'use strict'; // define all the global variables that are uses to hold FC state var CONFIG, BF_CONFIG, LED_STRIP, LED_COLORS, LED_MODE_COLORS, PID, PID_names, PIDs, RC_MAP, RC, RC_tuning, AUX_CONFIG, AUX_CONFIG_IDS, MODE_RANGES, ADJUSTMENT_RANGES, SERVO_CONFIG, SERVO_RULES, MOTOR_RULES, LOGIC_CONDITIONS, LOGIC_CONDITIONS_STATUS, GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS, GLOBAL_VARIABLES_STATUS, SERIAL_CONFIG, SENSOR_DATA, MOTOR_DATA, SERVO_DATA, GPS_DATA, MISSION_PLANER, ANALOG, ARMING_CONFIG, FC_CONFIG, MISC, REVERSIBLE_MOTORS, DATAFLASH, SDCARD, BLACKBOX, TRANSPONDER, RC_deadband, SENSOR_ALIGNMENT, RX_CONFIG, FAILSAFE_CONFIG, RXFAIL_CONFIG, VTX_CONFIG, ADVANCED_CONFIG, INAV_PID_CONFIG, PID_ADVANCED, FILTER_CONFIG, SENSOR_STATUS, SENSOR_CONFIG, NAV_POSHOLD, CALIBRATION_DATA, POSITION_ESTIMATOR, RTH_AND_LAND_CONFIG, FW_CONFIG, DEBUG_TRACE, MIXER_CONFIG, BATTERY_CONFIG, OUTPUT_MAPPING, SETTINGS, BRAKING_CONFIG; var FC = { MAX_SERVO_RATE: 125, MIN_SERVO_RATE: 0, isRpyFfComponentUsed: function () { return (MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_AIRPLANE || MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_ROVER || MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_BOAT) || ((MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_MULTIROTOR || MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_TRICOPTER) && semver.gte(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, "2.6.0")); }, isRpyDComponentUsed: function () { return MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_MULTIROTOR || MIXER_CONFIG.platformType == PLATFORM_TRICOPTER; }, isCdComponentUsed: function () { return FC.isRpyDComponentUsed(); }, resetState: function () { SENSOR_STATUS = { isHardwareHealthy: 0, gyroHwStatus: 0, accHwStatus: 0, magHwStatus: 0, baroHwStatus: 0, gpsHwStatus: 0, rangeHwStatus: 0, speedHwStatus: 0, flowHwStatus: 0 }; SENSOR_CONFIG = { accelerometer: 0, barometer: 0, magnetometer: 0, pitot: 0, rangefinder: 0, opflow: 0 }; CONFIG = { apiVersion: "0.0.0", flightControllerIdentifier: '', flightControllerVersion: '', version: 0, buildInfo: '', multiType: 0, msp_version: 0, // not specified using semantic versioning capability: 0, cycleTime: 0, i2cError: 0, activeSensors: 0, mode: [], profile: 0, battery_profile: 0, uid: [0, 0, 0], accelerometerTrims: [0, 0], armingFlags: 0, name: '' }; BF_CONFIG = { mixerConfiguration: 0, features: 0, serialrx_type: 0, board_align_roll: 0, board_align_pitch: 0, board_align_yaw: 0, currentscale: 0, currentoffset: 0 }; LED_STRIP = []; LED_COLORS = []; LED_MODE_COLORS = []; PID = { }; PID_names = []; PIDs = []; RC_MAP = []; // defaults // roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, aux 1, ... aux n RC = { active_channels: 0, channels: new Array(32) }; RC_tuning = { RC_RATE: 0, RC_EXPO: 0, roll_pitch_rate: 0, // pre 1.7 api only roll_rate: 0, pitch_rate: 0, yaw_rate: 0, dynamic_THR_PID: 0, throttle_MID: 0, throttle_EXPO: 0, dynamic_THR_breakpoint: 0, RC_YAW_EXPO: 0, manual_RC_EXPO: 0, manual_RC_YAW_EXPO: 0, manual_roll_rate: 0, manual_pitch_rate: 0, manual_yaw_rate: 0, }; AUX_CONFIG = []; AUX_CONFIG_IDS = []; MODE_RANGES = []; ADJUSTMENT_RANGES = []; SERVO_CONFIG = []; SERVO_RULES = new ServoMixerRuleCollection(); MOTOR_RULES = new MotorMixerRuleCollection(); LOGIC_CONDITIONS = new LogicConditionsCollection(); LOGIC_CONDITIONS_STATUS = new LogicConditionsStatus(); GLOBAL_VARIABLES_STATUS = new GlobalVariablesStatus(); MIXER_CONFIG = { yawMotorDirection: 0, yawJumpPreventionLimit: 0, platformType: -1, hasFlaps: false, appliedMixerPreset: -1, numberOfMotors: 0, numberOfServos: 0 }, SERIAL_CONFIG = { ports: [], // pre 1.6 settings mspBaudRate: 0, gpsBaudRate: 0, gpsPassthroughBaudRate: 0, cliBaudRate: 0 }; SENSOR_DATA = { gyroscope: [0, 0, 0], accelerometer: [0, 0, 0], magnetometer: [0, 0, 0], altitude: 0, barometer: 0, sonar: 0, air_speed: 0, kinematics: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], temperature: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], debug: [0, 0, 0, 0] }; MOTOR_DATA = new Array(8); SERVO_DATA = new Array(16); GPS_DATA = { fix: 0, numSat: 0, lat: 0, lon: 0, alt: 0, speed: 0, ground_course: 0, distanceToHome: 0, ditectionToHome: 0, update: 0, hdop: 0, eph: 0, epv: 0, messageDt: 0, errors: 0, timeouts: 0, packetCount: 0 }; MISSION_PLANER = { maxWaypoints: 0, isValidMission: 0, countBusyPoints: 0, bufferPoint: { number: 0, action: 0, lat: 0, lon: 0, alt: 0, endMission: 0, p1: 0 } }; ANALOG = { voltage: 0, mAhdrawn: 0, mWhdrawn: 0, rssi: 0, amperage: 0, power: 0, cell_count: 0, battery_percentage: 0, battery_full_when_plugged_in: false, use_capacity_thresholds: false, battery_remaining_capacity: 0, battery_flags: 0 }; ARMING_CONFIG = { auto_disarm_delay: 0, disarm_kill_switch: 0 }; FC_CONFIG = { loopTime: 0 }; MISC = { midrc: 0, minthrottle: 0, maxthrottle: 0, mincommand: 0, failsafe_throttle: 0, gps_type: 0, sensors_baudrate: 0, gps_ubx_sbas: 0, multiwiicurrentoutput: 0, rssi_channel: 0, placeholder2: 0, mag_declination: 0, // not checked battery_cells: 0, vbatscale: 0, vbatdetectcellvoltage: 0, vbatmincellvoltage: 0, vbatmaxcellvoltage: 0, vbatwarningcellvoltage: 0, battery_capacity: 0, battery_capacity_warning: 0, battery_capacity_critical: 0, battery_capacity_unit: 'mAh' }; BATTERY_CONFIG = { vbatscale: 0, vbatdetectcellvoltage: 0, vbatmincellvoltage: 0, vbatmaxcellvoltage: 0, vbatwarningcellvoltage: 0, current_offset: 0, current_scale: 0, capacity: 0, capacity_warning: 0, capacity_critical: 0, capacity_unit: 0 }; VTX_CONFIG = { device_type: VTX.DEV_UNKNOWN, band: 0, channel: 1, power: 0, pitmode: 0, low_power_disarm: 0, }; ADVANCED_CONFIG = { gyroSyncDenominator: null, pidProcessDenom: null, useUnsyncedPwm: null, motorPwmProtocol: null, motorPwmRate: null, servoPwmRate: null, gyroSync: null }; FILTER_CONFIG = { gyroSoftLpfHz: null, dtermLpfHz: null, yawLpfHz: null, gyroNotchHz1: null, gyroNotchCutoff1: null, dtermNotchHz: null, dtermNotchCutoff: null, gyroNotchHz2: null, gyroNotchCutoff2: null, accNotchHz: null, accNotchCutoff: null, gyroStage2LowpassHz: null }; PID_ADVANCED = { rollPitchItermIgnoreRate: null, yawItermIgnoreRate: null, yawPLimit: null, axisAccelerationLimitRollPitch: null, axisAccelerationLimitYaw: null, dtermSetpointWeight: null, pidSumLimit: null }; INAV_PID_CONFIG = { asynchronousMode: null, accelerometerTaskFrequency: null, attitudeTaskFrequency: null, magHoldRateLimit: null, magHoldErrorLpfFrequency: null, yawJumpPreventionLimit: null, gyroscopeLpf: null, accSoftLpfHz: null }; NAV_POSHOLD = { userControlMode: null, maxSpeed: null, maxClimbRate: null, maxManualSpeed: