/*global mspHelper,$,GUI,MSP,BF_CONFIG,chrome*/ 'use strict'; var helper = helper || {}; helper.defaultsDialog = (function() { let publicScope = {}, privateScope = {}; let $container; let data = [{ "title": 'Mini Quad with 3"-7" propellers', "notRecommended": false, "reboot": true, "settings": [ /* System */ { key: "gyro_hardware_lpf", value: "256HZ" }, { key: "looptime", value: 500 }, { key: "motor_pwm_protocol", value: "ONESHOT125" }, /* Filtering */ { key: "gyro_lpf_hz", value: 110 }, { key: "gyro_lpf_type", value: "PT1" }, { key: "gyro_stage2_lowpass_hz", value: 0 }, { key: "dterm_lpf_hz", value: 110 }, { key: "dterm_lpf_type", value: "PT1" }, { key: "dterm_lpf2_hz", value: 170 }, { key: "dterm_lpf2_type", value: "PT1" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled", value: "ON" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_q", value: 250 }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_min_hz", value: 120 }, { key: "setpoint_kalman_enabled", value: "ON" }, { key: "setpoint_kalman_q", value: 200 }, /* Mechanics */ { key: "airmode_type", value: "THROTTLE_THRESHOLD" }, { key: "mc_iterm_relax", value: "RP" }, { key: "d_boost_factor", value: 1.5 }, { key: "antigravity_gain", value: 2 }, { key: "antigravity_accelerator", value: 5 }, /* Rates */ { key: "rc_yaw_expo", value: 70 }, { key: "rc_expo", value: 70 }, { key: "roll_rate", value: 70 }, { key: "pitch_rate", value: 70 }, { key: "yaw_rate", value: 60 }, /* PIDs */ { key: "mc_p_pitch", value: 44 }, { key: "mc_i_pitch", value: 75 }, { key: "mc_d_pitch", value: 25 }, { key: "mc_p_roll", value: 40 }, { key: "mc_i_roll", value: 60 }, { key: "mc_d_roll", value: 23 }, { key: "mc_p_yaw", value: 35 }, { key: "mc_i_yaw", value: 80 }, /* * TPA */ { key: "tpa_rate", value: 20 }, { key: "tpa_breakpoint", value: 1200 }, { key: "platform_type", value: "MULTIROTOR" }, { key: "applied_defaults", value: 2 } ] }, { "title": 'Airplane with Tail', "notRecommended": false, "id": 3, "reboot": true, "settings": [ { key: "platform_type" value: "AIRPLANE" }, { key: "gyro_hardware_lpf", value: "256HZ" }, { key: "gyro_lpf_hz" value: "25" }, { key: "gyro_lpf_type" value: "BIQUAD" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled" value: "ON" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_q" value: "250" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_min_hz" value: "30" }, { key: "motor_pwm_protocol" value: "STANDARD" }, { key: "rc_yaw_expo" value: "30" }, { key: "rc_expo" value: "30" }, { key: "roll_rate" value: "18" }, { key: "pitch_rate" value: "9" }, { key: "yaw_rate" value: "3" }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_z_p" value: "20" }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_z_d" value: "5" }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_xy_p" value: "50" }, { key: "small_angle" value: "180" }, { key: "nav_rth_allow_landing" value: "FS_ONLY" }, { key: "nav_rth_altitude" value: "5000" }, { key: "nav_wp_radius" value: "1500" }, { key: "throttle_idle" value: "5.000" }, { key: "applied_defaults" value: "3" }, { key: "imu_acc_ignore_rate" value: "10" }, { key: "airmode_type" value: "STICK_CENTER_ONCE" }, { key: "airmode_type" value: "STICK_CENTER_ONCE" }, { key: "nav_rth_climb_first" value: "OFF" }, { key: "fw_turn_assist_pitch_gain" value: "0.5" }, { key: "max_angle_inclination_rll" value: "35" }, { key: "nav_fw_bank_angle" value: "35" }, ], "features":[ { bit: 4, // Enable MOTOR_STOP state: true } ] }, { "title": 'Flying Wing with no Tail', "notRecommended": false, "id": 3, "reboot": true, "settings": [ { key: "platform_type" value: "AIRPLANE" }, { key: "gyro_hardware_lpf", value: "256HZ" }, { key: "gyro_lpf_hz" value: "25" }, { key: "gyro_lpf_type" value: "BIQUAD" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled" value: "ON" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_q" value: "250" }, { key: "dynamic_gyro_notch_min_hz" value: "30" }, { key: "motor_pwm_protocol" value: "STANDARD" }, { key: "rc_yaw_expo" value: "30" }, { key: "rc_expo" value: "30" }, { key: "roll_rate" value: "18" }, { key: "pitch_rate" value: "9" }, { key: "yaw_rate" value: "3" }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_z_p" value: "20" }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_z_d" value: "5" }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_xy_p" value: "50" }, { key: "small_angle" value: "180" }, { key: "nav_rth_allow_landing" value: "FS_ONLY" }, { key: "nav_rth_altitude" value: "5000" }, { key: "nav_wp_radius" value: "1500" }, { key: "throttle_idle" value: "5.000" }, { key: "applied_defaults" value: "3" }, { key: "imu_acc_ignore_rate" value: "10" }, { key: "airmode_type" value: "STICK_CENTER_ONCE" }, { key: "airmode_type" value: "STICK_CENTER_ONCE" }, { key: "nav_rth_climb_first" value: "OFF" }, { key: "fw_turn_assist_pitch_gain" value: "0.2" }, { key: "max_angle_inclination_rll" value: "45" }, { key: "nav_fw_bank_angle" value: "45" }, ], "features":[ { bit: 4, // Enable MOTOR_STOP state: true } ] }, { "title": 'Rovers & Boats', "notRecommended": false, "reboot": true, "settings": [ { key: "gyro_hardware_lpf", value: "256HZ" }, { key: "gyro_lpf_hz", value: 10 }, { key: "gyro_lpf_type", value: "BIQUAD" }, { key: "motor_pwm_protocol", value: "STANDARD" }, { key: "applied_defaults", value: 1 }, { key: "failsafe_procedure", value: "DROP" }, { key: "platform_type", value: "ROVER" }, { key: "nav_wp_safe_distance", value: 50000 }, { key: "nav_fw_loiter_radius", value: 100 }, { key: "nav_fw_yaw_deadband", value: 5 }, { key: "pidsum_limit_yaw", value: 500 }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_hdg_p", value: 60 }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_hdg_i", value: 2 }, { key: "nav_fw_pos_hdg_d", value: 0 } ] }, { "title": 'Custom UAV - INAV legacy defaults (Not recommended)', "notRecommended": true, "reboot": false, "settings": [ { key: "motor_pwm_protocol", value: "STANDARD" }, { key: "applied_defaults", value: 1 } ] }, { "title": 'Keep current settings (Not recommended)', "notRecommended": true, "reboot": false, "settings": [ { key: "applied_defaults", value: 1 } ] } ] publicScope.init = function() { mspHelper.getSetting("applied_defaults").then(privateScope.onInitSettingReturned); $container = $("#defaults-wrapper"); }; privateScope.setFeaturesBits = function (selectedDefaultPreset) { if (selectedDefaultPreset.features && selectedDefaultPreset.features.length > 0) { helper.features.reset(); for (const feature of selectedDefaultPreset.features) { if (feature.state) { helper.features.set(feature.bit); } else { helper.features.unset(feature.bit); } } helper.features.execute(function () { privateScope.setSettings(selectedDefaultPreset); }); } else { privateScope.setSettings(selectedDefaultPreset); } }; privateScope.setSettings = function (selectedDefaultPreset) { //Save analytics googleAnalytics.sendEvent('Setting', 'Defaults', selectedDefaultPreset.title); Promise.mapSeries(selectedDefaultPreset.settings, function (input, ii) { return mspHelper.getSetting(input.key); }).then(function () { Promise.mapSeries(selectedDefaultPreset.settings, function (input, ii) { return mspHelper.setSetting(input.key, input.value); }).then(function () { mspHelper.saveToEeprom(function () { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('configurationEepromSaved')); if (selectedDefaultPreset.reboot) { GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_SET_REBOOT, false, false, function () { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('deviceRebooting')); GUI.handleReconnect(); }); }); } }); }) }); }; privateScope.onPresetClick = function(event) { $container.hide(); let selectedDefaultPreset = data[$(event.currentTarget).data("index")]; if (selectedDefaultPreset && selectedDefaultPreset.settings) { mspHelper.loadBfConfig(function () { privateScope.setFeaturesBits(selectedDefaultPreset) }); } }; privateScope.render = function() { let $place = $container.find('.defaults-dialog__options'); $place.html(""); for (let i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { let preset = data[i]; let $element = $("
\ \
") if (preset.notRecommended) { $element.addClass("defaults_btn--not-recommended"); } $element.find("a").html(preset.title); $element.data("index", i).click(privateScope.onPresetClick) $element.appendTo($place); } } } privateScope.onInitSettingReturned = function(promise) { if (promise.value > 0) { return; //Defaults were applied, we can just ignore } privateScope.render(); $container.show(); } return publicScope; })();