'use strict'; var child_process = require('child_process'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var minimist = require('minimist'); var archiver = require('archiver'); var del = require('del'); var NwBuilder = require('nw-builder'); var semver = require('semver'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); const commandExistsSync = require('command-exists').sync; // Each key in the *sources* variable must be an array of // the source files that will be combined into a single // file and stored in *outputDir*. Each key in *sources* // must be also present in *output*, whose value indicates // the filename for the output file which combines the // contents of the source files. // // Keys must be camel cased and end with either 'Css' or // 'Js' (e.g. someSourcesCss or someSourcesJs). For each // key, a build task will be generated named by prepending // 'build-' and converting the key to dash-separated words // (e.g. someSourcesCss will generate build-some-sources-css). // // Tasks with names ending with '-js' will be executed by the // build-all-js task, while the ones ending with '-css' will // be done by build-all-css. There's also a build task which // runs both build-all-css and build-all-js. // // The watch task will monitor any files mentioned in the *sources* // variable and regenerate the corresponding output file when // they change. // // See README.md for details on the other tasks. var sources = {}; sources.css = [ './main.css', './js/libraries/jquery.nouislider.min.css', './js/libraries/jquery.nouislider.pips.min.css', './js/libraries/flightindicators.css', './src/css/tabs/*.css', './src/css/opensans_webfontkit/fonts.css', './src/css/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css', './src/css/dropdown-lists/css/style_lists.css', './js/libraries/switchery/switchery.css', './js/libraries/jbox/jBox.css', './node_modules/openlayers/dist/ol.css', './src/css/logic.css', './src/css/defaults_dialog.css', ]; sources.js = [ './js/libraries/google-analytics-bundle.js', './node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', './node_modules/jquery-ui-npm/jquery-ui.min.js', './node_modules/marked/lib/marked.js', './js/libraries/d3.min.js', './js/libraries/jquery.nouislider.all.min.js', './node_modules/three/build/three.min.js', './node_modules/three/examples/js/loaders/GLTFLoader.js', './node_modules/three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js', './js/libraries/nw-dialog.js', './js/libraries/bundle_xml2js.js', './js/libraries/Projector.js', './js/libraries/CanvasRenderer.js', './js/libraries/jquery.flightindicators.js', './js/libraries/semver.js', './js/libraries/jbox/jBox.min.js', './js/libraries/switchery/switchery.js', './js/libraries/jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.js', './js/helpers.js', './node_modules/inflection/inflection.min.js', './node_modules/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.min.js', './js/injected_methods.js', './js/intervals.js', './js/timeouts.js', './js/pid_controller.js', './js/simple_smooth_filter.js', './js/walking_average_filter.js', './js/gui.js', './js/msp/MSPCodes.js', './js/msp/MSPHelper.js', './js/msp/MSPchainer.js', './js/port_handler.js', './js/connection/connection.js', './js/connection/connectionBle.js', './js/connection/connectionSerial.js', './js/connection/connectionTcp.js', './js/connection/connectionUdp.js', './js/servoMixRule.js', './js/motorMixRule.js', './js/logicCondition.js', './js/settings.js', './js/outputMapping.js', './js/model.js', './js/serial_backend.js', './js/data_storage.js', './js/fc.js', './js/msp.js', './js/protocols/stm32.js', './js/protocols/stm32usbdfu.js', './js/localization.js', './js/boards.js', './js/servoMixerRuleCollection.js', './js/motorMixerRuleCollection.js', './js/logicConditionsCollection.js', './js/logicConditionsStatus.js', './js/globalVariablesStatus.js', './js/programmingPid.js', './js/programmingPidCollection.js', './js/programmingPidStatus.js', './js/vtx.js', './main.js', './js/tabs.js', './tabs/*.js', './js/eventFrequencyAnalyzer.js', './js/periodicStatusUpdater.js', './js/serial_queue.js', './js/msp_balanced_interval.js', './tabs/advanced_tuning.js', './js/peripherals.js', './js/appUpdater.js', './js/feature_framework.js', './js/defaults_dialog.js', './js/safehomeCollection.js', './js/safehome.js', './js/waypointCollection.js', './js/waypoint.js', './node_modules/openlayers/dist/ol.js', './js/libraries/plotly-latest.min.js', ]; sources.receiverCss = [ './src/css/tabs/receiver_msp.css', './src/css/opensans_webfontkit/fonts.css', './js/libraries/jquery.nouislider.min.css', './js/libraries/jquery.nouislider.pips.min.css', ]; sources.receiverJs = [ './node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', './node_modules/jquery-ui-npm/jquery-ui.min.js', './js/libraries/jquery.nouislider.all.min.js', './tabs/receiver_msp.js' ]; sources.debugTraceJs = [ './js/debug_trace.js' ]; sources.hexParserJs = [ './js/workers/hex_parser.js', ]; var output = { css: 'styles.css', js: 'script.js', receiverCss: 'receiver-msp.css', receiverJs: 'receiver-msp.js', debugTraceJs: 'debug-trace.js', hexParserJs: 'hex_parser.js', }; var outputDir = './build/'; var distDir = './dist/'; var appsDir = './apps/'; function get_task_name(key) { return 'build-' + key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1){return "-"+$1.toLowerCase();}); } function getArguments() { return minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); } function getPlatforms() { const defaultPlatforms = ['win32', 'win64', 'osx64', 'linux32', 'linux64']; const platform = getArguments().platform; if (platform) { if (defaultPlatforms.indexOf(platform) < 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid platform "${platform}". Available ones are: ${defaultPlatforms}`) } return [platform]; } return defaultPlatforms; } function execSync() { const cmd = arguments[0]; const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); const result = child_process.spawnSync(cmd, args, {stdio: 'inherit'}); if (result.error) { throw result.error; } } // Define build tasks dynamically based on the sources // and output variables. var buildCssTasks = []; var buildJsTasks = []; (function() { // Convers fooBarBaz to foo-bar-baz for (var k in output) { (function (key) { var name = get_task_name(key); if (name.endsWith('-css')) { buildCssTasks.push(name); } else if (name.endsWith('-js')) { buildJsTasks.push(name); } else { throw 'Invalid task name: "' + name + '": must end with -css or -js'; } gulp.task(name, function() { return gulp.src(sources[key]) .pipe(concat(output[key])) .pipe(gulp.dest(outputDir)); }); })(k); } })(); gulp.task('build-all-js', gulp.parallel(buildJsTasks)) gulp.task('build-all-css', gulp.parallel(buildCssTasks)); gulp.task('build', gulp.parallel('build-all-css', 'build-all-js')); gulp.task('clean', function() { return del(['./build/**', './dist/**'], {force: true}); }); // Real work for dist task. Done in another task to call it via // run-sequence. gulp.task('dist-build', gulp.series('build', function() { var distSources = [ './package.json', // For NW.js './manifest.json', // For Chrome app './eventPage.js', './*.html', './tabs/*.html', './images/**/*', './_locales/**/*', './build/*', './src/css/font-awesome/webfonts/*', './src/css/opensans_webfontkit/*.{eot,svg,ttf,woff,woff2}', './resources/*.json', './resources/models/*', './resources/osd/*.mcm', './resources/motor_order/*.svg', ]; return gulp.src(distSources, { base: '.' }) .pipe(gulp.dest(distDir)); })); gulp.task('dist', gulp.series('clean', 'dist-build')); // Create app directories in ./apps gulp.task('apps', gulp.series('dist', function(done) { var builder = new NwBuilder({ files: './dist/**/*', buildDir: appsDir, platforms: getPlatforms(), flavor: 'normal', macIcns: './images/inav.icns', winIco: './images/inav.ico', version: get_nw_version() }); builder.on('log', console.log); builder.build(function (err) { if (err) { console.log("Error building NW apps:" + err); done(); return; } // Package apps as .zip files done(); }); })); function get_nw_version() { return semver.valid(semver.coerce(require('./package.json').dependencies.nw)); } function get_release_filename(platform, ext, addition = '') { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return 'INAV-Configurator_' + platform + addition + '_' + pkg.version + '.' + ext; } function build_win_zip(arch) { return function build_win_zip_proc(done) { var pkg = require('./package.json'); // Create ZIP console.log(`Creating ${arch} ZIP file...`); var src = path.join(appsDir, pkg.name, arch); var output = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(appsDir, get_release_filename(arch, 'zip', '-portable'))); var archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } }); archive.on('warning', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.pipe(output); archive.directory(src, 'INAV Configurator'); return archive.finalize(); } } function build_win_iss(arch) { return function build_win_iss_proc(done) { if (!getArguments().installer) { done(); return null; } // Create Installer console.log(`Creating ${arch} Installer...`); const innoSetup = require('@quanle94/innosetup'); const APPS_DIR = './apps/'; const pkg = require('./package.json'); // Parameters passed to the installer script const parameters = []; // Extra parameters to replace inside the iss file parameters.push(`/Dversion=${pkg.version}`); parameters.push(`/DarchName=${arch}`); parameters.push(`/DarchAllowed=${(arch === 'win32') ? 'x86 x64' : 'x64'}`); parameters.push(`/DarchInstallIn64bit=${(arch === 'win32') ? '' : 'x64'}`); parameters.push(`/DsourceFolder=${APPS_DIR}`); parameters.push(`/DtargetFolder=${APPS_DIR}`); // Show only errors in console parameters.push(`/Q`); // Script file to execute parameters.push("assets/windows/installer.iss"); innoSetup(parameters, {}, function(error) { if (error != null) { console.error(`Installer for platform ${arch} finished with error ${error}`); } else { console.log(`Installer for platform ${arch} finished`); } done(); }); } } gulp.task('release-win32', gulp.series(build_win_zip('win32'), build_win_iss('win32'))); gulp.task('release-win64', gulp.series(build_win_zip('win64'), build_win_iss('win64'))); gulp.task('release-osx64', function(done) { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var src = path.join(appsDir, pkg.name, 'osx64', pkg.name + '.app'); // Check if we want to sign the .app bundle if (getArguments().codesign) { // macapptool can be downloaded from // https://github.com/fiam/macapptool // // Make sure the bundle is well formed execSync('macapptool', '-v', '1', 'fix', src); // Sign const codesignArgs = ['macapptool', '-v', '1', 'sign']; const codesignIdentity = getArguments()['codesign-identity']; if (codesignIdentity) { codesignArgs.push('-i', codesignIdentity); } codesignArgs.push('-e', 'entitlements.plist'); codesignArgs.push(src) execSync.apply(this, codesignArgs); // Check if the bundle is signed const codesignCheckArgs = [ 'codesign', '-vvv', '--deep', '--strict', src ]; execSync.apply(this, codesignCheckArgs); } // 'old' .zip mode if (!getArguments().installer) { const zipFilename = path.join(appsDir, get_release_filename('macOS', 'zip')); console.log('Creating ZIP file: ' + zipFilename); var output = fs.createWriteStream(zipFilename); var archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } }); archive.on('warning', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.pipe(output); archive.directory(src, 'INAV Configurator.app'); output.on('close', function() { if (getArguments().notarize) { console.log('Notarizing DMG file: ' + zipFilename); const notarizeArgs = ['macapptool', '-v', '1', 'notarize']; const notarizationUsername = getArguments()['notarization-username']; if (notarizationUsername) { notarizeArgs.push('-u', notarizationUsername) } const notarizationPassword = getArguments()['notarization-password']; if (notarizationPassword) { notarizeArgs.push('-p', notarizationPassword) } notarizeArgs.push(zipFilename) execSync.apply(this, notarizeArgs); } done(); }); archive.finalize(); } // 'new' .dmg mode else { const appdmg = require('appdmg'); var target = path.join(appsDir, get_release_filename('macOS', 'dmg')); console.log('Creating DMG file: ' + target); var basepath = path.join(appsDir, pkg.name, 'osx64'); console.log('Base path: ' + basepath); if (fs.existsSync(target)) { fs.unlinkSync(target); } var specs = {}; specs["title"] = "INAV Configurator"; specs["contents"] = [ { "x": 448, "y": 342, "type": "link", "path": "/Applications" }, { "x": 192, "y": 344, "type": "file", "path": pkg.name + ".app", "name": "INAV Configurator.app" }, ]; specs["background"] = path.join(__dirname, 'assets/osx/dmg-background.png'); specs["format"] = "UDZO"; specs["window"] = { "size": { "width": 638, "height": 479, } }; const codesignIdentity = getArguments()['codesign-identity']; if (getArguments().codesign) { specs['code-sign'] = { 'signing-identity': codesignIdentity, } } const ee = appdmg({ target: target, basepath: basepath, specification: specs, }); ee.on('progress', function(info) { //console.log(info); }); ee.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); }); ee.on('finish', function() { if (getArguments().codesign) { // Check if the bundle is signed const codesignCheckArgs = [ 'codesign', '-vvv', '--deep', '--strict', target ]; execSync.apply(this, codesignCheckArgs); } if (getArguments().notarize) { console.log('Notarizing DMG file: ' + target); const notarizeArgs = ['xcrun', 'notarytool', 'submit']; notarizeArgs.push(target); const notarizationUsername = getArguments()['notarization-username']; if (notarizationUsername) { notarizeArgs.push('--apple-id', notarizationUsername) } else { throw new Error('Missing notarization username'); } const notarizationPassword = getArguments()['notarization-password']; if (notarizationPassword) { notarizeArgs.push('--password', notarizationPassword) } else { throw new Error('Missing notarization password'); } const notarizationTeamId = getArguments()['notarization-team-id']; if (notarizationTeamId) { notarizeArgs.push('--team-id', notarizationTeamId) } else { throw new Error('Missing notarization Team ID'); } notarizeArgs.push('--wait'); const notarizationWebhook = getArguments()['notarization-webhook']; if (notarizationWebhook) { notarizeArgs.push('--webhook', notarizationWebhook); } execSync.apply(this, notarizeArgs); console.log('Stapling DMG file: ' + target); const stapleArgs = ['xcrun', 'stapler', 'staple']; stapleArgs.push(target); execSync.apply(this, stapleArgs); console.log('Checking DMG file: ' + target); const checkArgs = ['spctl', '-vvv', '--assess', '--type', 'install', target]; execSync.apply(this, checkArgs); } done(); }); } }); function post_build(arch, folder) { return function post_build_linux(done) { if ((arch === 'linux32') || (arch === 'linux64')) { const metadata = require('./package.json'); // Copy Ubuntu launcher scripts to destination dir const launcherDir = path.join(folder, metadata.name, arch); console.log(`Copy Ubuntu launcher scripts to ${launcherDir}`); return gulp.src('assets/linux/**') .pipe(gulp.dest(launcherDir)); } return done(); } } // Create the dir directory, with write permissions function createDirIfNotExists(dir) { fs.mkdir(dir, '0775', function(err) { if (err && err.code !