/*global helper,MSP,MSPChainerClass,googleAnalytics,GUI,mspHelper,MOTOR_RULES,TABS,$,MSPCodes,ANALOG,MOTOR_DATA,chrome,PLATFORM_MULTIROTOR,BF_CONFIG,PLATFORM_TRICOPTER,SERVO_RULES,FC,SERVO_CONFIG,SENSOR_DATA,_3D,MISC,MIXER_CONFIG,OUTPUT_MAPPING*/ 'use strict'; TABS.outputs = { allowTestMode: false, feature3DEnabled: false, feature3DSupported: false }; TABS.outputs.initialize = function (callback) { var self = this; self.armed = false; self.feature3DSupported = false; self.allowTestMode = true; var $motorsEnableTestMode; if (GUI.active_tab !== 'outputs') { GUI.active_tab = 'outputs'; googleAnalytics.sendAppView('Outputs'); } var loadChainer = new MSPChainerClass(); loadChainer.setChain([ mspHelper.loadMiscV2, mspHelper.loadBfConfig, mspHelper.load3dConfig, mspHelper.loadMotors, mspHelper.loadMotorMixRules, mspHelper.loadServoMixRules, mspHelper.loadMixerConfig, mspHelper.loadServoMixRules, mspHelper.loadServoConfiguration, mspHelper.loadOutputMapping, mspHelper.loadRcData, mspHelper.loadAdvancedConfig, ]); loadChainer.setExitPoint(load_html); loadChainer.execute(); update_arm_status(); var saveChainer = new MSPChainerClass(); saveChainer.setChain([ saveSettings, mspHelper.sendServoConfigurations, mspHelper.saveAdvancedConfig, mspHelper.saveBfConfig, mspHelper.saveMiscV2, mspHelper.saveToEeprom ]); saveChainer.setExitPoint(function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('eeprom_saved_ok')); MOTOR_RULES.cleanup(); }); function load_html() { GUI.load("./tabs/outputs.html", Settings.processHtml(onLoad)); } function saveSettings(onComplete) { Settings.saveInputs().then(onComplete); } function onLoad() { process_motors(); process_servos(); processConfiguration(); if (semver.gte(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, "2.4.0")) { $('.requires-v2_4').show(); } else { $('.requires-v2_4').hide(); } finalize(); } function processConfiguration() { let escProtocols = FC.getEscProtocols(), servoRates = FC.getServoRates(), $idleInfoBox = $("#throttle_idle-info"); function buildMotorRates() { var protocolData = escProtocols[ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmProtocol]; $escRate.find('option').remove(); for (var i in protocolData.rates) { if (protocolData.rates.hasOwnProperty(i)) { $escRate.append(''); } } /* * If rate from FC is not on the list, add a new entry */ if ($escRate.find('[value="' + ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmRate + '"]').length == 0) { $escRate.append(''); } if (ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmProtocol >= 5) { $('.hide-for-shot').hide(); $idleInfoBox.html(chrome.i18n.getMessage('throttleIdleDigitalInfo')); $idleInfoBox.addClass('ok-box'); $idleInfoBox.show(); } else { $('.hide-for-shot').show(); $idleInfoBox.html(chrome.i18n.getMessage('throttleIdleAnalogInfo')); $idleInfoBox.addClass('ok-box'); $idleInfoBox.show(); } if (protocolData.message !== null) { $('#esc-protocol-warning').html(chrome.i18n.getMessage(protocolData.message)); $('#esc-protocol-warning').show(); } else { $('#esc-protocol-warning').hide(); } } let $escProtocol = $('#esc-protocol'); let $escRate = $('#esc-rate'); for (i in escProtocols) { if (escProtocols.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var protocolData = escProtocols[i]; $escProtocol.append(''); } } $escProtocol.val(ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmProtocol); buildMotorRates(); $escRate.val(ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmRate); $escProtocol.change(function () { ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmProtocol = $(this).val(); buildMotorRates(); ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmRate = escProtocols[ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmProtocol].defaultRate; $escRate.val(ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmRate); }); $escRate.change(function () { ADVANCED_CONFIG.motorPwmRate = $(this).val(); }); $("#esc-protocols").show(); let $servoRate = $('#servo-rate'); for (i in servoRates) { if (servoRates.hasOwnProperty(i)) { $servoRate.append(''); } } /* * If rate from FC is not on the list, add a new entry */ if ($servoRate.find('[value="' + ADVANCED_CONFIG.servoPwmRate + '"]').length == 0) { $servoRate.append(''); } $servoRate.val(ADVANCED_CONFIG.servoPwmRate); $servoRate.change(function () { ADVANCED_CONFIG.servoPwmRate = $(this).val(); }); $('#servo-rate-container').show(); helper.features.updateUI($('.tab-motors'), BF_CONFIG.features); GUI.simpleBind(); } function