{ "translation_version": { "message": "0" }, "options_title": { "message": "Application Options" }, "options_receive_app_notifications": { "message": "Receive desktop notification when application updates" }, "options_improve_configurator": { "message": "Send anonymous usage data to the developer team" }, "connect": { "message": "Connect" }, "connecting": { "message": "Connecting" }, "disconnect": { "message": "Disconnect" }, "autoConnect": { "message": "Auto-Connect" }, "autoConnectEnabled": { "message": "Auto-Connect: Enabled - Configurator automatically tries to connect when new port is detected" }, "autoConnectDisabled": { "message": "Auto-Connect: Disabled - User needs to select the correct serial port and click \"Connect\" button on its own" }, "tab1": { "message": "Initial Setup" }, "tab2": { "message": "PID Tuning" }, "tab3": { "message": "Receiver" }, "tab4": { "message": "Auxiliary Configuration" }, "tab5": { "message": "Servos" }, "tab6": { "message": "GPS" }, "tab7": { "message": "Motor/Servo Outputs" }, "tab8": { "message": "Raw Sensor Data" }, "tab9": { "message": "CLI" }, "tab10": { "message": "Logging" }, "serialPortOpened": { "message": "Serial port successfully opened with ID: $1" }, "serialPortOpenFail": { "message": "Failed to open serial port" }, "serialPortClosedOk": { "message": "Serial port successfully closed" }, "serialPortClosedFail": { "message": "Failed to close serial port" }, "noConfigurationReceived": { "message": "No configuration received within 10 seconds, communication failed" }, "firmwareVersionNotSupported": { "message": "This firmware version is not supported. Please upgrade to version $1 or higher" }, "firmwareVersion": { "message": "Firmware Version: $1" }, "uniqueDeviceIdReceived": { "message": "Unique device ID received - 0x$1" }, "notifications_app_just_updated_to_version": { "message": "Application just updated to version: $1" }, "notifications_click_here_to_start_app": { "message": "Click here to start the application" }, "statusbar_port_utilization": { "message": "Port utilization:" }, "statusbar_usage_download": { "message": "D: $1%" }, "statusbar_usage_upload": { "message": "U: $1%" }, "statusbar_packet_error": { "message": "Packet error:" }, "statusbar_cycle_time": { "message": "Cycle Time:" }, "eeprom_saved_ok": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "defaultWelcomeText": { "message": "This application is a configuration utility for baseflight, a 32 bit fork of the popular open source RC flight control firmware project MultiWii.

Application supports hardware that run Baseflight exclusively (acro naze, naze, afromini)

Official Resellers
AbuseMark - International (Japan)
Multirotor Superstore - International (United States)