== 'EEXIST') { throw err; } }); } function release_deb(arch) { return function release_deb_proc(done) { if (!getArguments().installer) { done(); return null; } // Check if dpkg-deb exists if (!commandExistsSync('dpkg-deb')) { console.warn(`dpkg-deb command not found, not generating deb package for ${arch}`); done(); return null; } const deb = require('gulp-debian'); const LINUX_INSTALL_DIR = '/opt/inav'; const metadata = require('./package.json'); console.log(`Generating deb package for ${arch}`); return gulp.src([path.join(appsDir, metadata.name, arch, '*')]) .pipe(deb({ package: metadata.name, version: metadata.version, section: 'base', priority: 'optional', architecture: getLinuxPackageArch('deb', arch), maintainer: metadata.author, description: metadata.description, preinst: [`rm -rf ${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}/${metadata.name}`], postinst: [ `chown root:root ${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}`, `chown -R root:root ${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}/${metadata.name}`, `xdg-desktop-menu install ${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}/${metadata.name}/${metadata.name}.desktop`, ], prerm: [`xdg-desktop-menu uninstall ${metadata.name}.desktop`], depends: ['libgconf-2-4', 'libatomic1'], changelog: [], _target: `${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}/${metadata.name}`, _out: appsDir, _copyright: 'assets/linux/copyright', _clean: true, })); } } function release_rpm(arch) { return function release_rpm_proc(done) { if (!getArguments().installer) { done(); return null; } // Check if rpmbuild exists if (!commandExistsSync('rpmbuild')) { console.warn(`rpmbuild command not found, not generating rpm package for ${arch}`); done(); return; } const buildRpm = require('rpm-builder'); const NAME_REGEX = /-/g; const LINUX_INSTALL_DIR = '/opt/inav'; const metadata = require('./package.json'); console.log(`Generating rpm package for ${arch}`); // The buildRpm does not generate the folder correctly, manually createDirIfNotExists(appsDir); const options = { name: metadata.name, version: metadata.version.replace(NAME_REGEX, '_'), // RPM does not like release candidate versions buildArch: getLinuxPackageArch('rpm', arch), vendor: metadata.author, summary: metadata.description, license: 'GNU General Public License v3.0', requires: ['libgconf-2-4', 'libatomic1'], prefix: '/opt', files: [{ cwd: path.join(appsDir, metadata.name, arch), src: '*', dest: `${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}/${metadata.name}`, }], postInstallScript: [`xdg-desktop-menu install ${LINUX_INSTALL_DIR}/${metadata.name}/${metadata.name}.desktop`], preUninstallScript: [`xdg-desktop-menu uninstall ${metadata.name}.desktop`], tempDir: path.join(appsDir, `tmp-rpm-build-${arch}`), keepTemp: false, verbose: false, rpmDest: appsDir, execOpts: { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 16 }, }; buildRpm(options, function(err) { if (err) { console.error(`Error generating rpm package: ${err}`); } done(); }); } } function getLinuxPackageArch(type, arch) { let packArch; switch (arch) { case 'linux32': packArch = 'i386'; break; case 'linux64': if (type === 'rpm') { packArch = 'x86_64'; } else { packArch = 'amd64'; } break; default: console.error(`Package error, arch: ${arch}`); process.exit(1); break; } return packArch; } function releaseLinux(bits) { return function() { console.log(`Generating zip package for linux${bits}`); var dirname = 'linux' + bits; var pkg = require('./package.json'); var src = path.join(appsDir, pkg.name, dirname); var output = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(appsDir, get_release_filename(dirname, 'tar.gz'))); var archive = archiver('tar', { zlib: { level: 9 }, gzip: true }); archive.on('warning', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.pipe(output); archive.directory(src, 'INAV Configurator'); return archive.finalize(); } } gulp.task('release-linux32', gulp.series(releaseLinux(32), post_build('linux32', appsDir), release_deb('linux32'))); gulp.task('release-linux64', gulp.series(releaseLinux(64), post_build('linux64', appsDir), release_deb('linux64'), release_rpm('linux64'))); // Create distributable .zip files in ./apps gulp.task('release', gulp.series('apps', getPlatforms().map(function(v) { return 'release-' + v; }))); gulp.task('watch', function () { for(var k in output) { gulp.watch(sources[k], gulp.series(get_task_name(k))); } }); gulp.task('default', gulp.series('build'));