You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

385 lines
13 KiB

'use strict';
var Settings = (function () {
let self = {};
self.configureInputs = function() {
var inputs = [];
$('[data-setting!=""][data-setting]').each(function() {
return Promise.mapSeries(inputs, function (input, ii) {
var settingName ='setting');
var inputUnit ='unit');
return mspHelper.getSetting(settingName).then(function (s) {
// Check if the input declares a parent
// to be hidden in case of the setting not being available.
// Otherwise, default to hiding its parent
var parent = input.parents('.setting-container:first');
if (parent.length == 0) {
parent = input.parent();
if (!s) {
// Setting doesn't exist.
input.prop('title', 'CLI: ' +'setting'));
if (input.prop('tagName') == 'SELECT' || s.setting.table) {
if (input.attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
input.prop('checked', s.value > 0);
} else {
for (var ii = s.setting.min; ii <= s.setting.max; ii++) {
var name = (s.setting.table ? s.setting.table.values[ii] : null);
if (name) {
var localizedName = chrome.i18n.getMessage(name);
if (localizedName) {
name = localizedName;
} else {
// Fallback to the number itself
name = ii;
var option = $('<option/>').attr('value', ii).text(name);
if (ii == s.value) {
option.prop('selected', true);
} else if (s.setting.type == 'string') {
} else if (s.setting.type == 'float') {
input.attr('type', 'number');
let dataStep ="step");
if (dataStep !== undefined) {
input.attr('step', dataStep);
} else {
input.attr('step', "0.01");
input.attr('min', s.setting.min);
input.attr('max', s.setting.max);
} else {
var multiplier = parseFloat('setting-multiplier') || 1);
input.val((s.value / multiplier).toFixed(Math.log10(multiplier)));
input.attr('type', 'number');
if (typeof s.setting.min !== 'undefined' && s.setting.min !== null) {
input.attr('min', (s.setting.min / multiplier).toFixed(Math.log10(multiplier)));
if (typeof s.setting.max !== 'undefined' && s.setting.max !== null) {
input.attr('max', (s.setting.max / multiplier).toFixed(Math.log10(multiplier)));
// If data is defined, We want to convert this value into
// something matching the units
self.convertToUnitSetting(input, inputUnit);'setting-info', s.setting);
if ('live')) {
input.change(function() {
* @param {JQuery Element} input
* @param {String} inputUnit Unit from HTML Dom input
self.convertToUnitSetting = function (element, inputUnit) {
// One of the following;
// none, OSD, imperial, metric
const configUnitType = globalSettings.unitType;
// Small closure to grab the unit as described by either
// the app settings or the app OSD settings, confused? yeah
const getUnitDisplayTypeValue = () => {
// Try and match the values
switch (configUnitType) {
case UnitType.imperial:
return 0;
case UnitType.metric:
return 1;
case UnitType.OSD: // Match the OSD value on the UI
return globalSettings.osdUnits;
case UnitType.none:
return -1;
// Sets the int value of the way we want to display the
// units. We use the OSD unit values here for easy
const uiUnitValue = getUnitDisplayTypeValue();
const oldValue = element.val();
//display names for the units
const unitDisplayDames = {
// Misc
'us' : "uS",
'cw' : 'cW',
'percent' : '%',
'cmss' : 'cm/s/s',
// Time
'msec' : 'ms',
'dsec' : 'ds',
'sec' : 's',
// Angles
'deg' : '&deg;',
'decideg' : 'deci&deg;',
// Temperature
'decidegc' : 'deci&deg;C',
'degc' : '&deg;C',
'degf' : '&deg;F',
// Speed
'cms' : 'cm/s',
'v-cms' : 'cm/s',
'ms' : 'm/s',
'kmh' : 'Km/h',
'mph' : 'mph',
'hftmin' : 'x100 ft/min',
'fts' : 'ft/s',
'kt' : 'Kt',
// Distance
'cm' : 'cm',
'm' : 'm',
'km' : 'Km',
'm-lrg' : 'm', // Metres, but converted to larger units
'ft' : 'ft',
'mi' : 'mi',
'nm' : 'NM'
// Ensure we can do conversions
if (!inputUnit || !oldValue || !element) {
//this is used to get the factor in which we multiply
//to get the correct conversion, the first index is the from
//unit and the second is the too unit
//unitConversionTable[toUnit][fromUnit] -> factor