null, maxManualClimbRate: null, maxBankAngle: null, useThrottleMidForAlthold: null, hoverThrottle: null }; CALIBRATION_DATA = { acc: { Pos0: null, Pos1: null, Pos2: null, Pos3: null, Pos4: null, Pos5: null }, accZero: { X: null, Y: null, Z: null }, accGain: { X: null, Y: null, Z: null }, magZero: { X: null, Y: null, Z: null }, opflow: { Scale: null }, magGain: { X: null, Y: null, Z: null } }; RTH_AND_LAND_CONFIG = { minRthDistance: null, rthClimbFirst: null, rthClimbIgnoreEmergency: null, rthTailFirst: null, rthAllowLanding: null, rthAltControlMode: null, rthAbortThreshold: null, rthAltitude: null, landDescentRate: null, landSlowdownMinAlt: null, landSlowdownMaxAlt: null, emergencyDescentRate: null }; REVERSIBLE_MOTORS = { deadband_low: 0, deadband_high: 0, neutral: 0, deadband_throttle: 0 }; DATAFLASH = { ready: false, supported: false, sectors: 0, totalSize: 0, usedSize: 0 }; SDCARD = { supported: false, state: 0, filesystemLastError: 0, freeSizeKB: 0, totalSizeKB: 0 }; BLACKBOX = { supported: false, blackboxDevice: 0, blackboxRateNum: 1, blackboxRateDenom: 1 }; TRANSPONDER = { supported: false, data: [] }; RC_deadband = { deadband: 0, yaw_deadband: 0, alt_hold_deadband: 0 }; SENSOR_ALIGNMENT = { align_gyro: 0, align_acc: 0, align_mag: 0, align_opflow: 0 }; RX_CONFIG = { receiver_type: 0, serialrx_provider: 0, maxcheck: 0, midrc: 0, mincheck: 0, spektrum_sat_bind: 0, rx_min_usec: 0, rx_max_usec: 0, spirx_protocol: 0, spirx_id: 0, spirx_channel_count: 0, }; POSITION_ESTIMATOR = { w_z_baro_p: null, w_z_gps_p: null, w_z_gps_v: null, w_xy_gps_p: null, w_xy_gps_v: null, gps_min_sats: null, use_gps_velned: null }; FAILSAFE_CONFIG = { failsafe_delay: 0, failsafe_off_delay: 0, failsafe_throttle: 0, failsafe_kill_switch: 0, failsafe_throttle_low_delay: 0, failsafe_procedure: 0, failsafe_recovery_delay: 0, failsafe_fw_roll_angle: 0, failsafe_fw_pitch_angle: 0, failsafe_fw_yaw_rate: 0, failsafe_stick_motion_threshold: 0, failsafe_min_distance: 0, failsafe_min_distance_procedure: 0 }; FW_CONFIG = { cruiseThrottle: null, minThrottle: null, maxThrottle: null, maxBankAngle: null, maxClimbAngle: null, maxDiveAngle: null, pitchToThrottle: null, loiterRadius: null }; BRAKING_CONFIG = { speedThreshold: null, disengageSpeed: null, timeout: null, boostFactor: null, boostTimeout: null, boostSpeedThreshold: null, boostDisengageSpeed: null, bankAngle: null } RXFAIL_CONFIG = []; OUTPUT_MAPPING = new OutputMappingCollection(); SETTINGS = {}; }, getOutputUsages: function() { return { 'ANY': (0), 'MC_MOTOR': (1<<2), 'MC_SERVO': (1<<3), 'FW_MOTOR': (1<<5), 'FW_SERVO': (1<<6), 'LED': (1<<24) }; }, getFeatures: function () { var features = [ {bit: 1, group: 'batteryVoltage', name: 'VBAT'}, {bit: 4, group: 'other', name: 'MOTOR_STOP'}, {bit: 6, group: 'other', name: 'SOFTSERIAL', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 7, group: 'gps', name: 'GPS', haveTip: true}, {bit: 10, group: 'other', name: 'TELEMETRY', showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 11, group: 'batteryCurrent', name: 'CURRENT_METER'}, {bit: 12, group: 'other', name: 'REVERSIBLE_MOTORS', showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 15, group: 'other', name: 'RSSI_ADC', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 16, group: 'other', name: 