The firmware source code can be downloaded from here
The newest binary firmware image is available here
" }, "defaultChangelogHead": { "message": "Configurator - Changelog" }, "defaultButtonFirmwareFlasher": { "message": "Firmware Flasher" }, "defaultDonateHead": { "message": "Open Source / Donation Notice" }, "defaultDonateText": { "message": "This utility is fully open source and is available free of charge to all baseflight users.
If you found the utility useful, please consider supporting its development by donating." }, "initialSetupButtonCalibrateAccel": { "message": "Calibrate Accelerometer" }, "initialSetupCalibrateAccelText": { "message": "Place board or frame on leveled surface, proceed with calibration, ensure platform is not moving during calibration period." }, "initialSetupButtonCalibrateMag": { "message": "Calibrate Magnetometer" }, "initialSetupCalibrateMagText": { "message": "Move multirotor atleast 360 degrees on all axis of rotation. You have 30 seconds to perform this task." }, "initialSetupButtonReset": { "message": "Reset Settings" }, "initialSetupResetText": { "message": "Restore all settings to default." }, "initialSetupButtonBackup": { "message": "Backup" }, "initialSetupButtonRestore": { "message": "Restore" }, "initialSetupBackupRestoreText": { "message": "Backup your configuration in case of an accident. (CLI settings are not included)." }, "initialSetupButtonResetZaxis": { "message": "Reset Z axis" }, "initialSetupThrottleHead": { "message": "Throttle Settings" }, "initialSetupMinimum": { "message": "Minimum:" }, "initialSetupMaximum": { "message": "Maximum:" }, "initialSetupFailsafe": { "message": "Failsafe:" }, "initialSetupMinCommand": { "message": "MinCommand:" }, "initialSetupBatteryHead": { "message": "Battery" }, "initialSetupMinCellV": { "message": "Min Cell Voltage:" }, "initialSetupMaxCellV": { "message": "Max Cell Voltage:" }, "initialSetupVoltageScale": { "message": "Voltage Scale:" }, "initialSetupAccelTrimsHead": { "message": "Accelerometer trims" }, "initialSetupPitch": { "message": "Pitch:" }, "initialSetupRoll": { "message": "Roll:" }, "initialSetupMagHead": { "message": "Magnetometer" }, "initialSetupDeclination": { "message": "Declination:" }, "initialSetupInfoHead": { "message": "Info" }, "initialSetupBattery": { "message": "Battery:" }, "initialSetupBatteryValue": { "message": "$1 V" }, "initialSetupRSSI": { "message": "RSSI:" }, "initialSetupRSSIValue": { "message": "$1 %" }, "initialSetupButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "initialSetupModel": { "message": "Model: $1" }, "initialSetupAccelCalibStarted": { "message": "Accelerometer calibration started" }, "initialSetupAccelCalibEnded": { "message": "Accelerometer calibration finished" }, "initialSetupMagCalibStarted": { "message": "Magnetometer calibration started" }, "initialSetupMagCalibEnded": { "message": "Magnetometer calibration finished" }, "initialSetupSettingsRestored": { "message": "Settings restored to default" }, "initialSetupEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "pidTuningName": { "message": "Name" }, "pidTuningProportional": { "message": "Proportional" }, "pidTuningIntegral": { "message": "Integral" }, "pidTuningDerivative": { "message": "Derivative" }, "pidTuningRollPitchRate": { "message": "ROLL & PITCH rate" }, "pidTuningYawRate": { "message": "YAW rate" }, "pidTuningTPA": { "message": "TPA" }, "pidTuningButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "pidTuningButtonRefresh": { "message": "Refresh" }, "pidTuningProfileHead": { "message": "Profile" }, "pidTuningLoadedProfile": { "message": "Loaded Profile: $1" }, "pidTuningDataRefreshed": { "message": "PID data refreshed" }, "pidTuningEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "receiverThrottleMid": { "message": "Throttle MID" }, "receiverThrottleExpo": { "message": "Throttle EXPO" }, "receiverRcRate": { "message": "RC Rate" }, "receiverRcExpo": { "message": "RC Expo" }, "receiverRefreshRateTitle": { "message": "Graph refresh rate" }, "receiverButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "receiverButtonRefresh": { "message": "Refresh" }, "receiverDataRefreshed": { "message": "RC Tuning data refreshed" }, "receiverEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "auxiliaryName": { "message": "Name" }, "auxiliaryLow": { "message": "LOW" }, "auxiliaryMed": { "message": "MED" }, "auxiliaryHigh": { "message": "HIGH" }, "auxiliaryButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "auxiliaryEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "servosModel": { "message": "Model:" }, "servosChangeDirection": { "message": "Change Direction in TX To Match" }, "servosGyroAccelDirection": { "message": "Gyroscope / Accelerometer Direction" }, "servosName": { "message": "Name" }, "servosMid": { "message": "MID" }, "servosMin": { "message": "MIN" }, "servosMax": { "message": "MAX" }, "servosDirection": { "message": "Direction" }, "servosLiveMode": { "message": "Enable Live mode:" }, "servosButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "servosModelNoSupport": { "message": "This model doesn't support servos" }, "servosNormal": { "message": "Normal" }, "servosReverse": { "message": "Reverse" }, "servosEepromSave": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "gpsHead": { "message": "GPS" }, "gps3dFix": { "message": "3D Fix:" }, "gpsFixTrue": { "message": "True" }, "gpsFixFalse": { "message": "False" }, "gpsAltitude": { "message": "Altitude:" }, "gpsLat": { "message": "Latitude:" }, "gpsLon": { "message": "Longitude:" }, "gpsSpeed": { "message": "Speed:" }, "gpsSats": { "message": "Sats:" }, "gpsDistToHome": { "message": "Dist to Home:" }, "gpsSignalStrHead": { "message": "GPS Signal Strength" }, "gpsSignalStr": { "message": "Signal Strength" }, "motorsBarInfo": { "message": "Bars on the left are representing raw PWM signal for ESCs.
Bars on the right are representing raw PWM signal for Servos.
" }, "motorsMaster": { "message": "Master" }, "motorsNotice": { "message": "Motor Test Mode Notice:
Moving the sliders will cause the motors to spin up.
In order to prevent injury remove ALL propellers before using this feature.
If you understand these instructions check the box below to enable motor test.

