'use strict'; TABS.led_strip = { wireMode: false, directions: ['n', 'e', 's', 'w', 'u', 'd'], }; TABS.led_strip.initialize = function (callback, scrollPosition) { var self = this; var selectedColorIndex = null; var selectedModeColor = null; if (semver.lt(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) { TABS.led_strip.functions = ['i', 'w', 'f', 'a', 't', 'r', 'c', 'g', 's', 'b']; TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs = ['c', 'f', 'a', 'b', 'g', 'r']; TABS.led_strip.overlays = ['t', 's', 'i', 'w']; } else { TABS.led_strip.functions = ['i', 'w', 'f', 'a', 't', 'r', 'c', 'g', 's', 'b', 'l', 'o', 'n']; TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs = ['c', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'g', 'r']; TABS.led_strip.overlays = ['t', 'o', 'b', 'n', 'i', 'w']; } TABS.led_strip.wireMode = false; if (GUI.active_tab != 'led_strip') { GUI.active_tab = 'led_strip'; googleAnalytics.sendAppView('LED Strip'); } function load_led_config() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_LED_STRIP_CONFIG, false, false, load_led_colors); } function load_led_colors() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_LED_COLORS, false, false, load_led_mode_colors); } function load_led_mode_colors() { if (semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.19.0")) MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_LED_STRIP_MODECOLOR, false, false, load_html); else load_html(); } function load_html() { GUI.load("./tabs/led_strip.html", process_html); } load_led_config(); function buildUsedWireNumbers() { var usedWireNumbers = []; $('.mainGrid .gPoint .wire').each(function () { var wireNumber = parseInt($(this).html()); if (wireNumber >= 0) { usedWireNumbers.push(wireNumber); } }); usedWireNumbers.sort(function(a,b){return a - b}); return usedWireNumbers; } function process_html() { localize(); // Build Grid var theHTML = []; var theHTMLlength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (semver.lte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.19.0")) theHTML[theHTMLlength++] = ('
'); else theHTML[theHTMLlength++] = ('
'); } $('.mainGrid').html(theHTML.join('')); $('.tempOutput').click(function() { $(this).select(); }); // Clear button $('.funcClear').click(function() { $('.gPoint').each(function() { if ($(this).is('.ui-selected')) { removeFunctionsAndDirections(this); $(this).find('.wire').html(''); } }); $('.controls button').removeClass('btnOn'); updateBulkCmd(); }); // Clear All button $('.funcClearAll').click(function() { $('.gPoint').each(function() { removeFunctionsAndDirections(this); }); $('.gPoint .wire').html(''); updateBulkCmd(); $('.controls button').removeClass('btnOn'); }); function removeFunctionsAndDirections(element) { var classesToRemove = []; TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs.forEach(function(letter) { classesToRemove.push('function-' + letter); }); TABS.led_strip.overlays.forEach(function(letter) { classesToRemove.push('function-' + letter); }); TABS.led_strip.directions.forEach(function(letter) { classesToRemove.push('dir-' + letter); }); $(element).removeClass(classesToRemove.join(' ')); } // Directional Buttons $('.directions').on('click', 'button', function() { var that = this; if ($('.ui-selected').length > 0) { TABS.led_strip.directions.forEach(function(letter) { if ($(that).is('.dir-' + letter)) { if ($(that).is('.btnOn')) { $(that).removeClass('btnOn'); $('.ui-selected').removeClass('dir-' + letter); } else { $(that).addClass('btnOn'); $('.ui-selected').addClass('dir-' + letter); } } }); clearModeColorSelection(); updateBulkCmd(); } }); // Mode Color Buttons $('.mode_colors').on('click', 'button', function() { var that = this; LED_MODE_COLORS.forEach(function(mc) { if ($(that).is('.mode_color-' + mc.mode + '-' + mc.direction)) { if ($(that).is('.btnOn')) { $(that).removeClass('btnOn'); $('.ui-selected').removeClass('mode_color-' + mc.mode + '-' + mc.direction); selectedModeColor = null; } else { $(that).addClass('btnOn'); selectedModeColor = { mode: mc.mode, direction: mc.direction }; // select the color button for (var colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) { var className = '.color-' + colorIndex; if (colorIndex == getModeColor(mc.mode, mc.direction)) { $(className).addClass('btnOn'); selectedColorIndex = colorIndex; setColorSliders(colorIndex); } else { $(className).removeClass('btnOn'); } } } } }); $('.mode_colors').each(function() { $(this).children().each(function() { if (! $(this).is($(that))) { if ($(this).is('.btnOn')) { $(this).removeClass('btnOn'); } } }); }); updateBulkCmd(); }); // Color sliders var ip = $('div.colorDefineSliders input'); ip.eq(0).on("input change", function() { updateColors($(this).val(), 0); }); ip.eq(1).on("input change", function() { updateColors($(this).val(), 1); }); ip.eq(2).on("input change", function() { updateColors($(this).val(), 2); }); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { updateColors(ip.eq(i).val(), i); } // Color Buttons $('.colors').on('click', 'button', function(e) { var that = this; var colorButtons = $(this).parent().find('button'); for (var colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) { colorButtons.removeClass('btnOn'); if (selectedModeColor == undefined) $('.ui-selected').removeClass('color-' + colorIndex); if ($(that).is('.color-' + colorIndex)) { selectedColorIndex = colorIndex; if (selectedModeColor == undefined) $('.ui-selected').addClass('color-' + colorIndex); } } setColorSliders(selectedColorIndex); $(this).addClass('btnOn'); if (selectedModeColor) { setModeColor(selectedModeColor.mode, selectedModeColor.direction, selectedColorIndex); } drawColorBoxesInColorLedPoints(); // refresh color buttons $('.colors').children().each(function() { setBackgroundColor($(this)); }); $('.overlay-color').each(function() { setBackgroundColor($(this)); }); $('.mode_colors').each(function() { setModeBackgroundColor($(this)); }); $('.special_colors').each(function() { setModeBackgroundColor($(this)); }); updateBulkCmd(); }); $('.colors').on('dblclick', 'button', function(e) { var pp = $('.tab-led-strip').position(); var moveLeft = $('.tab-led-strip').position().left + ($('.colorDefineSliders').width() / 2); var moveUp = $('.tab-led-strip').position().top + $('.colorDefineSliders').height() + 20; $('.colorDefineSliders').css('left', e.pageX - e.offsetX - moveLeft); $('.colorDefineSliders').css('top', e.pageY - e.offsetY - moveUp); $('.colorDefineSliders').show(); }); $('.colorDefineSliders').on({ mouseleave: function () { $('.colorDefineSliders').hide(); } }); $('.colors').children().on({ mouseleave: function () { if (!$('.colorDefineSliders').is(":hover")) $('.colorDefineSliders').hide(); } }); $('.funcWire').click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('btnOn'); TABS.led_strip.wireMode = $(this).hasClass('btnOn'); $('.mainGrid').toggleClass('gridWire'); }); $('.funcWireClearSelect').click(function() { $('.ui-selected').each(function() { var thisWire = $(this).find('.wire'); if (thisWire.html() != '') { thisWire.html(''); } updateBulkCmd(); }); }); $('.funcWireClear').click(function() { $('.gPoint .wire').html(''); updateBulkCmd(); }); $('.mainGrid').selectable({ filter: ' > div', stop: function() { var functionsInSelection = []; var directionsInSelection = []; clearModeColorSelection(); var that; $('.ui-selected').each(function() { var usedWireNumbers = buildUsedWireNumbers(); var nextWireNumber = 0; for (var nextWireNumber = 0; nextWireNumber < usedWireNumbers.length; nextWireNumber++) { if (usedWireNumbers[nextWireNumber] != nextWireNumber) { break; } } if (TABS.led_strip.wireMode) { if ($(this).find('.wire').html() == '' && nextWireNumber < LED_STRIP.length) { $(this).find('.wire').html(nextWireNumber); } } if ($(this).find('.wire').text() != '') { that = this; // Get function & overlays or current cell TABS.led_strip.directions.forEach(function(letter) { var className = '.dir-' + letter; if ($(that).is(className)) { directionsInSelection.push(className); } }); TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs.forEach(function(letter) { var className = '.function-' + letter; if ($(that).is(className)) { functionsInSelection.push(className); } }); TABS.led_strip.overlays.forEach(function(letter) { var className = '.function-' + letter; if ($(that).is(className)) { functionsInSelection.push(className); } }); } }); var uiSelectedLast = that; $('select.functionSelect').val(""); TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs.forEach(function(letter) { var className = 'function-' + letter; if ($('select.functionSelect').is("." + className)) { $('select.functionSelect').removeClass(className); } }); selectedColorIndex = 0; if (uiSelectedLast) { // set active color for (var colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) { var className = '.color-' + colorIndex; if ($(uiSelectedLast).is(className)) { $(className).addClass('btnOn'); selectedColorIndex = colorIndex; } else { $(className).removeClass('btnOn'); } } // set checkbox values TABS.led_strip.overlays.forEach(function(letter) { var feature_o = $('.checkbox').find('input.function-' + letter); var newVal = ($(uiSelectedLast).is('.function-' + letter)); if (feature_o.is(':checked') != newVal) { feature_o.prop('checked', newVal); feature_o.change(); } }); // Update active function in combobox TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs.forEach(function(letter) { if ($(uiSelectedLast).is('.function-' + letter)) { $('select.functionSelect').val("function-" + letter); $('select.functionSelect').addClass("function-" + letter); } }); } updateBulkCmd(); setColorSliders(selectedColorIndex); setOptionalGroupsVisibility(); $('.directions button').removeClass('btnOn'); directionsInSelection.forEach(function(direction_e) { $(direction_e).addClass('btnOn'); }); } }); // UI: select LED function from drop-down $('.functionSelect').on('change', function() { clearModeColorSelection(); applyFunctionToSelectedLeds(); drawColorBoxesInColorLedPoints(); setOptionalGroupsVisibility(); updateBulkCmd(); }); // UI: select mode from drop-down $('.modeSelect').on('change', function() { var that = this; var mode = Number($(that).val()); $('.mode_colors').find('button').each(function() { for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) if ($(this).hasClass('mode_color-' + i + '-' + j)) { $(this).removeClass('mode_color-' + i + '-' + j); $(this).addClass('mode_color-' + mode + '-' + j); } }); $('.mode_colors').each(function() { setModeBackgroundColor($(this)); }); }); function toggleSwitch(that, letter) { if ($(that).is(':checked')) { $('.ui-selected').find('.wire').each(function() { if ($(this).text() != "") { var p = $(this).parent(); TABS.led_strip.functions.forEach(function(f) { if (p.is('.function-' + f)) { switch (letter) { case 't': case 'o': case 's': if (areModifiersActive('function-' + f)) p.addClass('function-' + letter); break; case 'b': case 'n': if (areBlinkersActive('function-' + f)) p.addClass('function-' + letter); break; case 'i': if (areOverlaysActive('function-' + f)) p.addClass('function-' + letter); break; case 'w': if (areOverlaysActive('function-' + f)) if (isWarningActive('function-' + f)) p.addClass('function-' + letter); break; } } }); } }); } else { $('.ui-selected').removeClass('function-' + letter); } return $(that).is(':checked'); } // UI: check-box toggle $('.checkbox').change(function(e) { if (e.originalEvent) { // user-triggered event var that = $(this).find('input'); if ($('.ui-selected').length > 0) { TABS.led_strip.overlays.forEach(function(letter) { if ($(that).is('.function-' + letter)) { var ret = toggleSwitch(that, letter); var cbn = $('.checkbox .function-n'); // blink on landing var cbb = $('.checkbox .function-b'); // blink if (ret) { if (letter == 'b' && cbn.is(':checked')) { cbn.prop('checked', false); cbn.change(); toggleSwitch(cbn, 'n'); } else if (letter == 'n' && cbb.is(':checked')) { cbb.prop('checked', false); cbb.change(); toggleSwitch(cbb, 'b'); } } } }); clearModeColorSelection(); updateBulkCmd(); setOptionalGroupsVisibility(); } } else { // code-triggered event } }); $('.mainGrid').disableSelection(); $('.gPoint').each(function(){ var gridNumber = ($(this).index() + 1); var row = Math.ceil(gridNumber / 16) - 1; var col = gridNumber/16 % 1 * 16 - 1; if (col < 0) { col = 15; } var ledResult = findLed(col, row); if (!ledResult) { return; } var ledIndex = ledResult.index; var led = ledResult.led; if (led.functions[0] == 'c' && led.functions.length == 1 && led.directions.length == 0 && led.color == 0 && led.x == 0 && led.y == 0) { return; } $(this).find('.wire').html(ledIndex); for (var modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < led.functions.length; modeIndex++) { $(this).addClass('function-' + led.functions[modeIndex]); } for (var directionIndex = 0; directionIndex < led.directions.length; directionIndex++) { $(this).addClass('dir-' + led.directions[directionIndex]); } $(this).addClass('color-' + led.color); }); $('a.save').click(function () { mspHelper.sendLedStripConfig(send_led_strip_colors); function send_led_strip_colors() { mspHelper.sendLedStripColors(send_led_strip_mode_colors); } function send_led_strip_mode_colors() { if (semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.19.0")) mspHelper.sendLedStripModeColors(save_to_eeprom); else save_to_eeprom(); } function save_to_eeprom() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, false, false, function() { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('ledStripEepromSaved')); }); } }); $('.colorDefineSliders').hide(); applyFunctionToSelectedLeds(); drawColorBoxesInColorLedPoints(); setOptionalGroupsVisibility(); updateBulkCmd(); GUI.content_ready(callback); } function findLed(x, y) { for (var ledIndex = 0; ledIndex < LED_STRIP.length; ledIndex++) { var led = LED_STRIP[ledIndex]; if (led.x == x && led.y == y) { return { index: ledIndex, led: led }; } } return undefined; } function updateBulkCmd() { var counter = 0; var lines = []; var ledStripLength = LED_STRIP.length; var ledColorsLength = LED_COLORS.length; var ledModeColorsLenggth = LED_MODE_COLORS.length; LED_STRIP = []; $('.gPoint').each(function(){ if ($(this).is('[class*="function"]')) { var gridNumber = ($(this).index() + 1); var row = Math.ceil(gridNumber / 16) - 1; var col = gridNumber/16 % 1 * 16 - 1; if (col < 0) {col = 15;} var wireNumber = $(this).find('.wire').html(); var functions = ''; var directions = ''; var colorIndex = 0; var that = this; var match = $(this).attr("class").match(/(^|\s)color-([0-9]+)(\s|$)/); if (match) { colorIndex = match[2]; } TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs.forEach(function(letter){ if ($(that).is('.function-' + letter)) { functions += letter; } }); TABS.led_strip.overlays.forEach(function(letter){ if ($(that).is('.function-' + letter)) { functions += letter; } }); TABS.led_strip.directions.forEach(function(letter){ if ($(that).is('.dir-' + letter)) { directions += letter; } }); if (wireNumber != '') { var led = { x: col, y: row, directions: directions, functions: functions, color: colorIndex } LED_STRIP[wireNumber] = led; } counter++; } }); var defaultLed = { x: 0, y: 0, directions: '', functions: '' }; for (var i = 0; i < ledStripLength; i++) { if (LED_STRIP[i]) { continue; } LED_STRIP[i] = defaultLed; } var usedWireNumbers = buildUsedWireNumbers(); var remaining = LED_STRIP.length - usedWireNumbers.length; $('.wires-remaining div').html(remaining); } // refresh mode color buttons function setModeBackgroundColor(element) { if (semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.19.0")) { element.find('[class*="mode_color"]').each(function() { var m = 0; var d = 0; var match = $(this).attr("class").match(/(^|\s)mode_color-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(\s|$)/); if (match) { m = Number(match[2]); d = Number(match[3]); $(this).css('background-color', HsvToColor(LED_COLORS[getModeColor(m, d)])); } }); } } function setBackgroundColor(element) { if (element.is('[class*="color"]')) { var colorIndex = 0; var match = element.attr("class").match(/(^|\s)color-([0-9]+)(\s|$)/); if (match) { colorIndex = match[2]; element.css('background-color', HsvToColor(LED_COLORS[colorIndex])); } } } function areModifiersActive(activeFunction) { switch (activeFunction) { case "function-c": case "function-a": case "function-f": return true; break; } return false; } function areOverlaysActive(activeFunction) { if (semver.lt(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) { switch (activeFunction) { case "function-c": case "function-a": case "function-f": case "function-g": return true; break; } } else { switch (activeFunction) { case "": case "function-c": case "function-a": case "function-f": case "function-s": case "function-l": case "function-r": case "function-o": case "function-g": return true; break; } } return false; } function areBlinkersActive(activeFunction) { if (semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) { switch (activeFunction) { case "function-c": case "function-a": case "function-f": return true; break; } } return false; } function isWarningActive(activeFunction) { switch (activeFunction) { case "function-l": case "function-s": case "function-g": return false; break; case "function-r": case "function-b": if (semver.lt(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) return false; break; default: return true; break; } } function setOptionalGroupsVisibility() { var activeFunction = $('select.functionSelect').val(); $('select.functionSelect').addClass(activeFunction); if (semver.lte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.18.0")) { // <= 18 // Hide GPS (Func) // Hide RSSI (O/L), Blink (Func) // Hide Battery, RSSI (Func), Larson (O/L), Blink (O/L), Landing (O/L) $(".extra_functions20").hide(); $(".mode_colors").hide(); } else { // >= 20 // Show GPS (Func) // Hide RSSI (O/L), Blink (Func) // Show Battery, RSSI (Func), Larson (O/L), Blink (O/L), Landing (O/L) $(".extra_functions20").show(); $(".mode_colors").show(); } // set color modifiers (check-boxes) visibility $('.overlays').hide(); $('.modifiers').hide(); $('.blinkers').hide(); $('.warningOverlay').hide(); if (areOverlaysActive(activeFunction)) $('.overlays').show(); if (areModifiersActive(activeFunction)) $('.modifiers').show(); if (areBlinkersActive(activeFunction)) $('.blinkers').show(); if (isWarningActive(activeFunction)) $('.warningOverlay').show(); // set directions visibility if (semver.lt(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) { switch (activeFunction) { case "function-r": $('.indicatorOverlay').hide(); $('.directions').hide(); break; default: $('.indicatorOverlay').show(); $('.directions').show(); break; } } $('.mode_colors').hide(); if (semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.19.0")) { // set mode colors visibility if (semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) if (activeFunction == "function-f") $('.mode_colors').show(); // set special colors visibility $('.special_colors').show(); $('.mode_color-6-0').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-1').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-2').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-3').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-4').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-5').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-6').hide(); $('.mode_color-6-7').hide(); switch (activeFunction) { case "": // none case "function-f": // Modes & Orientation case "function-l": // Battery // $('.mode_color-6-3').show(); // background $('.special_colors').hide(); break; case "function-g": // GPS $('.mode_color-6-5').show(); // no sats $('.mode_color-6-6').show(); // no lock $('.mode_color-6-7').show(); // locked // $('.mode_color-6-3').show(); // background break; case "function-b": // Blink $('.mode_color-6-4').show(); // blink background break; case "function-a": // Arm state $('.mode_color-6-0').show(); // disarmed $('.mode_color-6-1').show(); // armed break; case "function-r": // Ring default: $('.special_colors').hide(); break; } } } function applyFunctionToSelectedLeds() { var activeFunction = $('select.functionSelect').val(); TABS.led_strip.baseFuncs.forEach(function(letter) { if (activeFunction == 'function-' + letter) { $('select.functionSelect').addClass('function-' + letter); $('.ui-selected').find('.wire').each(function() { if ($(this).text() != "") $(this).parent().addClass('function-' + letter); }); unselectOverlays(letter); } else { $('select.functionSelect').removeClass('function-' + letter); $('.ui-selected').removeClass('function-' + letter); } if (activeFunction == '') { unselectOverlays(activeFunction); } }); } function unselectOverlays(letter) { if (semver.lt(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.20.0")) { if (letter == 'b' || letter == 'r') { unselectOverlay(letter, 'i'); } if (letter == 'b' || letter == 'r' || letter == 'l' || letter == 'g') { unselectOverlay(letter, 'w'); unselectOverlay(letter, 't'); unselectOverlay(letter, 's'); } } else { // MSP 1.20 if (letter == 'r' || letter == '') { unselectOverlay(letter, 'o'); unselectOverlay(letter, 'b'); unselectOverlay(letter, 'n'); unselectOverlay(letter, 't'); } if (letter == 'l' || letter == 'g' || letter == 's') { unselectOverlay(letter, 'w'); unselectOverlay(letter, 't'); unselectOverlay(letter, 'o'); unselectOverlay(letter, 'b'); unselectOverlay(letter, 