update_arm_status() { self.armed = FC.isModeEnabled('ARM'); } function initSensorData() { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[i] = 0; } } function initDataArray(length) { var data = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { data[i] = []; data[i].min = -1; data[i].max = 1; } return data; } function addSampleToData(data, sampleNumber, sensorData) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var dataPoint = sensorData[i]; data[i].push([sampleNumber, dataPoint]); if (dataPoint < data[i].min) { data[i].min = dataPoint; } if (dataPoint > data[i].max) { data[i].max = dataPoint; } } while (data[0].length > 40) { for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i].shift(); } } return sampleNumber + 1; } function update_model(val) { if (MIXER_CONFIG.appliedMixerPreset == -1) return; $('.mixerPreview img').attr('src', './resources/motor_order/' + helper.mixer.getById(val).image + '.svg'); } function process_servos() { let $tabServos = $(".tab-servos"), $servoEmptyTableInfo = $('#servoEmptyTableInfo'), $servoConfigTableContainer = $('#servo-config-table-container'), $servoConfigTable = $('#servo-config-table'); if (SERVO_CONFIG.length == 0) { $tabServos.addClass("is-hidden"); return; } function renderServos(name, alternate, obj) { $servoConfigTable.append('\ \ ' + name + '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '); let $currentRow = $servoConfigTable.find('tr:last'); //This routine is pre 2.0 only if (SERVO_CONFIG[obj].indexOfChannelToForward >= 0) { $currentRow.find('td.channel input').eq(SERVO_CONFIG[obj].indexOfChannelToForward).prop('checked', true); } // adding select box and generating options $currentRow.find('td.rate').append( '' ); $currentRow.find('td.reverse').append( '' ); $currentRow.data('info', { 'obj': obj }); $currentRow.append(''); let output, outputString; if (MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_MULTIROTOR || MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_TRICOPTER) { output = OUTPUT_MAPPING.getMrServoOutput(usedServoIndex); } else { output = OUTPUT_MAPPING.getFwServoOutput(usedServoIndex); } if (output === null) { outputString = "-"; } else { outputString = "S" + output; } $currentRow.find('.output').html(outputString); //For 2.0 and above hide a row when servo is not configured if (!SERVO_RULES.isServoConfigured(obj)) { $currentRow.hide(); } else { usedServoIndex++; } } function servos_update() { $servoConfigTable.find('tr:not(".main")').each(function () { var info = $(this).data('info'); var selection = $('.channel input', this); var channelIndex = parseInt(selection.index(selection.filter(':checked'))); if (channelIndex == -1) { channelIndex = undefined; } SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].indexOfChannelToForward = channelIndex; SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].middle = parseInt($('.middle input', this).val()); SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].min = parseInt($('.min input', this).val()); SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].max = parseInt($('.max input', this).val()); var rate = parseInt($('.rate-input', this).val()); if ($('.reverse-input', this).is(':checked')) { rate = -rate; } SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = rate; }); //Save configuration to FC saveChainer.execute(); } // drop previous table $servoConfigTable.find('tr:not(:first)').remove(); let usedServoIndex = 0; for (let servoIndex = 0; servoIndex < SERVO_RULES.getServoCount(); servoIndex++) { renderServos('Servo ' + servoIndex, '', servoIndex); } if (usedServoIndex == 0) { // No servos configured $servoEmptyTableInfo.show(); $servoConfigTableContainer.hide(); } else { $servoEmptyTableInfo.hide(); $servoConfigTableContainer.show(); } // UI hooks for dynamically generated elements $('table.directions select, table.directions input, #servo-config-table select, #servo-config-table input').change(function () { if ($('div.live input').is(':checked')) { // apply small delay as there seems to be some funky update business going wrong helper.timeout.add('servos_update', servos_update, 10); } }); $('a.update').click(function () { helper.features.reset(); helper.features.fromUI($('.tab-motors')); helper.features.execute(servos_update); }); $('a.save').click(function () { saveChainer.setExitPoint(function () { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('configurationEepromSaved')); GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function () { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_SET_REBOOT, false, false, function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('deviceRebooting')); GUI.handleReconnect($('.tab_outputs a')); }); }); }); helper.features.reset(); helper.features.fromUI($('.tab-motors')); helper.features.execute(servos_update); }); } function process_motors() { $motorsEnableTestMode = $('#motorsEnableTestMode'); self.feature3DEnabled = bit_check(BF_CONFIG.features, 12); if (self.feature3DEnabled && !self.feature3DSupported) { self.allowTestMode = false; } $motorsEnableTestMode.prop('checked', false); $motorsEnableTestMode.prop('disabled', true); update_model(MIXER_CONFIG.appliedMixerPreset); // Always start with default/empty sensor data array, clean slate all initSensorData(); // Setup variables var samples_accel_i = 0, accel_data = initDataArray(3), accel_max_read = [0, 0, 0], accel_offset = [0, 0, 0], accel_offset_established = false; let $rmsHelper = $(".acc-rms"), $currentHelper = $(".current-current"), $voltageHelper = $(".current-voltage"); // timer initialization helper.interval.killAll(['motor_and_status_pull', 'global_data_refresh', 'msp-load-update']); helper.mspBalancedInterval.flush(); helper.interval.add('IMU_pull', function () { /* * Enable balancer */ if (helper.mspQueue.shouldDrop()) { update_accel_graph(); return; } MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_RAW_IMU, false, false, update_accel_graph); }, 25, true); helper.interval.add('ANALOG_pull', function () { $currentHelper.html(ANALOG.amperage.toFixed(2)); $voltageHelper.html(ANALOG.voltage.toFixed(2)); }, 100, true); function update_accel_graph() { if (!accel_offset_established) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { accel_offset[i] = SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[i] * -1; } accel_offset_established = true; } var accel_with_offset = [ accel_offset[0] + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[0], accel_offset[1] + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[1], accel_offset[2] + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[2] ]; samples_accel_i = addSampleToData(accel_data, samples_accel_i, accel_with_offset); // Compute RMS of acceleration in displayed period of time // This is particularly useful for motor balancing as it // eliminates the need for external tools var sum = 0.0; for (var j = 0; j < accel_data.length; j++) for (var k = 0; k < accel_data[j].length; k++) sum += accel_data[j][k][1]*accel_data[j][k][1]; let rms = Math.sqrt(sum/(accel_data[0].length+accel_data[1].length+accel_data[2].length)); $rmsHelper.text(rms.toFixed(4)); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Math.abs(accel_with_offset[i]) > Math.abs(accel_max_read[i])) accel_max_read[i] = accel_with_offset[i]; } } let motors_wrapper = $('.motors .bar-wrapper'), servos_wrapper = $('.servos .bar-wrapper'), $motorTitles = $('.motor-titles'), $motorSliders = $('.motor-sliders'), $motorValues = $('.motor-values'); for (let i = 0; i < MOTOR_RULES.getNumberOfConfiguredMotors(); i++) { const motorNumber = i + 1; motors_wrapper.append('\
\ '); $motorTitles.append('
  • ' + motorNumber + '
  • '); $motorSliders.append('
    '); $motorValues.append('
  • 1000
  • '); } $motorSliders.append('
    '); $motorValues.append('
  • '); for (let i = 0; i < SERVO_RULES.getServoCount(); i++) { let opacity = ""; if (!SERVO_RULES.isServoConfigured(15 - i)) { opacity = ' style="opacity: 0.2"'; } servos_wrapper.append('\
    \ '); } var $slidersInput = $('div.sliders input'); $slidersInput.prop('min', MISC.mincommand); $slidersInput.prop('max', MISC.maxthrottle); $('div.values li:not(:last)').text(MISC.mincommand); if(self.feature3DEnabled && self.feature3DSupported) { //Arbitrary sanity checks //Note: values may need to be revisited if(_3D.neutral3d > 1575 || _3D.neutral3d < 1425) _3D.neutral3d = 1500; $slidersInput.val(_3D.neutral3d); } else { $slidersInput.val(MISC.mincommand); } if(self.allowTestMode){ // UI hooks var buffering_set_motor = [], buffer_delay = false; $('div.sliders input:not(.master)').on('input', function () { var index = $('div.sliders input:not(.master)').index(this), buffer = [], i; $('div.values li').eq(index).text($(this).val()); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var val = parseInt($('div.sliders input').eq(i).val()); buffer.push(lowByte(val)); buffer.push(highByte(val)); } buffering_set_motor.push(buffer); if (!buffer_delay) { buffer_delay = setTimeout(function () { buffer = buffering_set_motor.pop(); MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_SET_MOTOR, buffer); buffering_set_motor = []; buffer_delay = false; }, 10); } }); } $('div.sliders input.master').on('input', function () { var val = $(this).val(); $('div.sliders input:not(:disabled, :last)').val(val); $('div.values li:not(:last)').slice(0, MOTOR_RULES.getNumberOfConfiguredMotors()).text(val); $('div.sliders input:not(:last):first').trigger('input'); }); $motorsEnableTestMode.change(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $slidersInput.slice(0, MOTOR_RULES.getNumberOfConfiguredMotors()).prop('disabled', false); // unlock master slider $('div.sliders input:last').prop('disabled', false); } else { // disable sliders / min max $slidersInput.prop('disabled', true); // change all values to default if (self.feature3DEnabled && self.feature3DSupported) { $slidersInput.val(_3D.neutral3d); } else { $slidersInput.val(MISC.mincommand); } $slidersInput.trigger('input'); } }); // check if motors are already spinning var motors_running = false; for (var i = 0; i < MOTOR_RULES.getNumberOfConfiguredMotors(); i++) { if( !self.feature3DEnabled ){ if (MOTOR_DATA[i] > MISC.mincommand) { motors_running = true; break; } }else{ if( (MOTOR_DATA[i] < _3D.deadband3d_low) || (MOTOR_DATA[i] > _3D.deadband3d_high) ){ motors_running = true; break; } } } if (motors_running) { if (!self.armed && self.allowTestMode) { $motorsEnableTestMode.prop('checked', true); } // motors are running adjust sliders to current values var sliders = $('div.sliders input:not(.master)'); var master_value = MOTOR_DATA[0]; for (var i = 0; i < MOTOR_DATA.length; i++) { if (MOTOR_DATA[i] > 0) { sliders.eq(i).val(MOTOR_DATA[i]); if (master_value != MOTOR_DATA[i]) { master_value = false; } } } // only fire events when all values are set sliders.trigger('input'); // slide master slider if condition is valid if (master_value) { $('div.sliders input.master').val(master_value); $('div.sliders input.master').trigger('input'); } } $motorsEnableTestMode.change(); function getPeriodicMotorOutput() { if (helper.mspQueue.shouldDrop()) { getPeriodicServoOutput(); return; } MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_MOTOR, false, false, getPeriodicServoOutput); } function getPeriodicServoOutput() { if (helper.mspQueue.shouldDrop()) { update_ui(); return; } MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_SERVO, false, false, update_ui); } var full_block_scale = MISC.maxthrottle - MISC.mincommand; function update_ui() { var previousArmState = self.armed, block_height = $('div.m-block:first').height(), data, margin_top, height, color, i; for (i = 0; i < MOTOR_DATA.length; i++) { data = MOTOR_DATA[i] - MISC.mincommand; margin_top = block_height - (data * (block_height / full_block_scale)).clamp(0, block_height); height = (data * (block_height / full_block_scale)).clamp(0, block_height); color = parseInt(data * 0.009); $('.motor-' + i + ' .label', motors_wrapper).text(MOTOR_DATA[i]); $('.motor-' + i + ' .indicator', motors_wrapper).css({'margin-top' : margin_top + 'px', 'height' : height + 'px', 'background-color' : '#37a8db'+ color +')'}); } // servo indicators are still using old (not flexible block scale), it will be changed in the future accordingly for (i = 0; i < SERVO_DATA.length; i++) { data = SERVO_DATA[i] - 1000; margin_top = block_height - (data * (block_height / 1000)).clamp(0, block_height); height = (data * (block_height / 1000)).clamp(0, block_height); color = parseInt(data * 0.009); $('.servo-' + i + ' .label', servos_wrapper).text(SERVO_DATA[i]); $('.servo-' + i + ' .indicator', servos_wrapper).css({'margin-top' : margin_top + 'px', 'height' : height + 'px', 'background-color' : '#37a8db'+ color +')'}); } //keep the following here so at least we get a visual cue of our motor setup update_arm_status(); if (!self.allowTestMode) return; if (self.armed) { $motorsEnableTestMode.prop('disabled', true); $motorsEnableTestMode.prop('checked', false); } else { if (self.allowTestMode) { $motorsEnableTestMode.prop('disabled', false); } } if (previousArmState != self.armed) { console.log('arm state change detected'); $motorsEnableTestMode.change(); } } // enable Status and Motor data pulling helper.interval.add('motor_and_status_pull', getPeriodicMotorOutput, 75, true); } function finalize() { localize(); GUI.content_ready(callback); } }; TABS.outputs.cleanup = function (callback) { if (callback) callback(); };