" }, "sensorsInfo": { "message": "Keep in mind that using fast update periods and rendering multiple graphs at the same time is resource heavy and will burn your battery quicker if you use a laptop.
We recommend to only render graphs for sensors you are interested in while using reasonable update periods." }, "sensorsRefresh": { "message": "Refresh:" }, "sensorsScale": { "message": "Scale:" }, "cliInfo": { "message": "Note: Leaving CLI tab or pressing Disconnect will automatically send \"exit\" to the board, which will make the controller save all the changes and restart." }, "cliInputPlaceholder": { "message": "Write your command here" }, "firmwareFlasherPath": { "message": "Path:" }, "firmwareFlasherSize": { "message": "Size:" }, "firmwareFlasherStatus": { "message": "Status:" }, "firmwareFlasherProgress": { "message": "Progress:" }, "firmwareFlasherNote": { "message": "If you are flashing board with baseflight already flashed (updating), leave this checkbox unchecked.
If you are flashing \"bare\" board with no firmware preloaded or you have bootloader pins shorted, check this box.
" }, "firmwareFlasherNoReboot": { "message": "No reboot sequence" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashOnConnect": { "message": "Flash on connect" }, "firmwareFlasherFullChipErase": { "message": "Full Chip Erase" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLoadLocal": { "message": "Load Firmware [Local]" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLoadOnline": { "message": "Load Firmware [Online]" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashFirmware": { "message": "Flash Firmware" }, "firmwareFlasherGithubInfoHead": { "message": "Github Firmware Info" }, "firmwareFlasherCommiter": { "message": "Committer:" }, "firmwareFlasherDate": { "message": "Date:" }, "firmwareFlasherMessage": { "message": "Message:" }, "firmwareFlasherWarninghead": { "message": "Warning" }, "firmwareFlasherWarningText": { "message": "Please do not try to flash non-baseflight hardware with this firmware flasher (it wont work).
Do not disconnect the board or turn off your computer while flashing.

Note: STM32 bootloader is stored in ROM, it cannot be bricked.
Note: Auto-Connect is always disabled while you are inside firmware flasher.
" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLeave": { "message": "Leave Firmware Flasher" }, "firmwareFlasherFirmwareNotLoaded": { "message": "Firmware not loaded" }, "firmwareFlasherFirmwareLoaded": { "message": "Firmware loaded, ready for flashing" }, "firmwareFlasherHexCorrupted": { "message": "HEX file appears to be corrupted" }, "firmwareFlasherRemoteFirmwareLoaded": { "message": "Remote Firmware loaded, ready for flashing" }, "firmwareFlasherFailedToLoadOnlineFirmware": { "message": "Failed to load remote firmware" }, "firmwareFlasherWaitForFinish": { "message": "You can't do this right now, please wait for current operation to finish ..." } }