'LED_STRIP', showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 17, group: 'other', name: 'DASHBOARD', showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 19, group: 'other', name: 'BLACKBOX', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 28, group: 'other', name: 'PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE', haveTip: true}, {bit: 26, group: 'other', name: 'SOFTSPI'}, {bit: 27, group: 'other', name: 'PWM_SERVO_DRIVER', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 29, group: 'other', name: 'OSD', haveTip: false, showNameInTip: false}, {bit: 22, group: 'other', name: 'AIRMODE', haveTip: false, showNameInTip: false}, {bit: 30, group: 'other', name: 'FW_LAUNCH', haveTip: false, showNameInTip: false}, {bit: 2, group: 'other', name: 'TX_PROF_SEL', haveTip: false, showNameInTip: false}, {bit: 0, group: 'other', name: 'THR_VBAT_COMP', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true}, {bit: 3, group: 'other', name: 'BAT_PROFILE_AUTOSWITCH', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true} ]; if (semver.gte(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, "2.4.0") && semver.lt(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, "2.5.0")) { features.push({bit: 5, group: 'other', name: 'DYNAMIC_FILTERS', haveTip: true, showNameInTip: true}); } return features.reverse(); }, isFeatureEnabled: function (featureName, features) { if (features === undefined) { features = this.getFeatures(); } for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { if (features[i].name == featureName && bit_check(BF_CONFIG.features, features[i].bit)) { return true; } } return false; }, isMotorOutputEnabled: function () { return this.isFeatureEnabled('PWM_OUTPUT_ENABLE', this.getFeatures()); }, getLooptimes: function () { return { 125: { defaultLooptime: 1000, looptimes: { 4000: "250Hz", 3000: "334Hz", 2000: "500Hz", 1500: "667Hz", 1000: "1kHz", 500: "2kHz", 250: "4kHz", 125: "8kHz" } }, 1000: { defaultLooptime: 1000, looptimes: { 4000: "250Hz", 2000: "500Hz", 1000: "1kHz" } } }; }, getGyroFrequencies: function () { return { 125: { defaultLooptime: 1000, looptimes: { 4000: "250Hz", 3000: "334Hz", 2000: "500Hz", 1500: "667Hz", 1000: "1kHz", 500: "2kHz", 250: "4kHz", 125: "8kHz" } }, 1000: { defaultLooptime: 1000, looptimes: { 4000: "250Hz", 2000: "500Hz", 1000: "1kHz" } } }; }, getGyroLpfValues: function () { return [ { tick: 125, defaultDenominator: 16, label: "256Hz" }, { tick: 1000, defaultDenominator: 2, label: "188Hz" }, { tick: 1000, defaultDenominator: 2, label: "98Hz" }, { tick: 1000, defaultDenominator: 2, label: "42Hz" }, { tick: 1000, defaultDenominator: 2, label: "20Hz" }, { tick: 1000, defaultDenominator: 2, label: "10Hz" } ]; }, getGpsProtocols: function () { return [ 'NMEA', 'UBLOX', 'I2C-NAV', 'DJI NAZA', 'UBLOX7', 'MTK' ]; }, getGpsBaudRates: function () { return [ '115200', '57600', '38400', '19200', '9600' ]; }, getGpsSbasProviders: function () { return [ 'Autodetect', 'European EGNOS', 'North American WAAS', 'Japanese MSAS', 'Indian GAGAN', 'Disabled' ]; }, getSensorAlignments: function () { return [ 'CW 0°', 'CW 90°', 'CW 180°', 'CW 270°', 'CW 0° flip', 'CW 90° flip', 'CW 180° flip', 'CW 270° flip' ]; }, getEscProtocols: function () { return { 0: { name: "STANDARD", message: null, defaultRate: 400, rates: { 50: "50Hz", 400: "400Hz" } }, 1: { name: "ONESHOT125", message: null, defaultRate: 1000, rates: { 400: "400Hz", 1000: "1kHz", 2000: "2kHz" } }, 2: { name: "ONESHOT42", message: null, defaultRate: 2000, rates: { 400: "400Hz", 1000: "1kHz", 2000: "2kHz", 4000: "4kHz", 8000: "8kHz" } }, 3: { name: "MULTISHOT", message: null, defaultRate: 2000, rates: { 400: "400Hz", 1000: "1kHz", 2000: "2kHz", 4000: "4kHz", 8000: "8kHz" } }, 4: { name: "BRUSHED", message: null, defaultRate: 8000, rates: { 8000: "8kHz", 16000: "16kHz", 32000: "32kHz" } }, 5: { name: "DSHOT150", message: null, defaultRate: 4000, rates: { 4000: "4kHz" } }, 6: { name: "DSHOT300", message: null, defaultRate: 8000, rates: { 8000: "8kHz" } }, 7: { name: "DSHOT600", message: null, defaultRate: 16000, rates: { 16000: "16kHz" } }, 8: { name: "DSHOT1200", message: "escProtocolNotAdvised", defaultRate: 16000, rates: { 16000: "16kHz" } }, 9: { name: "SERIALSHOT", message: "escProtocolExperimental", defaultRate: 4000, rates: { 4000: "4kHz" } } }; }, getServoRates: function () { return { 50: "50Hz", 60: "60Hz", 100: "100Hz", 160: "160Hz", 330: "330Hz" }; }, getAsyncModes: function () { return [ 'Disabled', 'Gyro', 'All' ] }, getAccelerometerTaskFrequencies: function () { return { 100: '100Hz', 200: '200Hz', 250: '250Hz', 500: '500Hz', 750: '750Hz', 1000: '1kHz' } }, getAttitudeTaskFrequencies: function () { return { 100: '100Hz', 200: '200Hz', 250: '250Hz', 500: '500Hz', 750: '750Hz', 1000: '1kHz' } }, getOsdDisabledFields: function () { return []; }, getAccelerometerNames: function () { return [ "NONE", "AUTO", "ADXL345", "MPU6050", "MMA845x", "BMA280", "LSM303DLHC", "MPU6000", "MPU6500", "MPU9250", "BMI160", "ICM20689", "FAKE"]; }, getMagnetometerNames: function () { return ["NONE", "AUTO", "HMC5883", "AK8975", "GPSMAG", "MAG3110", "AK8963", "IST8310", "QMC5883", "MPU9250", "IST8308", "LIS3MDL", "FAKE"]; }, getBarometerNames: function () { if (semver.gte(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, "2.6.0")) { return ["NONE", "AUTO", "BMP085", "MS5611", "BMP280", "MS5607", "LPS25H", "SPL06", "BMP388", "DPS310", "FAKE"]; } else { return ["NONE", "AUTO", "BMP085", "MS5611", "BMP280", "MS5607", "LPS25H", "SPL06", "BMP388", "FAKE"]; } }, getPitotNames: function () { return ["NONE", "AUTO", "MS4525", "ADC", "VIRTUAL", "FAKE"]; }, getRangefinderNames: function () { return [ "NONE", "HCSR04", "SRF10", "INAV_I2C", "VL53L0X", "MSP", "UIB", "Benewake TFmini"]; }, getOpticalFlowNames: function () { return [ "NONE", "PMW3901", "CXOF", "MSP", "FAKE" ]; }, getArmingFlags: function () { return { 0: "OK_TO_ARM", 1: "PREVENT_ARMING", 2: "ARMED", 3: "WAS_EVER_ARMED", 8: "BLOCKED_UAV_NOT_LEVEL", 9: "BLOCKED_SENSORS_CALIBRATING", 10: "BLOCKED_SYSTEM_OVERLOADED", 11: "BLOCKED_NAVIGATION_SAFETY", 12: "BLOCKED_COMPASS_NOT_CALIBRATED", 13: "BLOCKED_ACCELEROMETER_NOT_CALIBRATED", 14: null, 15: "BLOCKED_HARDWARE_FAILURE", 26: "BLOCKED_INVALID_SETTING", } }, getArmingBlockingFlags: function() { var allFlags = this.getArmingFlags(), retVal = {}; for (var i in allFlags) { if (allFlags.hasOwnProperty(i) && parseInt(i, 10) >= 8 && allFlags[i] !