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE, aux2: CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE, aux3: CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE, aux4: CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE }, // First the vertical axis, then the horizontal: gimbals = [ ["throttle", "yaw"], ["pitch", "roll"] ], gimbalElems, sliderElems, enableTX = false; function transmitChannels() { var channelValues = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (!enableTX) { return; } for (var stickName in stickValues) { channelValues[channelMSPIndexes[stickName]] = stickValues[stickName]; } // Callback given to us by the window creator so we can have it send data over MSP for us: if (!window.setRawRx(channelValues)) { // MSP connection has gone away chrome.app.window.current().close(); } } function stickPortionToChannelValue(portion) { portion = Math.min(Math.max(portion, 0.0), 1.0); return Math.round(portion * (CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE - CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE) + CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE); } function channelValueToStickPortion(channel) { return (channel - CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE) / (CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE - CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE); } function updateControlPositions() { for (var stickName in stickValues) { var stickValue = stickValues[stickName]; // Look for the gimbal which corresponds to this stick name for (var gimbalIndex in gimbals) { var gimbal = gimbals[gimbalIndex], gimbalElem = gimbalElems.get(gimbalIndex), gimbalSize = $(gimbalElem).width(), stickElem = $(".control-stick", gimbalElem); if (gimbal[0] == stickName) { stickElem.css('top', (1.0 - channelValueToStickPortion(stickValue)) * gimbalSize + "px"); break; } else if (gimbal[1] == stickName) { stickElem.css('left', channelValueToStickPortion(stickValue) * gimbalSize + "px"); break; } } } } function handleGimbalMouseDrag(e) { var gimbal = $(gimbalElems.get(e.data.gimbalIndex)), gimbalOffset = gimbal.offset(), gimbalSize = gimbal.width(); stickValues[gimbals[e.data.gimbalIndex][0]] = stickPortionToChannelValue(1.0 - (e.pageY - gimbalOffset.top) / gimbalSize); stickValues[gimbals[e.data.gimbalIndex][1]] = stickPortionToChannelValue((e.pageX - gimbalOffset.left) / gimbalSize); updateControlPositions(); } function localizeAxisNames() { for (var gimbalIndex in gimbals) { var gimbal = gimbalElems.get(gimbalIndex); $(".gimbal-label-vert", gimbal).text(chrome.i18n.getMessage("controlAxis" + gimbals[gimbalIndex][0])); $(".gimbal-label-horz", gimbal).text(chrome.i18n.getMessage("controlAxis" + gimbals[gimbalIndex][1])); } for (var sliderIndex = 0; sliderIndex < 4; sliderIndex++) { $(".slider-label", sliderElems.get(sliderIndex)).text(chrome.i18n.getMessage("radioChannelShort") + (sliderIndex + 5)); } } $(document).ready(function() { $(".button-enable").click(function() { var shrinkHeight = $(".warning").height(); $(".warning").slideUp("short", function() { chrome.app.window.current().innerBounds.minHeight -= shrinkHeight; chrome.app.window.current().innerBounds.height -= shrinkHeight; chrome.app.window.current().innerBounds.maxHeight -= shrinkHeight; }); enableTX = true; }); gimbalElems = $(".control-gimbal"); sliderElems = $(".control-slider"); gimbalElems.each(function(gimbalIndex) { $(this).on('mousedown', {gimbalIndex: gimbalIndex}, function(e) { if (e.which == 1) { // Only move sticks on left mouse button handleGimbalMouseDrag(e); $(window).on('mousemove', {gimbalIndex: gimbalIndex}, handleGimbalMouseDrag); } }); }); $(".slider", sliderElems).each(function(sliderIndex) { var initialValue = stickValues["aux" + (sliderIndex + 1)]; $(this) .noUiSlider({ start: initialValue, range: { min: CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE, max: CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE } }).on('slide change set', function(e, value) { value = Math.round(parseFloat(value)); stickValues["aux" + (sliderIndex + 1)] = value; $(".tooltip", this).text(value); }); $(this).append('
'); $(".tooltip", this).text(initialValue); }); /* * Mouseup handler needs to be bound to the window in order to receive mouseup if mouse leaves window. */ $(window).mouseup(function(e) { $(this).off('mousemove', handleGimbalMouseDrag); }); localizeAxisNames(); updateControlPositions(); setInterval(transmitChannels, 50); });