function tab_initialize_firmware_flasher() { ga_tracker.sendAppView('Firmware Flasher'); GUI.active_tab = 'firmware_flasher'; var intel_hex = false; // standard intel hex in string format var parsed_hex = false; // parsed raw hex in array format $('#content').load("./tabs/firmware_flasher.html", function() { // UI Hooks $('a.load_file').click(function() { chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', accepts: [{extensions: ['hex']}]}, function(fileEntry) { if (!fileEntry) { // no "valid" file selected/created, aborting console.log('No valid file selected, aborting'); return; } // hide github info (if it exists) $('div.git_info').slideUp(); chrome.fileSystem.getDisplayPath(fileEntry, function(path) { console.log('Loading file from: ' + path); $('span.path').html(path); fileEntry.file(function(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onprogress = function(e) { if ( > 1048576) { // 1 MB // dont allow reading files bigger then 1 MB console.log('File limit (1 MB) exceeded, aborting'); reader.abort(); } }; reader.onloadend = function(e) { if ( != 0 && == e.loaded) { console.log('File loaded'); intel_hex =; parse_hex(intel_hex, function(data) { parsed_hex = data; if (parsed_hex) { STM32.GUI_status('Firmware loaded, ready for flashing'); $('a.flash_firmware').removeClass('locked'); $('span.size').html(parsed_hex.bytes_total + ' bytes'); } else { STM32.GUI_status('HEX file appears to be corrupted'); } }); } }; reader.readAsText(file); }); }); }); }); $('a.load_remote_file').click(function() { $.get('', function(data) { intel_hex = data; parse_hex(intel_hex, function(data) { parsed_hex = data; if (parsed_hex) { STM32.GUI_status('Remote Firmware loaded, ready for flashing'); $('a.flash_firmware').removeClass('locked'); $('span.path').html('Using remote Firmware'); $('span.size').html(parsed_hex.bytes_total + ' bytes'); } else { STM32.GUI_status('HEX file appears to be corrupted'); } }); }).fail(function() { STM32.GUI_status('Failed to load remote firmware'); $('a.flash_firmware').addClass('locked'); }); $.get('', function(data) { var data = data[0]; var d = new Date(; var date = ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '.' + ('0' + (d.getDate() + 1)).slice(-2) + '.' + d.getFullYear(); date += ' @ ' + ('0' + d.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2); $('div.git_info .committer').html(; $('div.git_info .date').html(date); $('div.git_info .message').html(data.commit.message); $('div.git_info').slideDown(); }); }); $('a.flash_firmware').click(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('locked')) { if (!GUI.connect_lock) { // button disabled while flashing is in progress if (parsed_hex != false) { STM32.connect(parsed_hex); } else { STM32.GUI_status('Firmware not loaded'); } } } });'no_reboot_sequence', function(result) { if (typeof result.no_reboot_sequence === 'undefined') { // wasn't saved yet, save and push false to the GUI{'no_reboot_sequence': false}); $('input.updating').prop('checked', false); } else { if (result.no_reboot_sequence) { $('input.updating').prop('checked', true); $('label.flash_on_connect_wrapper').show(); } else { $('input.updating').prop('checked', false); } } // bind UI hook so the status is saved on change $('input.updating').change(function() { var status = $(this).is(':checked'); if (status) { $('label.flash_on_connect_wrapper').show(); } else { $('label.flash_on_connect_wrapper').hide(); $('input.flash_on_connect').prop('checked', false).change(); }{'no_reboot_sequence': status}, function() {}); }); });'flash_on_connect', function(result) { if (typeof result.flash_on_connect === 'undefined') { // wasn't saved yet, save and push false to the GUI{'flash_on_connect': false}); $('input.flash_on_connect').prop('checked', false); } else { if (result.flash_on_connect) { $('input.flash_on_connect').prop('checked', true); } else { $('input.flash_on_connect').prop('checked', false); } } $('input.flash_on_connect').change(function() { var status = $(this).is(':checked'); if (status) { var flashing_port; var start = function() { PortHandler.port_detected('flash_next_device', function(result) { flashing_port = result[0]; GUI.log('Detected: ' + flashing_port + ' - triggering flash on connect'); console.log('Detected: ' + flashing_port + ' - triggering flash on connect'); // Trigger regular Flashing sequence $('a.flash_firmware').click(); // Detect port removal to create a new callback end(); }, false, true); }; var end = function() { PortHandler.port_removed('flashed_device_removed', function(result) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i] == flashing_port) { // flashed device removed GUI.log('Removed: ' + flashing_port + ' - ready for next device'); console.log('Removed: ' + flashing_port + ' - ready for next device'); flashing_port = false; start(); return; } } // different device removed, we need to retry end(); }, false, true); }; start(); } else { PortHandler.flush_callbacks(); }{'flash_on_connect': status}, function() {}); }).change(); }); $('a.back').click(function() { if (!GUI.connect_lock) { // button disabled while flashing is in progress GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function() { tab_initialize_default(); }); } else { GUI.log('You can\'t do this right now, please wait for current operation to finish ...'); } }); }); } function parse_hex(str, callback) { // parsing hex in different thread var worker = new Worker('./js/workers/hex_parser.js'); // "callback" worker.onmessage = function (event) { callback(; }; // send data/string over for processing worker.postMessage(str); }