== null) { retVal[i] = allFlags[i]; } } return retVal; }, getUserControlMode: function () { return [ "Attitude", "Cruise" ] }, getPidNames: function () { let list = [ 'Roll', 'Pitch', 'Yaw', 'Position Z', 'Position XY', 'Velocity XY', 'Surface', 'Level', 'Heading Hold', 'Velocity Z' ]; if (semver.gte(CONFIG.flightControllerVersion, '2.5.0')) { list.push("Nav Heading") } return list; }, getRthAltControlMode: function () { return ["Current", "Extra", "Fixed", "Max", "At least", "At least, linear descent"]; }, getRthAllowLanding: function() { return ["Never", "Always", "Only on failsafe"]; }, getFailsafeProcedure: function () { return { 0: "Land", 1: "Drop", 2: "RTH", 3: "Do Nothing", } }, getRcMapLetters: function () { return ['A', 'E', 'R', 'T']; }, isRcMapValid: function (val) { var strBuffer = val.split(''), duplicityBuffer = []; if (val.length != FC.getRcMapLetters().length) return false; // check if characters inside are all valid, also check for duplicity for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (FC.getRcMapLetters().indexOf(strBuffer[i]) < 0) return false; if (duplicityBuffer.indexOf(strBuffer[i]) < 0) duplicityBuffer.push(strBuffer[i]); else return false; } return true; }, getServoMixInputNames: function () { return [ 'Stabilized Roll', // 0 'Stabilized Pitch', // 1 'Stabilized Yaw', // 2 'Stabilized Throttle', // 3 'RC Roll', // 4 'RC Pitch', // 5 'RC Yaw', // 6 'RC Throttle', // 7 'RC Channel 5', // 8 'RC Channel 6', // 9 'RC Channel 7', // 10 'RC Channel 8', // 11 'Gimbal Pitch', // 12 'Gimbal Roll', // 13 'Flaps', // 14 'RC Channel 9', // 15 'RC Channel 10', // 16 'RC Channel 11', // 17 'RC Channel 12', // 18 'RC Channel 13', // 19 'RC Channel 14', // 20 'RC Channel 15', // 21 'RC Channel 16', // 22 'Stabilized Roll+', // 23 'Stabilized Roll-', // 24 'Stabilized Pitch+', // 25 'Stabilized Pitch-', // 26 'Stabilized Yaw+', // 27 'Stabilized Yaw-', // 28, 'MAX', // 29, 'GVAR 0', // 30 'GVAR 1', // 31 'GVAR 2', // 32 'GVAR 3', // 33 'GVAR 4', // 34 'GVAR 5', // 35 'GVAR 6', // 36 'GVAR 7', // 37 ]; }, getServoMixInputName: function (input) { return this.getServoMixInputNames()[input]; }, getModeId: function (name) { for (var i = 0; i < AUX_CONFIG.length; i++) { if (AUX_CONFIG[i] == name) return i; } return -1; }, isModeBitSet: function (i) { return bit_check(CONFIG.mode[Math.trunc(i / 32)], i % 32); }, isModeEnabled: function (name) { return this.isModeBitSet(this.getModeId(name)); }, getLogicOperators: function () { return { 0: { name: "True", hasOperand: [false, false], output: "boolean" }, 1: { name: "Equal", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 2: { name: "Greater Than", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 3: { name: "Lower Than", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 4: { name: "Low", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 5: { name: "Mid", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 6: { name: "High", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 7: { name: "AND", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 8: { name: "OR", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 9: { name: "XOR", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 10: { name: "NAND", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 11: { name: "NOR", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 12: { name: "NOT", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 13: { name: "STICKY", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "boolean" }, 