const unitRatioTable = {
'cm' : {
'm' : 100,
'ft' : 30.48
'm' : {
'm' : 1,
'ft' : 0.3048
'm-lrg' : {
'km' : 1000,
'mi' : 1609.344,
'nm' : 1852
'cms' : { // Horizontal speed
'kmh' : 27.77777777777778,
'kt': 51.44444444444457,
'mph' : 44.704,
'ms' : 100
'v-cms' : { // Vertical speed
'ms' : 100,
'hftmin' : 50.8,
'fts' : 30.48
'msec' : {
'sec' : 1000
'dsec' : {
'sec' : 10
'decideg' : {
'deg' : 10
'decidegc' : {
'degc' : 10,
'degf' : 'FAHREN'
//this holds which units get converted in which unit systems
const conversionTable = {
0: { //imperial
'cm' : 'ft',
'm' : 'ft',
'm-lrg' : 'mi',
'cms' : 'mph',
'v-cms' : 'fts',
'msec' : 'sec',
'dsec' : 'sec',
'decideg' : 'deg',
'decidegc' : 'degf',
1: { //metric
'cm': 'm',
'm' : 'm',
'm-lrg' : 'km',
'cms' : 'kmh',
'v-cms' : 'ms',
'msec' : 'sec',
'dsec' : 'sec',
'decideg' : 'deg',
'decidegc' : 'degc',
2: { //metric with MPH
'cm': 'm',
'm' : 'm',
'm-lrg' : 'km',
'cms' : 'mph',
'v-cms' : 'ms',
'decideg' : 'deg',
'msec' : 'sec',
'dsec' : 'sec',
'decidegc' : 'degc',
3:{ //UK
'cm' : 'ft',
'm' : 'ft',
'm-lrg' : 'mi',
'cms' : 'mph',
'v-cms' : 'fts',
'decideg' : 'deg',
'msec' : 'sec',
'dsec' : 'sec',
'decidegc' : 'degc',
4: { //General aviation
'cm' : 'ft',
'm' : 'ft',
'm-lrg' : 'nm',
'cms': 'kt',
'v-cms' : 'hftmin',
'decideg' : 'deg',
'msec' : 'sec',
'dsec' : 'sec',
'decidegc' : 'degc',
default:{}//show base units
//this returns the factor in which to multiply to convert a unit
const getUnitMultiplier = () => {
if (conversionTable[uiUnitValue]){
const fromUnits = conversionTable[uiUnitValue];
if (fromUnits[inputUnit]){
const multiplier = unitRatioTable[inputUnit][fromUnits[inputUnit]];
return {'multiplier':multiplier, 'unitName':fromUnits[inputUnit]};
return {multiplier:1, unitName:inputUnit};
// Get the default multi obj or the custom
const multiObj = getUnitMultiplier();
const multiplier = multiObj.multiplier;
const unitName = multiObj.unitName;
// Update the step, min, and max; as we have the multiplier here.
if (element.attr('type') == 'number') {
element.attr('step', ((multiplier != 1) ? '0.01' : '1'));
if (multiplier != 'FAHREN') {
element.attr('min', (element.attr('min') / multiplier).toFixed(2));
element.attr('max', (element.attr('max') / multiplier).toFixed(2));
// Update the input with a new formatted unit
let newValue = "";
if (multiplier == 'FAHREN') {
element.attr('min', toFahrenheit(element.attr('min')).toFixed(2));
element.attr('max', toFahrenheit(element.attr('max')).toFixed(2));
newValue = toFahrenheit(oldValue).toFixed(2);
} else {
const convertedValue = Number((oldValue / multiplier).toFixed(2));
newValue = Number.isInteger(convertedValue) ? Math.round(convertedValue) : convertedValue;
element.val(newValue);'setting-multiplier', multiplier);
// Now wrap the input in a display that shows the unit
element.wrap(`<div data-unit="${unitDisplayDames[unitName]}" class="unit_wrapper unit"></div>`);
function toFahrenheit(decidegC) {
return (decidegC / 10) * 1.8 + 32;
self.saveInput = function(input) {
var settingName ='setting');
var setting ='setting-info');
var value;
if (typeof setting == 'undefined') {
return null;
if (setting.table) {
if (input.attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
value = input.prop('checked') ? 1 : 0;
} else {
value = parseInt(input.val());
} else if(setting.type == 'string') {
value = input.val();
} else {
var multiplier ='setting-multiplier') || 1;
if (multiplier == 'FAHREN') {
value = Math.round(((parseFloat(input.val())-32) / 1.8) * 10);
} else {
multiplier = parseFloat(multiplier);
value = Math.round(parseFloat(input.val()) * multiplier);
return mspHelper.setSetting(settingName, value);
self.saveInputs = function() {
var inputs = [];
$('[data-setting!=""][data-setting]').each(function() {
return Promise.mapSeries(inputs, function (input, ii) {
return self.saveInput(input);
self.processHtml = function(callback) {
return function() {
self.getInputValue = function(settingName) {
return $('[data-setting="' + settingName + '"]').val();
return self;