/*global chrome*/ 'use strict'; TABS.setup = { yaw_fix: 0.0 }; TABS.setup.initialize = function (callback) { var self = this; if (GUI.active_tab != 'setup') { GUI.active_tab = 'setup'; googleAnalytics.sendAppView('Setup'); } var loadChainer = new MSPChainerClass(); loadChainer.setChain([ mspHelper.loadBfConfig, mspHelper.loadMisc ]); loadChainer.setExitPoint(load_html); loadChainer.execute(); function load_html() { $('#content').load("./tabs/setup.html", process_html); } function process_html() { // translate to user-selected language localize(); if (semver.gte(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, '1.4.0') && !FC.isMotorOutputEnabled()) { GUI_control.prototype.log("" + chrome.i18n.getMessage("logPwmOutputDisabled") + ""); } // initialize 3D self.initialize3D(); // set roll in interactive block $('span.roll').text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAttitude', [0])); // set pitch in interactive block $('span.pitch').text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAttitude', [0])); // set heading in interactive block $('span.heading').text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAttitude', [0])); // check if we have magnetometer if (!bit_check(CONFIG.activeSensors, 2)) { $('a.calibrateMag').addClass('disabled'); $('default_btn').addClass('disabled'); } self.initializeInstruments(); // UI Hooks $('a.calibrateAccel').click(function () { var self = $(this); if (!self.hasClass('calibrating')) { self.addClass('calibrating'); // During this period MCU won't be able to process any serial commands because its locked in a for/while loop // until this operation finishes, sending more commands through data_poll() will result in serial buffer overflow helper.interval.pause('setup_data_pull'); MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_ACC_CALIBRATION, false, false, function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAccelCalibStarted')); $('#accel_calib_running').show(); $('#accel_calib_rest').hide(); }); helper.timeout.add('button_reset', function () { helper.interval.resume('setup_data_pull'); GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAccelCalibEnded')); self.removeClass('calibrating'); $('#accel_calib_running').hide(); $('#accel_calib_rest').show(); }, 2000); } }); $('a.calibrateMag').click(function () { var self = $(this); if (!self.hasClass('calibrating') && !self.hasClass('disabled')) { self.addClass('calibrating'); MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_MAG_CALIBRATION, false, false, function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupMagCalibStarted')); $('#mag_calib_running').show(); $('#mag_calib_rest').hide(); }); helper.timeout.add('button_reset', function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupMagCalibEnded')); self.removeClass('calibrating'); $('#mag_calib_running').hide(); $('#mag_calib_rest').show(); }, 30000); } }); $('a.resetSettings').click(function () { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_RESET_CONF, false, false, function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupSettingsRestored')); GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function () { TABS.setup.initialize(); }); }); }); // display current yaw fix value (important during tab re-initialization) $('div#interactive_block > a.reset').text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupButtonResetZaxisValue', [self.yaw_fix])); // reset yaw button hook $('div#interactive_block > a.reset').click(function () { self.yaw_fix = SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[2] * - 1.0; $(this).text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupButtonResetZaxisValue', [self.yaw_fix])); console.log('YAW reset to 0 deg, fix: ' + self.yaw_fix + ' deg'); }); // cached elements var bat_voltage_e = $('.bat-voltage'), bat_mah_drawn_e = $('.bat-mah-drawn'), bat_mah_drawing_e = $('.bat-mah-drawing'), rssi_e = $('.rssi'), gpsFix_e = $('.gpsFixType'), gpsSats_e = $('.gpsSats'), gpsLat_e = $('.gpsLat'), gpsLon_e = $('.gpsLon'), roll_e = $('dd.roll'), pitch_e = $('dd.pitch'), heading_e = $('dd.heading'); function get_slow_data() { if (have_sensor(CONFIG.activeSensors, 'gps')) { /* * Enable balancer */ if (helper.mspQueue.shouldDrop()) { return; } MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_RAW_GPS, false, false, function () { var gpsFixType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('gpsFixNone'); if (GPS_DATA.fix >= 2) gpsFixType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('gpsFix3D'); else if (GPS_DATA.fix >= 1) gpsFixType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('gpsFix2D'); gpsFix_e.html(gpsFixType); gpsSats_e.text(GPS_DATA.numSat); gpsLat_e.text((GPS_DATA.lat / 10000000).toFixed(4) + ' deg'); gpsLon_e.text((GPS_DATA.lon / 10000000).toFixed(4) + ' deg'); }); } } function get_fast_data() { /* * Enable balancer */ if (helper.mspQueue.shouldDrop()) { return; } MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_ATTITUDE, false, false, function () { roll_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAttitude', [SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[0]])); pitch_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAttitude', [SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[1]])); heading_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupAttitude', [SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[2]])); self.render3D(); self.updateInstruments(); }); } helper.interval.add('setup_data_pull_fast', get_fast_data, 40, true); // 25 fps helper.interval.add('setup_data_pull_slow', get_slow_data, 250, true); // 4 fps helper.interval.add('gui_analog_update', function () { bat_voltage_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupBatteryValue', [ANALOG.voltage])); bat_mah_drawn_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupBatteryMahValue', [ANALOG.mAhdrawn])); bat_mah_drawing_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupBatteryAValue', [ANALOG.amperage.toFixed(2)])); rssi_e.text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('initialSetupRSSIValue', [((ANALOG.rssi / 1023) * 100).toFixed(0)])); }, 100, true); function updateArminFailure() { var flagNames = FC.getArmingFlags(); for (var bit in flagNames) { if (flagNames.hasOwnProperty(bit)) { if (bit_check(CONFIG.armingFlags & 0xff00, bit)) { $('#reason-' + flagNames[bit]).html(chrome.i18n.getMessage('armingCheckFail')); } else { $('#reason-' + flagNames[bit]).html(chrome.i18n.getMessage('armingCheckPass')); } } } } /* * 1fps update rate will be fully enough */ helper.interval.add('updateArminFailure', updateArminFailure, 500, true); GUI.content_ready(callback); } }; TABS.setup.initializeInstruments = function() { var options = {size:90, showBox : false, img_directory: 'images/flightindicators/'}; var attitude = $.flightIndicator('#attitude', 'attitude', options); var heading = $.flightIndicator('#heading', 'heading', options); this.updateInstruments = function() { attitude.setRoll(SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[0]); attitude.setPitch(SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[1]); heading.setHeading(SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[2]); }; }; TABS.setup.initialize3D = function () { var self = this, loader, canvas, wrapper, renderer, camera, scene, light, light2, modelWrapper, model, model_file, useWebGlRenderer = false; canvas = $('.model-and-info #canvas'); wrapper = $('.model-and-info #canvas_wrapper'); // webgl capability detector // it would seem the webgl "enabling" through advanced settings will be ignored in the future // and webgl will be supported if gpu supports it by default (canary 40.0.2175.0), keep an eye on this one var detector_canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (window.WebGLRenderingContext && (detector_canvas.getContext('webgl') || detector_canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl'))) { renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: canvas.get(0), alpha: true, antialias: true}); useWebGlRenderer = true; } else { renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer({canvas: canvas.get(0), alpha: true}); } // initialize render size for current canvas size renderer.setSize(wrapper.width()*2, wrapper.height()*2); // // modelWrapper adds an extra axis of rotation to avoid gimbal lock with the euler angles modelWrapper = new THREE.Object3D(); // // load the model including materials if (useWebGlRenderer) { model_file = mixerList[BF_CONFIG.mixerConfiguration - 1].model; } else { model_file = 'fallback' } // Temporary workaround for 'custom' model until akfreak's custom model is merged. if (model_file == 'custom') { model_file = 'fallback'; } // setup scene scene = new THREE.Scene(); loader = new THREE.JSONLoader(); loader.load('./resources/models/' + model_file + '.json', function (geometry, materials) { var modelMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials); model = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, modelMaterial); model.scale.set(15, 15, 15); modelWrapper.add(model); scene.add(modelWrapper); }); // stationary camera camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, wrapper.width() / wrapper.height(), 1, 10000); // some light light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x404040); light2 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(new THREE.Color(1, 1, 1), 1.5); light2.position.set(0, 1, 0); // move camera away from the model camera.position.z = 125; // add camera, model, light to the foreground scene scene.add(light); scene.add(light2); scene.add(camera); scene.add(modelWrapper); this.render3D = function () { if (!model) { return; } // compute the changes model.rotation.x = (SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[1] * -1.0) * 0.017453292519943295; modelWrapper.rotation.y = ((SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[2] * -1.0) - self.yaw_fix) * 0.017453292519943295; model.rotation.z = (SENSOR_DATA.kinematics[0] * -1.0) * 0.017453292519943295; // draw renderer.render(scene, camera); }; // handle canvas resize this.resize3D = function () { renderer.setSize(wrapper.width()*2, wrapper.height()*2); camera.aspect = wrapper.width() / wrapper.height(); camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); self.render3D(); }; $(window).on('resize', this.resize3D); }; TABS.setup.cleanup = function (callback) { $(window).off('resize', this.resize3D); if (callback) callback(); };