14: { name: "ADD", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 15: { name: "SUB", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 16: { name: "MUL", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 17: { name: "DIV", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 18: { name: "GVAR SET", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "none" }, 19: { name: "GVAR INC", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "none" }, 20: { name: "GVAR DEC", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "none" }, 21: { name: "IO PORT SET", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "none" }, 22: { name: "OVERRIDE ARMING SAFETY", hasOperand: [false, false], output: "boolean" }, 23: { name: "OVERRIDE THROTTLE SCALE", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 29: { name: "OVERRIDE THROTTLE", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 24: { name: "SWAP ROLL & YAW", hasOperand: [false, false], output: "boolean" }, 25: { name: "SET VTX POWER LEVEL", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 30: { name: "SET VTX BAND", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 31: { name: "SET VTX CHANNEL", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 26: { name: "INVERT ROLL", hasOperand: [false, false], output: "boolean" }, 27: { name: "INVERT PITCH", hasOperand: [false, false], output: "boolean" }, 28: { name: "INVERT YAW", hasOperand: [false, false], output: "boolean" }, 32: { name: "SET OSD LAYOUT", hasOperand: [true, false], output: "boolean" }, 33: { name: "SIN", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 34: { name: "COS", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 35: { name: "TAN", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 36: { name: "MAP INPUT", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" }, 37: { name: "MAP OUTPUT", hasOperand: [true, true], output: "raw" } } }, getOperandTypes: function () { return { 0: { name: "Value", type: "value", min: -1000000, max: 1000000, step: 1, default: 0 }, 1: { name: "RC Channel", type: "range", range: [1, 16], default: 1 }, 2: { name: "Flight", type: "dictionary", default: 0, values: { 0: "ARM timer [s]", 1: "Home distance [m]", 2: "Trip distance [m]", 3: "RSSI", 4: "Vbat [deci-Volt] [1V = 10]", 5: "Cell voltage [deci-Volt] [1V = 10]", 6: "Current [centi-Amp] [1A = 100]", 7: "Current drawn [mAh]", 8: "GPS Sats", 9: "Ground speed [cm/s]", 10: "3D speed [cm/s]", 11: "Air speed [cm/s]", 12: "Altitude [cm]", 13: "Vertical speed [cm/s]", 14: "Throttle position [%]", 15: "Roll [deg]", 16: "Pitch [deg]", 17: "Is Armed", 18: "Is Autolaunch", 19: "Is Controlling Altitude", 20: "Is Controlling Position", 21: "Is Emergency Landing", 22: "Is RTH", 23: "Is WP", 24: "Is Landing", 25: "Is Failsafe", 26: "Stabilized Roll", 27: "Stabilized Pitch", 28: "Stabilized Yaw", 29: "Current Waypoint Index", 30: "Current Waypoint Action", 31: "3D home distance [m]" } }, 3: { name: "Flight Mode", type: "dictionary", default: 0, values: { 0: "Failsafe", 1: "Manual", 2: "RTH", 3: "Position Hold", 4: "Cruise", 5: "Altitude Hold", 6: "Angle", 7: "Horizon", 8: "Air" } }, 4: { name: "Logic Condition", type: "range", range: [0, 15], default: 0 }, 5: { name: "Global Variable", type: "range", range: [0, 7], default: 0 } } } };