'use strict'; TABS.gps = {}; TABS.gps.initialize = function (callback) { if (GUI.active_tab != 'gps') { GUI.active_tab = 'gps'; googleAnalytics.sendAppView('GPS'); } function load_html() { $('#content').load("./tabs/gps.html", process_html); } load_html(); let cursorInitialized = false; let iconStyle; let mapHandler; let iconGeometry; let iconFeature; function process_html() { localize(); let mapView = new ol.View({ center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([0, 0]), zoom: 15 }); let mapLayer; if (globalSettings.mapProviderType == 'bing') { mapLayer = new ol.source.BingMaps({ key: globalSettings.mapApiKey, imagerySet: 'AerialWithLabels', maxZoom: 19 }); } else { mapLayer = new ol.source.OSM(); } mapHandler = new ol.Map({ target: document.getElementById('gps-map'), layers: [ new ol.layer.Tile({ source: mapLayer }) ], view: mapView }); let center = ol.proj.fromLonLat([0, 0]); mapView.setCenter(center); mapView.setZoom(2); function get_raw_gps_data() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_RAW_GPS, false, false, get_comp_gps_data); } function get_comp_gps_data() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_COMP_GPS, false, false, get_gpsstatistics_data); } function get_gpsstatistics_data() { MSP.send_message(MSPCodes.MSP_GPSSTATISTICS, false, false, update_ui); } function update_ui() { let lat = GPS_DATA.lat / 10000000; let lon = GPS_DATA.lon / 10000000; let gpsFixType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('gpsFixNone'); if (GPS_DATA.fix >= 2) { gpsFixType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('gpsFix3D'); } else if (GPS_DATA.fix >= 1) { gpsFixType = chrome.i18n.getMessage('gpsFix2D'); } $('.GPS_info td.fix').html(gpsFixType); $('.GPS_info td.alt').text(GPS_DATA.alt + ' m'); $('.GPS_info td.lat').text(lat.toFixed(4) + ' deg'); $('.GPS_info td.lon').text(lon.toFixed(4) + ' deg'); $('.GPS_info td.speed').text(GPS_DATA.speed + ' cm/s'); $('.GPS_info td.sats').text(GPS_DATA.numSat); $('.GPS_info td.distToHome').text(GPS_DATA.distanceToHome + ' m'); let gpsRate = 0; if (GPS_DATA.messageDt > 0) { gpsRate = 1000 / GPS_DATA.messageDt; } $('.GPS_stat td.messages').text(GPS_DATA.packetCount); $('.GPS_stat td.rate').text(gpsRate.toFixed(1) + ' Hz'); $('.GPS_stat td.errors').text(GPS_DATA.errors); $('.GPS_stat td.timeouts').text(GPS_DATA.timeouts); $('.GPS_stat td.eph').text((GPS_DATA.eph / 100).toFixed(2) + ' m'); $('.GPS_stat td.epv').text((GPS_DATA.epv / 100).toFixed(2) + ' m'); $('.GPS_stat td.hdop').text((GPS_DATA.hdop / 100).toFixed(2)); //Update map if (GPS_DATA.fix >= 2) { if (!cursorInitialized) { cursorInitialized = true; iconStyle = new ol.style.Style({ image: new ol.style.Icon(({ anchor: [0.5, 1], opacity: 1, scale: 0.5, src: '../images/icons/cf_icon_position.png' })) }); let currentPositionLayer; iconGeometry = new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.fromLonLat([0, 0])); iconFeature = new ol.Feature({ geometry: iconGeometry }); iconFeature.setStyle(iconStyle); let vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({ features: [iconFeature] }); currentPositionLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: vectorSource }); mapHandler.addLayer(currentPositionLayer); } let center = ol.proj.fromLonLat([lon, lat]); mapView.setCenter(center); mapView.setZoom(14); iconGeometry.setCoordinates(center); } } /* * enable data pulling * GPS is usually refreshed at 5Hz, there is no reason to pull it much more often, really... */ helper.mspBalancedInterval.add('gps_pull', 200, 3, function gps_update() { // avoid usage of the GPS commands until a GPS sensor is detected for targets that are compiled without GPS support. if (!have_sensor(CONFIG.activeSensors, 'gps')) { update_ui(); return; } if (helper.mspQueue.shouldDrop()) { return; } get_raw_gps_data(); }); GUI.content_ready(callback); } }; TABS.gps.cleanup = function (callback) { if (callback) callback(); };