'use strict' const STANDARD_UDP_PORT = 5762; class ConnectionUdp extends Connection { constructor() { super(); this._connectionIP = ""; this._connectionPort = 0; this._timeoutId = false; this._isCli = false; } /** * @param {boolean} value */ set isCli(value) { this._isCli = value; } connectImplementation(address, options, callback) { var addr = address.split(':'); if (addr.length >= 2) { this._connectionIP = addr[0]; this._connectionPort = parseInt(addr[1]) } else { this._connectionIP = address[0]; this._connectionPort = STANDARD_UDP_PORT; } chrome.sockets.udp.create({ name: "iNavUDP", bufferSize: 65535, }, createInfo => { this.checkChromeLastError(); if (createInfo && !this._openCanceled) { chrome.sockets.udp.bind(createInfo.socketId, "", this._connectionPort, result => { this.checkChromeLastError(); if (result == 0) { // UDP connections don't trigger an event if they are interrupted, a simple timeout mechanism must suffice here. this.addOnReceiveCallback(() => { if (this._timeoutId) { clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); } this._timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { if (!this._isCli) { // Disable timeout for CLI GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('connectionUdpTimeout')); this.abort(); } }, 10000); }) // Actually useless, but according to chrome documentation also UDP triggers error events ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this.addOnReceiveErrorListener(info => { console.error(info); googleAnalytics.sendException('UDP: ' + info.error, false); let message; switch (info.resultCode) { case -15: // connection is lost, cannot write to it anymore, preventing further disconnect attempts message = 'error: ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED'; console.log(`UDP: ${message}: ${info.resultCode}`); this._connectionId = false; return; case -21: message = 'error: NETWORK_CHANGED'; break; case -100: message = 'error: CONNECTION_CLOSED'; break; case -102: message = 'error: CONNECTION_REFUSED'; break; case -105: message = 'error: NAME_NOT_RESOLVED'; break; case -106: message = 'error: INTERNET_DISCONNECTED'; break; case -109: message = 'error: ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE'; break; } let resultMessage = message ? `${message} ${info.resultCode}` : info.resultCode; console.warn(`UDP: ${resultMessage} ID: ${this._connectionId}`); this.abort(); }); GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('connectionConnected', ["udp://" + this._connectionIP + ":" + this._connectionPort])); if (callback) { callback({ bitrate: 115200, connectionId: createInfo.socketId }); } } else { console.error("Unable to open UDP socket: " + result); if (callback) { callback(false); } } }); } else { console.error("Unable to create UDP socket."); if (callback) { callback(false); } } }); } disconnectImplementation(callback) { chrome.sockets.udp.close(this._connectionId); this.checkChromeLastError(); this._connectionIP = ""; this._connectionPort = 0; clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); this._timeoutId = false; if (callback) { callback(true); } } sendImplementation(data, callback) {; chrome.sockets.udp.send(this._connectionId, data, this._connectionIP, this._connectionPort, callback); } addOnReceiveCallback(callback){ chrome.sockets.udp.onReceive.addListener(callback); } removeOnReceiveCallback(callback){ chrome.sockets.udp.onReceive.removeListener(callback); } addOnReceiveErrorCallback(callback) { chrome.sockets.udp.onReceiveError.addListener(callback); } removeOnReceiveErrorCallback(callback) { chrome.sockets.udp.onReceiveError.removeListener(callback); } }