function tab_initialize_servos() { ga_tracker.sendAppView('Servos'); GUI.active_tab = 'servos'; var model = $(' strong.model'); var servos = []; // request current Servos Config send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, false, function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SERVO_CONF, MSP_codes.MSP_SERVO_CONF, false, function() { // drop previous table $(' table.fields tr:not(:first)').remove(); switch (CONFIG.multiType) { case 1: // TRI // looking ok so far model.html('TRI'); process_directions('YAW', 5, 0); process_servos('Yaw Servo', '', 5, false); servos = [5]; break; case 4: // BI // looking ok so far model.html('BI'); process_directions('L YAW', 4, 1); process_directions('R YAW', 5, 1); process_directions('L NICK', 4, 0); process_directions('R NICK', 5, 0); process_servos('Left Servo', '', 4, false); process_servos('Right Servo', '', 5, false); servos = [4, 5]; break; case 5: // Gimbal // Gimbal doesn't seem to be supported for now model.html('Doesn\'t support servos'); /* model.html('Gimbal'); process_servos('Pitch Servo', '', SERVO_CONFIG[0]); process_servos('Roll Servo', '', SERVO_CONFIG[1]); servos = [0, 1]; */ break; case 8: // Flying Wing // looking ok so far model.html('Flying Wing'); process_directions('L ROLL', 3, 1); process_directions('R ROLL', 4, 1); process_directions('L NICK', 3, 0); process_directions('R NICK', 4, 0); process_servos('Left Wing', '', 3, false); process_servos('Right Wing', '', 4, false); servos = [3, 4]; break; case 14: // Airplane // not implemented yet (rates in %) model.html('Doesn\'t support servos'); /* model.html('Airplane'); // rate process_servos('Wing 1', '', SERVO_CONFIG[3]); process_servos('Wing 2', '', SERVO_CONFIG[4]); process_servos('Rudd', '', SERVO_CONFIG[5]); process_servos('Elev', '', SERVO_CONFIG[6]); servos = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; */ break; case 20: // Dualcopter // looking ok so far model.html('Dualcopter'); process_directions('PITCH', 4, 0); process_directions('ROLL', 5, 0); process_servos('Roll', '', 5, false); process_servos('Nick', '', 4, false); servos = [4, 5]; break; case 21: // Singlecopter // looking ok so far model.html('Singlecopter'); process_servos('Right', 'R YAW', 3, true); process_servos('Left', 'L YAW', 4, true); process_servos('Front', 'F YAW', 5, true); process_servos('Rear', 'YAW', 6, true); servos = [3, 4, 5, 6]; break; default: model.html('Doesn\'t support servos'); } }); }); // UI hooks $('a.update').click(function() { // update bitfields $(' table.directions tr:not(".main")').each(function() { var info = $('select', this).data('info'); var val = parseInt($('select', this).val()); // in this stage we need to know which bitfield and which bitposition needs to be flipped if (val) SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = bit_set(SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate, info.bitpos); else SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = bit_clear(SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate, info.bitpos); }); // update the rest $(' table.fields tr:not(".main")').each(function() { var info = $(this).data('info'); if ($('.middle input', this).is(':disabled')) { var val = $('.channel input:checked', this).index(); SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].middle = parseInt(val); } else { SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].middle = parseInt($('.middle input', this).val()); } SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].min = parseInt($('.min input', this).val()); SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].max = parseInt($('.max input', this).val()); // update rate if direction fields exist if ($('.direction input', this).length) { if ($('.direction input:first', this).is(':checked')) SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = bit_set(SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate, 0); else SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = bit_clear(SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate, 0); if ($('.direction input:last', this).is(':checked')) SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = bit_set(SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate, 1); else SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate = bit_clear(SERVO_CONFIG[info.obj].rate, 1); } }); // send settings over to mcu var buffer_out = []; var needle = 0; for (var i = 0; i < SERVO_CONFIG.length; i++) { buffer_out[needle++] = lowByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].min); buffer_out[needle++] = highByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].min); buffer_out[needle++] = lowByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].max); buffer_out[needle++] = highByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].max); buffer_out[needle++] = lowByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].middle); buffer_out[needle++] = highByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].middle); buffer_out[needle++] = lowByte(SERVO_CONFIG[i].rate); } send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_SERVO_CONF, buffer_out); // Save changes to EEPROM send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE); }); } function process_directions(name, obj, bitpos) { var val; $(' table.directions').append('\ \ ' + name + '\ \ \ \ \ '); if (bit_check(SERVO_CONFIG[obj].rate, bitpos)) val = 1; else val = 0; $(' table.directions tr:last select').val(val); $(' table.directions tr:last select').data('info', {'obj': obj, 'bitpos': bitpos}); } function process_servos(name, alternate, obj, directions) { $(' table.fields').append('\ \ ' + name + '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' + name + '\ ' + alternate + '\ \ \ '); if (SERVO_CONFIG[obj].middle <= 7) { $(' table.fields tr:last td.middle input').prop('disabled', true); $(' table.fields tr:last').find('input').eq(SERVO_CONFIG[obj].middle).prop('checked', true); } if (directions == true) { $(' table.fields tr:last td.direction input:first').prop('checked', bit_check(SERVO_CONFIG[obj].rate, 0)); $(' table.fields tr:last td.direction input:last').prop('checked', bit_check(SERVO_CONFIG[obj].rate, 1)); } else if (directions == 2) { // reserved for rate } else { $(' table.fields tr:last td.direction').html(''); } $(' table.fields tr:last').data('info', {'obj': obj}); // UI hooks $(' table.fields tr:last').find('input').click(function() { if($(this).is(':checked')) { $(this).parent().parent().find('td.middle input').prop('disabled', true); $(this).parent().find('input').not($(this)).prop('checked', false); } else { $(this).parent().parent().find('td.middle input').prop('disabled', false).val(1500); } }); }