/*jslint browser: true */ /*jslint white: true */ (function( $ ){ 'use strict'; // Helpers // Test in an object is an instance of jQuery or Zepto. function isInstance ( a ) { return a instanceof $ || ( $.zepto && $.zepto.isZ(a) ); } // Link types function fromPrefix ( target, method ) { // If target is a string, a new hidden input will be createdOn. if ( typeof target === 'string' && target.indexOf('-inline-') === 0 ) { // By default, use the 'html' method. this.method = method || 'html'; // Use jQuery to create the element this.target = this.el = $( target.replace('-inline-', '') || '
' ); return true; } } function fromString ( target ) { // If the string doesn't begin with '-', which is reserved, add a new hidden input. if ( typeof target === 'string' && target.indexOf('-') !== 0 ) { this.method = 'val'; var element = document.createElement('input'); element.name = target; element.type = 'hidden'; this.target = this.el = $(element); return true; } } function fromFunction ( target ) { // The target can also be a function, which will be called. if ( typeof target === 'function' ) { this.target = false; this.method = target; return true; } } function fromInstance ( target, method ) { if ( isInstance( target ) && !method ) { // If a jQuery/Zepto input element is provided, but no method is set, // the element can assume it needs to respond to 'change'... if ( target.is('input, select, textarea') ) { // Default to .val if this is an input element. this.method = 'val'; // Fire the API changehandler when the target changes. this.target = target.on('change.liblink', this.changeHandler); } else { this.target = target; // If no method is set, and we are not auto-binding an input, default to 'html'. this.method = 'html'; } return true; } } function fromInstanceMethod ( target, method ) { // The method must exist on the element. if ( isInstance( target ) && (typeof method === 'function' || (typeof method === 'string' && target[method])) ) { this.method = method; this.target = target; return true; } } var /** @const */ creationFunctions = [fromPrefix, fromString, fromFunction, fromInstance, fromInstanceMethod]; // Link Instance /** @constructor */ function Link ( target, method, format ) { var that = this, valid = false; // Forward calls within scope. this.changeHandler = function ( changeEvent ) { var decodedValue = that.formatInstance.from( $(this).val() ); // If the value is invalid, stop this event, as well as it's propagation. if ( decodedValue === false || isNaN(decodedValue) ) { // Reset the value. $(this).val(that.lastSetValue); return false; } that.changeHandlerMethod.call( '', changeEvent, decodedValue ); }; // See if this Link needs individual targets based on its usage. // If so, return the element that needs to be copied by the // implementing interface. // Default the element to false. this.el = false; // Store the formatter, or use the default. this.formatInstance = format; // Try all Link types. /*jslint unparam: true*/ $.each(creationFunctions, function(i, fn){ valid = fn.call(that, target, method); return !valid; }); /*jslint unparam: false*/ // Nothing matched, throw error. if ( !valid ) { throw new RangeError("(Link) Invalid Link."); } } // Provides external items with the object value. Link.prototype.set = function ( value ) { // Ignore the value, so only the passed-on arguments remain. var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ), additionalArgs = args.slice(1); // Store some values. The actual, numerical value, // the formatted value and the parameters for use in 'resetValue'. // Slice additionalArgs to break the relation. this.lastSetValue = this.formatInstance.to( value ); // Prepend the value to the function arguments. additionalArgs.unshift( this.lastSetValue ); // When target is undefined, the target was a function. // In that case, provided the object as the calling scope. // Branch between writing to a function or an object. ( typeof this.method === 'function' ? this.method : this.target[ this.method ] ).apply( this.target, additionalArgs ); }; // Developer API /** @constructor */ function LinkAPI ( origin ) { this.items = []; this.elements = []; this.origin = origin; } LinkAPI.prototype.push = function( item, element ) { this.items.push(item); // Prevent 'false' elements if ( element ) { this.elements.push(element); } }; LinkAPI.prototype.reconfirm = function ( flag ) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1 ) { this.origin.LinkConfirm(flag, this.elements[i]); } }; LinkAPI.prototype.remove = function ( flag ) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < this.items.length; i += 1 ) { this.items[i].target.off('.liblink'); } for ( i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1 ) { this.elements[i].remove(); } }; LinkAPI.prototype.change = function ( value ) { if ( this.origin.LinkIsEmitting ) { return false; } this.origin.LinkIsEmitting = true; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ), i; args.unshift( value ); // Write values to serialization Links. // Convert the value to the correct relative representation. for ( i = 0; i < this.items.length; i += 1 ) { this.items[i].set.apply(this.items[i], args); } this.origin.LinkIsEmitting = false; }; // jQuery plugin function binder ( flag, target, method, format ){ if ( flag === 0 ) { flag = this.LinkDefaultFlag; } // Create a list of API's (if it didn't exist yet); if ( !this.linkAPI ) { this.linkAPI = {}; } // Add an API point. if ( !this.linkAPI[flag] ) { this.linkAPI[flag] = new LinkAPI(this); } var linkInstance = new Link ( target, method, format || this.LinkDefaultFormatter ); // Default the calling scope to the linked object. if ( !linkInstance.target ) { linkInstance.target = $(this); } // If the Link requires creation of a new element, // Pass the element and request confirmation to get the changehandler. // Set the method to be called when a Link changes. linkInstance.changeHandlerMethod = this.LinkConfirm( flag, linkInstance.el ); // Store the linkInstance in the flagged list. this.linkAPI[flag].push( linkInstance, linkInstance.el ); // Now that Link have been connected, request an update. this.LinkUpdate( flag ); } /** @export */ $.fn.Link = function( flag ){ var that = this; // Delete all linkAPI if ( flag === false ) { return that.each(function(){ // .Link(false) can be called on elements without Links. // When that happens, the objects can't be looped. if ( !this.linkAPI ) { return; } $.map(this.linkAPI, function(api){ api.remove(); }); delete this.linkAPI; }); } if ( flag === undefined ) { flag = 0; } else if ( typeof flag !== 'string') { throw new Error("Flag must be string."); } return { to: function( a, b, c ){ return that.each(function(){ binder.call(this, flag, a, b, c); }); } }; }; }( window.jQuery || window.Zepto ));