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# Variables
NAME = Switchery
# Paths
COMPONENT_BUILD = node_modules/.bin/component-build
COMPONENT_INSTALL = node_modules/.bin/component-install
UGLIFYJS = node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs
UGLIFYCSS = node_modules/uglifycss/uglifycss
JS_DEST = dist/switchery.js
JS_MIN_DEST = dist/switchery.min.js
CSS_DEST = dist/switchery.css
CSS_MIN_DEST = dist/switchery.min.css
# All
all: install
# Install
install: node_modules components build
# Make a new development build
build: components switchery.js switchery.css
# Install components (+ dev)
components: component.json
# Make a standalone version that doesn't depend on component etc.
standalone: build components
@mv build.js $(JS_DEST)
@mv build.css $(CSS_DEST)
@$(UGLIFYJS) $(JS_DEST) --output $(JS_MIN_DEST)
# Install Node.js modules
@npm install
# Clean all
clean: clean-components clean-node
# Clean components & build
@rm -rf build
@rm -rf components
# Clean the installed Node.js modules
@rm -rf node_modules
# Instructions
.PHONY: clean build components