function tab_initialize_sensors() { ga_tracker.sendAppView('Sensor Page'); GUI.active_tab = 'sensors'; // Setup variables samples_gyro_i = 300; samples_accel_i = 300; samples_mag_i = 300; samples_baro_i = 300; samples_debug_i = 300; gyro_data = new Array(3); accel_data = new Array(3); mag_data = new Array(3); baro_data = new Array(1); debug_data = new Array(4); gyro_data[0] = new Array(); gyro_data[1] = new Array(); gyro_data[2] = new Array(); accel_data[0] = new Array(); accel_data[1] = new Array(); accel_data[2] = new Array(); mag_data[0] = new Array(); mag_data[1] = new Array(); mag_data[2] = new Array(); baro_data[0] = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) debug_data[i] = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i <= 300; i++) { gyro_data[0].push([i, 0]); gyro_data[1].push([i, 0]); gyro_data[2].push([i, 0]); accel_data[0].push([i, 0]); accel_data[1].push([i, 0]); accel_data[2].push([i, 0]); mag_data[0].push([i, 0]); mag_data[1].push([i, 0]); mag_data[2].push([i, 0]); baro_data[0].push([i, 0]); for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) debug_data[j].push([i, 0]); } // plot specific stuff e_graph_gyro = document.getElementById("gyro"); e_graph_accel = document.getElementById("accel"); e_graph_mag = document.getElementById("mag"); e_graph_baro = document.getElementById("baro"); e_graph_debug1 = document.getElementById("debug1"); e_graph_debug2 = document.getElementById("debug2"); e_graph_debug3 = document.getElementById("debug3"); e_graph_debug4 = document.getElementById("debug4"); gyro_options = { title: "Gyroscope (deg/s)", shadowSize: 0, yaxis : { tickDecimals: 0 }, xaxis : { //noTicks = 0 }, grid : { backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF" }, legend : { position: "we", backgroundOpacity: 0 } }; accel_options = { title: "Accelerometer (g)", shadowSize: 0, yaxis : { tickDecimals: 1, max : 1.5, min : -1.5 }, xaxis : { //noTicks = 0 }, grid : { backgroundColor : "#FFFFFF" }, legend : { position: "we", backgroundOpacity: 0 } }; mag_options = { title: "Magnetometer (Ga)", shadowSize: 0, yaxis : { tickDecimals: 0 }, xaxis : { //noTicks = 0 }, grid : { backgroundColor : "#FFFFFF" }, legend : { position: "we", backgroundOpacity: 0 } }; baro_options = { title: "Barometer (meters)", shadowSize: 0, yaxis : { tickDecimals: 1, }, xaxis : { //noTicks = 0 }, grid : { backgroundColor : "#FFFFFF" }, legend : { position: "we", backgroundOpacity: 0 } }; debug1_options = { title: "Debug1", shadowSize: 0, yaxis : { tickDecimals: 1, }, xaxis : { //noTicks = 0 }, grid : { backgroundColor : "#FFFFFF" }, legend : { position: "we", backgroundOpacity: 0 } }; debug2_options = {}; for (var key in debug1_options) debug2_options[key] = debug1_options[key]; debug2_options.title = "Debug2"; debug3_options = {}; for (var key in debug1_options) debug3_options[key] = debug1_options[key]; debug3_options.title = "Debug3"; debug4_options = {}; for (var key in debug1_options) debug4_options[key] = debug1_options[key]; debug4_options.title = "Debug4"; // set refresh speeds according to configuration saved in storage'sensor_refresh_rates', function(result) { if (typeof result.sensor_refresh_rates != 'undefined') { $('.tab-sensors select').eq(0).val(result.sensor_refresh_rates.gyro); // gyro $('.tab-sensors select').eq(1).val(result.sensor_refresh_rates.accel); // accel $('.tab-sensors select').eq(2).val(result.sensor_refresh_rates.mag); // mag $('.tab-sensors select').eq(3).val(result.sensor_refresh_rates.baro); // baro $('.tab-sensors select').eq(4).val(result.sensor_refresh_rates.debug); // debug $('.tab-sensors select').change(); // start polling data by triggering refresh rate change event } else { // start polling immediatly (as there is no configuration saved in the storage) $('.tab-sensors select').change(); // start polling data by triggering refresh rate change event } }); $('.tab-sensors select').change(function() { // if any of the select fields change value, all of the select values are grabbed // and timers are re-initialized with the new settings var rates = { 'gyro': parseInt($('.tab-sensors select').eq(0).val()), 'accel': parseInt($('.tab-sensors select').eq(1).val()), 'mag': parseInt($('.tab-sensors select').eq(2).val()), 'baro': parseInt($('.tab-sensors select').eq(3).val()), 'debug': parseInt($('.tab-sensors select').eq(4).val()) }; // handling of "data pulling" is a little bit funky here, as MSP_RAW_IMU contains values for gyro/accel/mag but not baro // this means that setting a slower refresh rate on any of the attributes would have no effect // what we will do instead is = determinate the fastest refresh rate for those 3 attributes, use that as a "polling rate" // and use the "slower" refresh rates only for re-drawing the