/* --- description: jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your modal windows, tooltips, notices and more. authors: Stephan Wagner (http://stephanwagner.me) license: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) requires: jQuery 1.11.1 (http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js) jQuery 2.1.1 (http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js) documentation: http://stephanwagner.me/jBox/documentation demos: http://stephanwagner.me/jBox/demos ... */ (function (root, factory) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jQuery'], function (jQuery) { return (root.jBox = factory(jQuery)); }); // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports, like Node } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('jQuery')); // Browser globals } else { root.jBox = factory(root.jQuery); } }(this, function (jQuery) { var jBox = function (type, options) { this.options = { // jBox ID id: null, // Choose a unique id, otherwise jBox will set one for you (jBoxID1, jBoxID2, ...) // Dimensions width: 'auto', // Width of content area (e.g. 'auto', 100) height: 'auto', // Height of content area minWidth: null, // Minimum width maxHeight: null, // Minimum height minWidth: null, // Maximum width maxHeight: null, // Minimum height // Attach attach: null, // Attach jBox to elements (if no target element is provided, jBox will use the attached element as target) trigger: 'click', // The event to open or close your jBoxes, use 'click' or 'mouseenter' preventDefault: false, // Prevent default event when opening jBox (e.g. don't follow the href in a link when clicking on it) // Content title: null, // Adds a title to your jBox content: null, // You can use a string to set text or HTML as content, or an element selector (e.g. jQuery('#jBox-content')) to append one or several elements (elements appended will get style display: 'block', so hide them with CSS style display: 'none' beforehand) getTitle: null, // Get the title from an attribute when jBox opens getContent: null, // Get the content from an attribute when jBox opens isolateScroll: true, // Isolates scrolling to content container // AJAX request ajax: { // Setting an url will make an AJAX call when jBox opens url: null, // URL to send the AJAX request to data: '', // Data to send with your AJAX call (e.g. 'id=82&limit=10') // Optional you can add any jQuery AJAX option (http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/) reload: false, // Resend the ajax call every time jBox opens getData: 'data-ajax', // The attribute in the source element where the AJAX will look for the data to send with, e.g. data-ajax="id=82&limit=10" setContent: true, // Automatically set the response as new content when the AJAX call is finished spinner: true // Hides the current content and adds a spinner while loading, you can pass html content to add your own spinner, e.g. spinner: '
' }, // Position target: null, // The target element where jBox will be opened position: { x: 'center', // Horizontal Position (Use a number, 'left', 'right' or 'center') y: 'center' // Vertical Position (Use a number, 'top', 'bottom' or 'center') }, outside: null, // Use 'x', 'y', or 'xy' to move your jBox outside of the target element offset: 0, // Offset to final position, you can set different values for x and y with an object e.g. {x: 15, y: 0} attributes: { // Note that attributes can only be 'left' or 'right' when using numbers for position, e.g. {x: 300, y: 20} x: 'left', // Horizontal position, use 'left' or 'right' y: 'top' // Vertical position, use 'top' or 'bottom' }, adjustPosition: false, // Adjusts the position when there is not enough space (use true, 'flip' or 'move') adjustTracker: false, // By default jBox adjusts the position when opening, to adjust when scrolling or resizing, use 'scroll', 'resize' or 'true' (both events) adjustDistance: 5, // How far from the window edge we start adjusting, use an object to set different values: {bottom: 5, top: 50, left: 5, right: 20} fixed: false, // Your jBox will stay on position when scrolling reposition: false, // Calculates new position when the window-size changes repositionOnOpen: true, // Calculates new position each time jBox opens (rather than only when it opens the first time) repositionOnContent: true, // Calculates new position when the content changes with .setContent() or .setTitle() // Pointer pointer: false, // Your pointer will always point towards the target element, so the option outside should be 'x' or 'y' pointTo: 'target', // Setting something else than 'target' will add a pointer even if there is no target element set or found (Use 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right') // Animations fade: 180, // Fade duration in ms, set to 0 or false to disable animation: null, // Animation when opening or closing (use 'pulse', 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'move', 'slide', 'flip', 'tada') (CSS inspired from Daniel Edens Animate.css: http://daneden.me/animate) // Appearance theme: 'Default', // Set a jBox theme class addClass: '', // Adds classes to the wrapper overlay: false, // Adds an overlay when jBox