'n'); } } } function unselectOverlay(func, overlay) { $('input.function-' + overlay).prop('checked', false); $('input.function-' + overlay).change(); $('.ui-selected').each(function() { if (func == '' || $(this).is('.function-' + func)) { $(this).removeClass('function-' + overlay); } }); } function updateColors(value, hsvIndex) { var change = false; value = Number(value); var className = '.color-' + selectedColorIndex; if ($(className).hasClass('btnOn')) { switch (hsvIndex) { case 0: if (LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].h != value) { LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].h = value; $('.colorDefineSliderValue.Hvalue').text(LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].h); change = true } break; case 1: if (LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].s != value) { LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].s = value; $('.colorDefineSliderValue.Svalue').text(LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].s); change = true } break; case 2: if (LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].v != value) { LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].v = value; $('.colorDefineSliderValue.Vvalue').text(LED_COLORS[selectedColorIndex].v); change = true } break; } } // refresh color buttons $('.colors').children().each(function() { setBackgroundColor($(this)); }); $('.overlay-color').each(function() { setBackgroundColor($(this)); }); $('.mode_colors').each(function() { setModeBackgroundColor($(this)); }); $('.special_colors').each(function() { setModeBackgroundColor($(this)); }); if (change) updateBulkCmd(); } function drawColorBoxesInColorLedPoints() { $('.gPoint').each(function() { if ($(this).is('.function-c') || $(this).is('.function-r') || $(this).is('.function-b')) { $(this).find('.overlay-color').show(); for (var colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) { var className = 'color-' + colorIndex; if ($(this).is('.' + className)) { $(this).find('.overlay-color').addClass(className); $(this).find('.overlay-color').css('background-color', HsvToColor(LED_COLORS[colorIndex])) } else { if ($(this).find('.overlay-color').is('.' + className)) $(this).find('.overlay-color').removeClass(className); } } } else { $(this).find('.overlay-color').hide(); } }); } function setColorSliders(colorIndex) { var sliders = $('div.colorDefineSliders input'); var change = false; if (!LED_COLORS[colorIndex]) return; if (LED_COLORS[colorIndex].h != Number(sliders.eq(0).val())) { sliders.eq(0).val(LED_COLORS[colorIndex].h); $('.colorDefineSliderValue.Hvalue').text(LED_COLORS[colorIndex].h); change = true; } if (LED_COLORS[colorIndex].s != Number(sliders.eq(1).val())) { sliders.eq(1).val(LED_COLORS[colorIndex].s); $('.colorDefineSliderValue.Svalue').text(LED_COLORS[colorIndex].s); change = true; } if (LED_COLORS[colorIndex].v != Number(sliders.eq(2).val())) { sliders.eq(2).val(LED_COLORS[colorIndex].v); $('.colorDefineSliderValue.Vvalue').text(LED_COLORS[colorIndex].v); change = true; } // only fire events when all values are set if (change) sliders.trigger('input'); } function HsvToColor(input) { if (input == undefined) return ""; var HSV = { h:Number(input.h), s:Number(input.s), v:Number(input.v) }; if (HSV.s == 0 && HSV.v == 0) return ""; HSV = { h:HSV.h, s:1 - HSV.s / 255, v:HSV.v / 255 }; var HSL = { h:0, s:0, v:0}; HSL.h = HSV.h; HSL.l = (2 - HSV.s) * HSV.v / 2; HSL.s = HSL.l && HSL.l < 1 ? HSV.s * HSV.v / (HSL.l < 0.5 ? HSL.l * 2 : 2 - HSL.l * 2) : HSL.s; var ret = 'hsl(' + HSL.h + ', ' + HSL.s * 100 + '%, ' + HSL.l * 100 + '%)'; return ret; } function getModeColor(mode, dir) { for (var i = 0; i < LED_MODE_COLORS.length; i++) { var mc = LED_MODE_COLORS[i]; if (mc.mode == mode && mc.direction == dir) return mc.color; } return ""; } function setModeColor(mode, dir, color) { for (var i = 0; i < LED_MODE_COLORS.length; i++) { var mc = LED_MODE_COLORS[i]; if (mc.mode == mode && mc.direction == dir) { mc.color = color; return 1; } } return 0; } function clearModeColorSelection() { selectedModeColor = null; $('.mode_colors').each(function() { $(this).children().each(function() { if ($(this).is('.btnOn')) { $(this).removeClass('btnOn'); } }); }); } }; TABS.led_strip.cleanup = function (callback) { if (callback) callback(); };