graphs (to save resources/computing power) var fastest = rates.gyro; if (rates.accel < fastest) { fastest = rates.accel; } if (rates.mag < fastest) { fastest = rates.mag; } // timer initialization GUI.interval_kill_all(['port-update', 'port_usage', 'serial_read']); // data pulling timers GUI.interval_add('status_pull', function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS, MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS); }, 50); GUI.interval_add('IMU_pull', function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RAW_IMU, MSP_codes.MSP_RAW_IMU); }, fastest); GUI.interval_add('altitude_pull', function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ALTITUDE, MSP_codes.MSP_ALTITUDE); baro_data[0].push([samples_baro_i, SENSOR_DATA.altitude]); // Remove old data from array while (baro_data[0].length > 300) { baro_data[0].shift(); } Flotr.draw(e_graph_baro, [ {data: baro_data[0], label: "X - meters [" + SENSOR_DATA.altitude.toFixed(2) + "]"} ], baro_options); samples_baro_i++; }, rates.baro); GUI.interval_add('debug_pull', function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_DEBUG, MSP_codes.MSP_DEBUG); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { debug_data[i].push([samples_debug_i, SENSOR_DATA.debug[i]]); // Remove old data from array while (debug_data[i].length > 300) { debug_data[i].shift(); } } Flotr.draw(e_graph_debug1, [ {data: debug_data[0], label: "debug1 [" + SENSOR_DATA.debug[0] + "]"} ], debug1_options); Flotr.draw(e_graph_debug2, [ {data: debug_data[1], label: "debug2 [" + SENSOR_DATA.debug[1] + "]"} ], debug2_options); Flotr.draw(e_graph_debug3, [ {data: debug_data[2], label: "debug3 [" + SENSOR_DATA.debug[2] + "]"} ], debug3_options); Flotr.draw(e_graph_debug4, [ {data: debug_data[3], label: "debug4 [" + SENSOR_DATA.debug[3] + "]"} ], debug4_options); samples_debug_i++; }, rates.debug); // processing timers GUI.interval_add('process_gyro', function() { gyro_data[0].push([samples_gyro_i, SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope[0]]); gyro_data[1].push([samples_gyro_i, SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope[1]]); gyro_data[2].push([samples_gyro_i, SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope[2]]); // Remove old data from array while (gyro_data[0].length > 300) { gyro_data[0].shift(); gyro_data[1].shift(); gyro_data[2].shift(); } Flotr.draw(e_graph_gyro, [ {data: gyro_data[0], label: "X - rate [" + SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope[0].toFixed(2) + "]"}, {data: gyro_data[1], label: "Y - rate [" + SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope[1].toFixed(2) + "]"}, {data: gyro_data[2], label: "Z - rate [" + SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope[2].toFixed(2) + "]"} ], gyro_options); samples_gyro_i++; }, rates.gyro); GUI.interval_add('process_accel', function() { accel_data[0].push([samples_accel_i, SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[0]]); accel_data[1].push([samples_accel_i, SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[1]]); accel_data[2].push([samples_accel_i, SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[2]]); // Remove old data from array while (accel_data[0].length > 300) { accel_data[0].shift(); accel_data[1].shift(); accel_data[2].shift(); } Flotr.draw(e_graph_accel, [ {data: accel_data[1], label: "X - acceleration [" + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[0].toFixed(2) + "]"}, {data: accel_data[0], label: "Y - acceleration [" + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[1].toFixed(2) + "]"}, {data: accel_data[2], label: "Z - acceleration [" + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer[2].toFixed(2) + "]"} ], accel_options); samples_accel_i++; }, rates.accel); GUI.interval_add('process_mag', function() { mag_data[0].push([samples_mag_i, SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer[0]]); mag_data[1].push([samples_mag_i, SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer[1]]); mag_data[2].push([samples_mag_i, SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer[2]]); // Remove old data from array while (mag_data[0].length > 300) { mag_data[0].shift(); mag_data[1].shift(); mag_data[2].shift(); } Flotr.draw(e_graph_mag, [ {data: mag_data[1], label: "X - Ga [" + SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer[0].toFixed(2) + "]"}, {data: mag_data[0], label: "Y - Ga [" + SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer[1].toFixed(2) + "]"}, {data: mag_data[2], label: "Z - Ga [" + SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer[2].toFixed(2) + "]"} ], mag_options); samples_mag_i++; }, rates.mag); // store current/latest refresh rates in the storage{'sensor_refresh_rates': rates}, function() { }); }); }