opens (set color and opacity with CSS) zIndex: 10000, // Use a high zIndex (your overlay will have the lowest zIndex of all your jBoxes (with overlays) minus one) // Delays delayOpen: 0, // Delay opening in ms (Note that the delay will be ignored if your jBox didn't finish closing) delayClose: 0, // Delay closing in ms (Note that there is always a closing delay of at least 10ms to ensure jBox won't be closed when opening right away) // Closing events closeOnEsc: false, // Close jBox when pressing [esc] key closeOnClick: false, // Close jBox with mouseclick, use 'true' (click anywhere), 'box' (click on jBox itself), 'overlay' (click on the overlay), 'body' (click anywhere but jBox) closeOnMouseleave: false, // Close jBox when the mouse leaves the jBox area or the area of the attached element closeButton: false, // Adds a close button to your jBox, use 'title', 'overlay', 'box' or true (true will add the button to overlay, title or box, in that order if any of those elements can be found) // Other options constructOnInit: false, // Construct jBox when it's being initialized blockScroll: false, // When jBox is open, block scrolling appendTo: jQuery('body'), // Provide an element if you want the jBox to be positioned inside a specific element (only useful for fixed positions or when position values are numbers) draggable: null, // Make your jBox draggable (use 'true', 'title' or provide an element as handle) (inspired from Chris Coyiers CSS-Tricks http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/draggable-without-jquery-ui/) dragOver: true, // When you have multiple draggable jBoxes, the one you select will always move over the other ones // Events // Note: You can use 'this' in the event functions, it refers to your jBox object (e.g. onInit: function() { this.open(); }) onInit: null, // Triggered when jBox is initialized onBeforeInit: null, // Triggered when jBox starts initializing, useful to add your own internal functions onAttach: null, // Triggered when jBox attached itself to elements // TODO onPosition onCreated: null, // Triggered when jBox is created and is availible in DOM onOpen: null, // Triggered when jBox opens onClose: null, // Triggered when jBox closes onCloseComplete: null, // Triggered when jBox is completely closed (when fading is finished, useful if you want to destroy the jBox when it is closed) // Only for type "Confirm" confirmButton: 'Submit', // Text for the submit button cancelButton: 'Cancel', // Text for the cancel button confirm: null, // Function to execute when clicking the submit button. By default jBox will use firstly the onclick and secondly the href attribute cancel: null, // Function to execute when clicking the cancel button // Only for type "Notice" autoClose: 7000, // Time when jBox should close automatically color: null, // Makes your notices colorful, use 'black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow' stack: true, // Set to false to disable notice-stacking audio: false, // Set the url to an audio file without extention, e.g. '/url/filename'. jBox will look for an .mp3 and an .ogg file volume: 100, // Percent of volume for audio files // Only for type "Image" src: 'href', // The attribute where jBox gets the image source from, e.g. href="/path_to_image/image.jpg" gallery: 'data-jbox-image', // The attribute where you define the image gallery, e.g. data-jbox-image="gallery1" imageLabel: 'title', // The attribute where jBox gets the image label from, e.g. title="My label" imageFade: 600, // The fade duration for images imageSize: 'contain' // How to display the images: Use CSS background-position values, e.g. 'cover', 'contain', 'auto', 'initial', '50% 50%' }; // Default type options this.defaultOptions = { // Default options for tooltips 'Tooltip': { getContent: 'title', trigger: 'mouseenter', position: {x: 'center', y: 'top'}, outside: 'y', pointer: true, adjustPosition: true, reposition: true }, // Default options for mouse tooltips 'Mouse': { target: 'mouse', position: {x: 'right', y: 'bottom'}, offset: 15, trigger: 'mouseenter', adjustPosition: 'flip' }, // Default options for modal windows 'Modal': { target: jQuery(window), fixed: true, blockScroll: true, closeOnEsc: true, closeOnClick: 'overlay', closeButton: true, overlay: true, animation: 'zoomOut' }, // Default options for modal confirm windows 'Confirm': { target: jQuery(window), fixed: true, attach: jQuery('[data-confirm]'), getContent: 'data-confirm', content: 'Do you really want to do this?', minWidth: 320, maxWidth: 460, blockScroll: true, closeOnEsc: true, closeOnClick: 'overlay', closeButton: true, overlay: true, animation: 'zoomOut', preventDefault: true, _onAttach: function(el) { // Extract the href or the onclick event if no submit event is passed if (!this.options.confirm) { var submit = el.attr('onclick') ? el.attr('onclick') : (el.attr('href') ? (el.attr('target') ? 'window.open("' + el.attr('href') + '", "' + el.attr('target') + '");' : 'window.location.href = "' + el.attr('href') + '";') : ''); el.prop('onclick', null).data('jBox-Confirm-submit', submit); } }, _onCreated: function() { // Add a footer to the jBox container this.footer = jQuery('